View Full Version : Old Lab water problems

04-21-2004, 06:17 AM
Our sweetheart Tawny 13 years old, is having minor wetting problems, vet suggest first we look for natural control and she doesn't like to medicate too much. Tawny is on medicam for her knee problems. Has anyone heard of anything?

04-21-2004, 07:31 AM
We are treating our 14 year old female Lab with a hormone that the vet provided for us. She takes one capsule, every 3 days. I am not sure that it is as effective now as it was when we first started though. I bought a waterproof bed for Murphy and just wash the cover when she has an accident on it. Unfortunately, because we have so much carpet in our homes, I have had to block her in two rooms, but she has our other 3 dogs to keep her company.

Good luck.

Kona & Oreo's mom
04-21-2004, 09:50 AM
Oreo is a Lab and has had the same problem since she was young (she's 5 now). Her vet prescribed a hormone called diethylstibestrol (DES), which she takes 1 caspule twice a week. It has stopped the problem.

She had tried a different medication (phenylpropanolamine) before we found this one, but the side effect was that it made her very agitated and restless.

I hope that you can find a solution that works for you and her and that doesn't interfere with her knee medication. Best wishes--

04-21-2004, 12:21 PM
My Cody has had "leaking" problems since shortly after her spaying at age 1. She has been on phenylpropanolamine (Proin)siince around age 2 and it has worked wonders for 7 years now, with no untoward side effects. DES is another commonly prescribed drug and is also very effective, though it has the potential for more serious side effects (bone marrow depression) so periodic blood testing is advised. We chose not to treat Cody with meds at first, limiting her access to certain rooms, waterproofing her bed etc. After a while, she began to wet more frequently and in greater volumes (would wake up in a pool of urine) and our vet recomended we begin a regime with Proin. She's done great with it! I hope for the best for you and your sweetheart Tawney:) Tell her my Labbie Star sends happy tail wags and woofs! Check back when you can!

04-21-2004, 12:38 PM
Both Tonee and Shep-ee (in their old age, but not at the same time )took phenylpropanolamine, shortened to PPP. And it worked well. We slept with a plastic sheet on the bed for years and did the top blanket in laundry every day if there were accidents. The med's worked well. That is the reason our 3 girls now have their own bed.