View Full Version : Kia is full of....

04-14-2004, 09:41 AM
Well... not anymore.

I got home from work yesterday and the first thing I notice is this brown pile in her crate. A big sigh from me and then a smile reassuring her that I'm not mad.

I rush to get her out but as I got closer, I realized it was a bigger mess than I first thought. It was diarreha. All over. In her water bowl, all over her hedgehog, all over the crate pad.

Thankfully it was not all over her. Except for her paws.

I led her straight to the tub and washed off her paws (which she was NOT pleased about). This makes her third bath in a row...but more on that later.

I get to work cleaning the crate. Dumping the water bowl in the toilet was the worse. *gag*

Kia has retreated to the couch to give her feet a final 'bath'.

I ended up throwing away the water bowl, hedgehog, and crate pad. I get to work scrubbing the plastic floor of the crate.

I finish and head out to the living room to find that Kia is no longer on the couch, but leaving a trail of diarreha all over the carpet.

:mad: Now I'm just a wee bit peeved.

I put her outside and clean the carpets.

Afterwards I took her to the poop pen where she had yet more diarreha and this time there was blood. :eek:

I rush her back inside, call the vet, and explain the situation, wanting to know if I should bring her in. She said no and that it's normal for there to be some mucas and blood if there digestive tract is irritated. Told me to give her some Imodium AD and plenty of liquids. No solid food for 24 hours.

Took Kia to the pet store and bought her a new pad, water bowl, squeaky toy, and found some bland chicken, rice, and oatmeal wet food.

I gave her a couple spoon fulls when we got home and she turned her nose up to it. *sigh* She drank a little water and ate some grass while on our evening walk. A little more diarreha.

This morning there was no diarreha, but her tummy is making those gurgly noises. She piddled and ate more grass.

She was acting normal at the pet store... happy.. loving the attention... but as the day progressed she just looked more tired and sad. This morning she didn't even want to move. :( My poor girl.

This really hasn't been her week. Sunday, I took her to PetCo to be groomed and she BIT the groomer! :eek: Didn't break the skin but left a nasty mark. :(

Monday evening, she found something and rolled in it. :( Off to the bath with her.

Then of course last night....

Poor poor Kia.

Crossing my fingers that there is no more diarreha when I take her out!

04-14-2004, 09:54 AM
Oh no, not our poor Kia girl sick again:( I hope you feel better real soon sweetie.

Kim, I remember having to clean up messes like that in Angus's crate when he was a puppy. I totally sympathize with you.

I hope Kia is well enough by Sunday to come to Findlay! We'll be saying a prayer for her:)

Cinder & Smoke
04-14-2004, 10:04 AM
*pssssst*! ~ Kia!

Quit feelin bad, Gurl!
Bark Park at Findlay is comin rite up - kuppla daze!

Get yurself Flushed Out - an start praktissin wiff solid foods agin -
ya need to be able to eat Bisquitz on Sunday!!

Sure hope ya get ridda dat *bug* soon! ;)

04-14-2004, 10:17 AM
Thanks guys. :) I'm hoping it was just the chicken she had Monday night that didn't agree with her. Odd since she doesn't get chicken often and only gets a little as a treat.

Kona & Oreo's mom
04-14-2004, 10:18 AM
Poor Kia! I hope your tummy feels better soon, sweetie.

04-14-2004, 10:25 AM
Poor Kia!!! Killian sure can sympathize with you!! When his liver isn't working right, he has the same problem (except he likes to leave his diarrhea in my daughter's room.....go figure???). Scrubbed her carpet more often that I've scrubbed anything!!!! Planning on Pergo in the future. LOL

Hope it was just a tummy upset and you are all better quickly! I know you are just as upset as your Mommy, when you go in the house. Poor, sweetie! Get well quick!! Lucky you have such an understanding Mom!

04-14-2004, 10:57 AM
Gosh, Kia, hope you get this out of your system by next MONDAY!:)

Sara luvs her Tinky
04-14-2004, 11:27 AM

you poor puppy.... I am sorry your tummy is not feeling well!!!

*hugs* for you pretty girl.. hope you start feeling better soon!

04-14-2004, 11:30 AM
Poor baby Kia. :( I hope you will be better soon, sweetheart. You are so dear to all of us, and I hate it when you don't feel well. :( Hugs to you and Kimmy. :)

04-14-2004, 03:17 PM
Poor Kia!! It's no fun being sick (and no fun take care of a sick doggy either!!) Hope your tummy is feeling all better soon!!

04-14-2004, 08:53 PM
Aww, Kia. I'm so sorry to hear that you have been having such a bad week. I hope it is just an upset tummy and that you are feeling much better this evening. Get well soon, Kia!

Hang in there, Kimmy! Its always stressful and tough when our kids are feeling bad.


04-15-2004, 08:31 AM

No accidents when I got home, but just a little bloody poop during the potty break.

The evening was nice so we spent a lot of time outside and she wooed some new apartment folk. ;) :D

Ate all her dinner! (chicken broth and noodles, a little plain yogurt for dessert)

Was very playful this morning. :) She's feeling MUCH better. :D

Sara luvs her Tinky
04-15-2004, 11:16 AM
Kia, i am glad you are feeling better today!....

now tell your mommy to post some pictures!!!!;)

04-19-2004, 10:04 AM
I am glad to hear you recovered from your tummy upset Kia :) and it looks like you had fun at the Bark Park.