View Full Version : Under the covers!!!

04-20-2004, 12:44 PM
I don't know about you, but every (other) cat I've had has HATED being under the covers. Even my RB cat Pookie, who would let me do ANYTHING to her, would not let me hold her under my covers. We all know Pickles is a special cat...

Last night Jason and I elected to sleep on the living room floor. We put out blankets and were watching tv. Pickles comes up and CRAWLS UNDER THE COVERS between us! He laid there for about 15 minutes! THEN he crawled down in between my legs and fell asleep! When I got home early this morning from my paper route, he crawled in between Jason's legs! He's never done this before. Perhaps now that we're not mad at him anymore he's trying to endear himself to us?:rolleyes:

Anyone else have a cat that does this?

04-20-2004, 12:51 PM
Rizzo won't stay under the covers. He always wants to know what IS staying under the covers, but he just makes a quick inspection and gets the heck out. But my old roommate's cat used to love it. If I took an afternoon nap, he'd come bury himself under the covers--often heavy ones, as I like to sleep bundled up--snuggle up in the crook of my knee, and sleep for hours. Used to scare me a little. I wasn't sure how he was breathing!!

:D Yep, Pickles is going out of his way to be endearing, isn't he?

04-20-2004, 12:56 PM
Tigger is an under cover kitty. It is her favorite place to sleep especially in the winter. In the summer it is a different story, if the A/C is too cold for her she will gladly go under the covers but if she is too hot she prefers to be between Mark and I.

Her brother Tony was like that too. His favorite spot was under the covers on my left side. He could sleep there all day and night if I let him.

04-20-2004, 01:38 PM
Tanner loves to spend time under the covers (and for some of it he even sleeps) ;) He likes to make biscuits on my bare arm (and lick it) every night. He usually does this at least two or three times during the night. But he can only do it while he is under the covers. Sometimes after that he will settle in by my stomach.

Growing up we had a cat (TOM) who loved to sleep under the covers!!! He would put his head on your pillow and stretch out for his full length.

04-20-2004, 01:59 PM
Kuhio was an "undercover" kitty. I'd even make a tent for her by mounding pillows under the cover so she could hide in her fort. When we'd go to the cabin, she crawl in our sleeping bags and curl up -- I don't know how she breathed -- the bags are pretty thick. :confused:

Cammie will get under the covers once in a while and so will Pepper. Halo can't imagine why anyone would want to such a thing -- but she likes to attack anything that moves under there. :D

Felicia's Mom
04-20-2004, 08:03 PM
Beau lay under the covers in cold weather. He like to lay in back of my knees.
Felicia goes just under the covers for a short length of time. She didn't do that before I got Beau. It's like she wants to see what Beau likes about it.
I also have an extra blanket on the couch that Beau gets under.

04-21-2004, 09:16 AM
Of all the Found Cats , Michael , is really the only one , that likes , being under the covers! And likePickles , he will sleep , pressed against my side!! My Pal Michael! The Orangie Angel!

04-21-2004, 01:29 PM
Originally posted by sirrahved
Perhaps now that we're not mad at him anymore he's trying to endear himself to us?:rolleyes:

Does this mean that the medicine is still working and no more spraying??? *fingers and paws crossed*:)

04-21-2004, 03:58 PM
Yes! Still no spraying! Plus, he doesn't always seem quite so "freaked out." He got really weird for a while...

04-21-2004, 04:01 PM
That's so great!!!! I was wondering yesterday whether Pickles' medication was working. Good for him! (and better for you!)

*scritchies for Pickles*

04-21-2004, 04:02 PM
First, congratulations about Pickles stopping his spraying!

Second, Pouncer LOVES to be under the covers, Allen's not so keen. Come to think of it, I don't ever remeber him him going under any covers. Pouncer will BEG for you to let him under the covers. Interesting observations Devon!

04-21-2004, 04:04 PM
Originally posted by sirrahved
Yes! Still no spraying! Plus, he doesn't always seem quite so "freaked out." He got really weird for a while...

This is GREAT news - maybe the reduction in testosterone thing? No more Arnold Schwarzekitty movies for Pickie!!

04-21-2004, 05:08 PM
Thank you, everyone, for your support and excitement! It was so stressful for a while, and it was so nice to know you guys were there for me. Jason and I are planning on keeping Pickles on his meds for at least a year, and then maybe weaning him after we go on vicarage.

It must be really nice for Pickles, too. He must have been miserable! I know he could tell we were resenting him, even though we tried our best not to.

Thanks also for sharing your undercover kitty stories! For a minute I thought it could be a weird side effect from the drugs:rolleyes:

04-21-2004, 05:12 PM
I'm SO HAPPY that the medication is working for Pickles! I know it must be a great relief for you all too! He reminds me so much of Leroy.
Speaking of Leroy! Leroy and Sammy are under cover kitties but mostly in the winter. Sammy must sleep between me and hubby completely under the comforter. Leroy likes to occasionally crawl under for a daytime nap.

Edwina's Secretary
04-21-2004, 05:58 PM
It chilled off during the night so our bedroom was cool this morning. When Edwina came for her snuggle she came under the covers with me. We snuggled awhile. When I finally had to get up she remained abed! (long enough for me to take a photo anyway, but not long enough for an excuse not to make the bed!)


04-21-2004, 05:58 PM
Corkscrew loves sleeping under the covers. He's so cute about it too, sometimes I like to wrap the covers around my tightly and Corkscrew can't get in, so he'll meow in my face until I lift up the covers for him :)

04-21-2004, 07:02 PM
So, am I hearing that this is just another one of those orangie quirks? lol. Orangies are definitely in a league of their own!

04-21-2004, 11:50 PM
Our cat, Dragon, is the only one of three who likes to go under the covers. She LOVES it... sometimes we don't know she is there and I go to make the bed and she is all bundled up under the covers. I can hardly make it then, can I? Anyway, if I try she gets indignant!

She is also a cat that lays across the heat register vents when it is winter time and the heat is pouring out. She likes to be WARM!

04-22-2004, 12:51 AM
Nutmeg will sleep under the covers, but not WITH me unless it's winter time. I never really make my bed (:o) so she can sleep there all day :)