View Full Version : Worms!!!

Edwina's Secretary
04-21-2004, 10:13 AM
The cat clinic just called. I need to go pick up the worm treatment for Edwina and Eddie. I'm not sure whose poop I took in during Edwina's physical last week but they both need treatment.

This should be interesting!

Cinder & Smoke
04-21-2004, 10:48 AM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary
... I'm not sure whose poop I took in during
Edwina's physical last week...


Just *hope* you never have to collect :eek: urine samples!

Now THAT can be (not) *phunn*! :rolleyes:

And if you remember back when Smokey first arrived...
We spent *quite a while* wandering around in the front yard
one COLD winter night waiting for him to relinquish a
*pooh* sample to take in for Show & Tell at the White Coat Lab...

Since he refused to "DO it" on-leash -
I let him wander OFF-leash to *get in the mood*...
THEN my hands were so cold I couldn't "tell" :( if
I'd picked up the correct "sample" :mad: !
(They ALL tend to look the same with a flashlight at midnight
in the front yard!)

"Scooping" from the litter box seems like a "piece of cake" -
*pun* intended! :p

Hope the :eek: *worms* beat a hasty retreat!!

(*WATCH* your finners when giving the PurrKids their "treats"!)

/s/ Phred

04-21-2004, 11:01 AM
Sorry to hear one of or both the E's have got worms. :( At least it can be treated easily - I expect! ;) Which kind of worms are they? The long white ones should be easy to spot - they seem to grow out of their behind as if they've been fertilised.

For how long will they need the treatment? I know you're about to travel, so I hope they only need one dose, or the person who look after them can get the rest down their throats!

Good luck!! :)

04-21-2004, 01:29 PM
Edwina, I'm so sorry to hear about this embarrasing turn of events. I'm sure it's Eddie that has the worms. A lady such as yourself could never have this problem.

Nevertheless, I'm sure you'll triumph over this obstacle with your usual charm and grace. :D

04-21-2004, 02:33 PM
Randi, don't be so graphic!:p :rolleyes:

I hope the E's get soon rid of the worms!

04-21-2004, 02:44 PM
You know, I've never had a cat with worms and I'm sure it would kind of freak me out if I ever saw one hanging out of a kitty's butt.:eek:

Hope you both get better real soon E's.

Edwina's Secretary
04-21-2004, 05:15 PM
They must be very special worms -- the medicine was $75!!! They each get one and a half pills today and then two pills on May 12. So that's about $10/pill!

I'll wait until my husband comes home. I wouldn't want him to miss out on the pilling experience.

(BTW...I am the official pooper scooper and I have NEVER noticed any worms!!!)

04-21-2004, 05:20 PM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary
They must be very special worms Of course they are! We wouldn't expect anything but special worms from Lady Edwina ... :p

I feel for you ... pilling TWO cats! Yikes!

Cinder & Smoke
04-21-2004, 06:15 PM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary
They must be very special worms --
the medicine was $75!!! ... $10/pill!

>>> :eek: <<<

I'll wait until my husband comes home.
I wouldn't want him to miss out
on the pilling experience. >> :D <<

You guys should REALLY use a Pill Shooter/Gun!!

It's SOOO EEEEzEE to Pill da Kat with one of those!!

No blood, no scars, no *lost* pills, no *FUSS*!!

Let's see...
TWO Hoominz (FOUR Hands & TWENTY Finnerz);
WUN + 1/2 Pillz;
and WUN KAT (ok - times 2)...
*I* put my munnie onna KATs!! :p :D

04-21-2004, 11:49 PM
Sara, Phred is right! The pill popper saved my life and my arms and hands when I needed it.

I found that if you aren't standing right in front of the litter box and check before they cover it up - you will never see a worm.

However, the giveway was the specks of "sesame seeds" where they had been sleeping.

My poor kitties always get the supervision when they use the litter box and they are never happy about it.

04-22-2004, 12:50 AM
Sara, I'm sorry to hear that the E's have worms but I'm glad that it's something that's easily treatable. Sky had tapeworms last year and just had to take 2 drontal pills and then 2 more 3 weeks later. I don't remember them being very expensive either and this medicine is supposed to kill all types of worms. Good luck.

04-22-2004, 02:09 AM
I'll wait until my husband comes home. I wouldn't want him to miss out on the pilling experience.


04-22-2004, 04:35 AM
OMG! For that price you'd think they were growing pearls!

Your best chance is when they're totally relaxed - take them by surprize! With Fister it works best when you come up and scritch him, stick your finger in from the side and pop the pill down. Then keep his mouth closed and stroke his throat, that usually works. :)We'll be anxiously waiting to hear if they svallowed! :D

04-22-2004, 08:00 AM
Originally posted by Randi
OMG! For that price you'd think they were growing pearls!

Your best chance is when they're totally relaxed - take them by surprize!

There is no such thing like a kitty who is easier to handle when surprised :D

stick your finger in from the side and pop the pill down.

...because you have 20 fingers so one or two less won't matter.

Then keep his mouth closed and stroke his throat, that usually works. :)

What do you do with his paws while you keep the mouth closed?


04-22-2004, 08:29 AM
Good thing that worm treatments are usually one or two treatments and that is it. Hope the two E's will be over those nasty worms soon!! I suppose that we might have the same issue here, especially since Mimi and Butter go outside often. Wonder if they ought to just be treated annually, by the vet, to make sure?


Edwina's Secretary
04-22-2004, 10:35 AM
Well, they are pilled....or at least we think so. We did not find any stray pills.

We did Edwina first....she was her usual self ...:rolleyes: she bit her own tongue! But she is smaller and easier (Ha!) to control. She made a noise I had not heard before --- quite horrid.

Meanwhile, Eddie could see something was up and it wasn't good. He took off to hide. Tried out some of his places from when he first came to live with us. Lots of chasing. We tried wrapping the pill in turkey...Nothing worked. We got one down his throat. We coated the second one with his beloved German vitamin paste. He ate it !!!!!!! Thank you Barbara!

They were both quite ticked off at us but now Edwina has figured out the bags are packed for a long weekend trip so she is being extra lovey.

All's well that ends well. We'll see on May 12th!

04-22-2004, 11:14 AM
Awww the Poor E's. :(

I hope they get better soon!

04-23-2004, 10:16 AM
Yuck, wormies. Monte had them...little sesame seeds on his bum, like he had sat on a bagel:eek:

I hope the Es are de-wormied fast!

leslie flenner
04-23-2004, 09:35 PM
are segments of tape worms. They actually have a symbiotic relationship with cats so not to worry. I remember a few years ago, friend who had treated a foster cat one dose or so, a couple days later, the entire tape worm was thrown up. She could see the mouth where it attaches to the inside of the intestine! (We were chatting on the phone when she found it and she suddenly screamed, "Oh my f....ing god!") when she discovered it. She was frantic in her description of the disgusting thing!
Quite unusual to see because, well, one just rarely gets the opportunity!

04-24-2004, 05:38 AM
Oh yuck I now know more about Worms than I ever wanted too (Not difficukt really)

We are doing the worming thing today too, as my cats are inside/outside they get wormed every three months need it or not.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-24-2004, 07:17 AM
Oh god, I think I'm going to be sick - thanks Leslie. ;) :) I'm now with PIF and know more about worms than I ever needed to know.

Sorry to hear about the E's. Do you think Eddie brought them in with him? Sounds like the pilling went relatively ok. ;) Hope they're better soon! :)

04-24-2004, 03:55 PM
EEWWWWWWW Leslie.........Thanks for the visualizations.

Just joking...actually I find it quite interesting. I've had no experience with worms at all but thanks to this thread I now know what to watch out for.

How are the E's doing now Sara?

leslie flenner
04-24-2004, 09:26 PM
You all are so interested...all kittens are born with round worms. those are the ones that you have to watch out for in the litter box cuz all cats walking through the same litter box or washing the kittens bum will get them- they are so common. And they are not round. They are spagetti. And to see a live one is truely disgusting. And to see a cat INFESTED is the worst! they can be either pooped out in a big blob of moving spagetti (friend of mine witnessed at shelter) or puked up- which is a bad sign. I have seen single live round worms and many dead. The dead look like dried spagetti in the litter box.

leslie flenner
04-24-2004, 09:28 PM
Lung worm. Have no idea what it looks like but i had 3 feral kittens treated for it a few years ago. the vet said they no little about it but likely from eating birds or mice. they were treated with antibiotics and are still with me.
Eye worm is supposedly only in California - I have no idea what that might look like.

04-24-2004, 09:46 PM
So are all those worms transferrable to humans???
Can adult indoor only cats get worms?
If I'm around a cat with worms can I pass it on to my cats??
If all kittens are born with round worms, how come some don't get an outbreak??? Or is that statement wrong?

Oh so much learn......Just curious our the E's got worms.

leslie flenner
04-24-2004, 10:06 PM
You as a person cannot transfer worms to your cats but if you bring in a cat or kitten untreated for worms and they lick each other or share a litter box they can transfer. Cats poop out the eggs, other cats walk in the litter box and therefore get roundworm!

04-27-2004, 07:50 PM
;) ;) ;) Having 4 cats, worms are sometrhing I am quite familiar with. The most common worms for cats are round worms and Tape worms. Round worms are very visable they are long and white often looking like spaggetti noodles. Kittens are often born with them. They are easy to identify when your cat goes to the bathroom.You can get rid of them with a over the counter dewormer quite easily. Tape worm is easy to identify once you know what to look for.I have told numerous cat owners that their cat has worms and they didn't even know it! It is not very visable in the cats feces, but the worms tend to cling to the cats rear end. They look like little pieces of dry rice or sesame seeds. You may find them where ever your cat sleeps if you look closely. Generally the vet will give you 1 to 1 and a half pills I think they are called Dronsit they cost between 8 and 10 dollars a piece. usually one dose is enough. It is important that you make sure your cat is flea free or they will probably be right back, all it takes is one flea to transmit tape worm. Fleas carry tape worm larvae they transmit it to your cat and it grows into a long yucky worm in your cat. The little rice pieces that you see are actually just little segments of one long worm!! There are other less common and more serious worms such as heart worms that only your vet can diagnose. I hope your cats are now worm free and happy!!:) :) :) :)

05-03-2004, 08:56 AM
Sorry to have missed this thread. Worms are good in the garden, not in the tummy of a kitty.

Originally posted by Randi
OMG! For that price you'd think they were growing pearls!


05-04-2004, 10:17 PM
Sorry to be so graphic, but my Debra vomited live, wriggling "angel hair pasta" (roundworms) and this was well AFTER we had her stool sample tested and there was supposedly no infestation!!!:mad:

Apparently, not all worm infestations show up upon stool examination, so be forewarned!:(

She was a TNR so of course was outside exposed to who knows what, and the stool sample thing was part of her spaying and general health exam. I had decided to adopt her and introduce her into the househould. She had been strictly inside, recuperating from her surgery, when this barfing incident occured a few weeks later! :eek: Poor thing had these worms growing inside of her, undetected. A vet tech told me that it is common for a fecal exam NOT to show ALL worm infestation. So . . . what good is it???:confused:

My vet's recommendation to anyone who has cats that venture outdoors is to administer a Drontal pill every 3 months, as a precautionary/prevention tactic. Ingestion of one infected flea can initiate the internal parasite process.

From my experience, any cat trapped/rescued from outside that will be introduced into a household should undergo the injectable Drontal during physical examination, which should eliminate any worms right off the bat. No surprises at a later date!

leslie flenner
05-06-2004, 09:41 PM
I thought that was strictly for tape worm. We've always given strongid for roundworm (those angel hair moving worms!!!). It supposedly kills a few different kinds EXCEPT tape worm, eye worm, lung worm, and I don't know what else. But it's the standard med around here for all ferals and of course kittens. Strongid used to be given once every 3 weeks (dosages), but it's changed over the years and last I heard was one dose, then a 2nd a couple days later! What I difference in prescription! Like they don't even know what dosages exactly kills the worms and eggs!!
Ok- I'm thinking of droncid- I think. Is it the same as drontil?