View Full Version : Cinder: Has "Conjunctivitis" in one eye...

Cinder & Smoke
04-13-2004, 06:43 PM
Dad sez my *timing* is jest great... :rolleyes:

SmokeMutt an Me gotz our "Annual Physicals" an Ouwie Shotz last munth -
March 5th ta be exzakt...
Ebberthin jest *peachy* wuz da report frum Doc Mike!
(Cept, sumbuddie "leaned" onna elevator tabul wiffa Poundz Dial when
*I* wuz ridin up - Gurl sed I read 49.5 "poundz".
:eek: sed Dad! Been gettin less Krunchies inna bowl ebber since!

Ennieway, things goin great... till Dad *looked* at me on March 27...
:eek: "What'z wrong wiff your EYE!!??"

Nuffin, Dad!
Well, dat dint werk...
March 29th we drop in on Doc Mike...

"Yup, sez Doc Mike -
looks like whut she had inna udder eye kupla years ago...
Use this Goop inna eye 3X a day; otta be better inna week."
Ten Buckz ($10) an we're out da door.

Week latur - Dad sez it ain't no better!
Back to Doc Mike...

He *looks* wiffa skope, he *flips* da eyeshades up & down,
he sez "Hmmmmmm".
Then da two Gulz and Dad *grab* a-hold an Doc takes a "scraping"
offa eyeshade an sitz down at his lil Teleskope onna desk...
More "Hmmmmmin"...
"It's not *mange*, no *bugz* crawlin around, jest some "Inflammation"...
Use these *dropz* AND the ointment.
Iffin it's not a LOT better inna week; she goes to see my
Eye Specialist Buddie - Doc Gary."

OK... so it wuz *Dropz* ANNA *Goop* fur a week.
Saturday Dad duz summore *Lookin*...

:eek: The "white" is ALL Around yur eye!
<dials Doc Gary>
Toozday, 8:45 AM iz da furst opnin. Dad takes it.

Tuday, Dad pops outta bed at da butt-crack-a-dawn...
Den we boff got a *brush* job... nebber do THAT ta go ta werk...??

Smokey hadda *wait* inna kar... wunder whut's up??
FANCEE Place; but it smellz like a Hoppsbittel...
Awwww, NUTZ! It IZ a Hoppsbittel!

"Step onna meter tabul, Cinder."
Doc Mike's meter must be wrong - onlee 47.2 reads poundz here!!

We're showed inna lil room...
Dad boosts me up onna tabul... an we *wait*.

Doc Gary comez in, sez "Howdy" to Dad, I get a nice pat onna hed.
Nice Guy!
He's readin allua notes Doc Mike Fax'd ober...

MORE *peekin* wiffa lil skope anna brite lite;
eyeshades get *flipped* up & down;
summore "Hummmmmin"... (Must be a Doc Thing.)

Doc sez he needz ta put sum *drops* in - to "dull" my eye...
4 *dropz* in; <wait> 5 minnitz; 4 more in; nudder <wait>...

Doc's back... tellz Dad to *hold* me firm (she won't feel a thing)...

<Dad appliez "Half Nelson" to me onna tabul>
OMG! He *grabz* my lower eyeshade wiffa *tweezers* an <eek> PULLZ it
out about a foot or two! GUD GRIEF!

"Oh Yeah! Her Third Eyelid is all *Inflamed* next to her eye!
We'll use a stronger Rx: for this!"

Den he 'splainz to Dad there's nuffin wrong wiffa EYE
(Eye itself is jest *peachy* - clear, not scratched,
no inflammation, responsive to light - jest "fine".) (*Wheeeew!*)
Problem izza "inflammation" uvva 3rd Eyelid.
Ok - so *FixZit*!

He'll Be rite back...
Back wiffa New lil jug a dropz, an <EEK> an Ouwie Stick!
WHASS'Zat for!?
Gonna help "reduce da inflammation". *JAB*
HEY! Dat wuz my BUTT ya stuck!

Then he lays a buncha BS on Dad...
How I wuz such a "Gud Patient"...
An how Dad did such a Gud Job holdin & comfortin me...
OH PaLeeze... where's da Bisquitz!?

We go out ta *see da Gurlz* an *settle up*...
OMG! $87.02!
($27.50! fur da Dropz, $19.52 fur da Ouwie Jab; $40 fur Doc)
(I guess Dad *likes* me!)

Dad'z writin out wunna his phunnie munnie papurs;
I'z makin *eyes* at da Gurls...
Got 3 Bisquits fur my trubbel an wun fur SmokeMutt.

So Dat'z My Tail... an I'z stickin to it.

I can finally *feel* my eye agin...
We gotta do *dropz* fua anudder week...
Doc sez it'll be 2 or 3 weeks affore da "color" returnz to
my eyeshade; but da swellin otta be gone inna week.

OH - an Dad axked about my goin ta Findlay on Sunday...
Doc sed A-OK ta go! I'z NOT "contagious"
an kant make any udder Dawggies "sick"!

SmokeMutt wuz glad ta see us boff come back out to da kar!
We had a "She's Gonna Be OK Partee" onna way to werk -
we all shared a Mickey-D Saussage Eggy McMuffin! :)


04-13-2004, 06:49 PM
Oh Boy - you sure have a way with words Cinder! :D

Glad you are A-OK to go to the "partee" ........

04-13-2004, 06:51 PM
Poor Cinder I'm sure dad does love you and glad you were a good girl. Glad you still get to go to the park day. Sorry you had to go though all that but now you'll get better. Merlin sends prayers to you.

04-13-2004, 06:51 PM
Awww, Cinners:D What a brave girl you were sweetie! Da good newz is dats yer eye is gonna be a-ok an ders no harm to yer vizion!!! AND yuz gets ta go to Findlay AND, fer bein' such a good girl, McyD's all around:D:D:D Wez hopes yer eyeballer's all fixed and back ta normal real soon, sweet girl:) Big hugs to yer daddy fer bein' on tops a every thing and to you fer bein' such a good patient:D Smokey, looks like you made out big time wif da McyD's:D Feel better soon, sweet, sweet Cinners and have fun at da park! HUGS!!!! Sandra, Cody and Star:)

04-13-2004, 07:02 PM
Cincy feels your pain Cinder...she had third eyelid problems when she was a baby...ut she had tohave surgery on both eyes!!! One lid was reattached, the other removed. She is thinking you got off purty lucky with just drops!!

Hope our eyes feeling better soon!

04-13-2004, 07:04 PM
Glad your eye is going to be alright, Cinder. I love the way you talk Cinder!


04-14-2004, 06:00 AM
Oh my goodness. Such an episode. Although I think we all find these stories amusing, we don't like to hear the problems for the pets. Fred, you write such funny stuff. I laughed all the way through the reading. If dogs and cats could talk, I am sure they would be saying exactly what you write! You have the gift, for sure.

I hope you wallet recovers. I have a rabbit check up visit for Saturday and have been saving up all week (no lunches) to pay for the visit. Cause right behind that visit, is another scheduled cash outlay for Chloe to be spayed. $$$$$$$$. We do love our pets!

So get well soon dear Cinder and enjoy all the extra attention from Dad!

SAS and her brats

Sara luvs her Tinky
04-14-2004, 06:16 AM

Cinder i am glad you are gonna be o.k.....

sorry you got a "owie stick"... but we can't have one of our fav-0-rite GSDoggies sick and not feelin well...

**get-well-kisses* for you Cinder!!

04-14-2004, 07:42 AM
Poor Cinder!!! :( I hope you will continue to get better every day, sweet girl. This ought to at least be good for lots of treats from your friends at the party on Sunday!!! :)

04-14-2004, 09:02 AM
Cinder dear, Carina and I send you best wishes for a quick recovery from your eye boo-boo so you can have lots of fun at Findlay Park on Sunday.

04-14-2004, 09:18 AM
Oh my Cinder!!! What an ordeal! :(

I hope your eye liddy feels better real soon! :)

04-14-2004, 09:25 AM
Oh no!!! Poor Cinder!!!!!!!

Shiloh has German Shepherd Pannus of the Third Eyelid in both eyes. See her thread on her diagnosis and trip to the EXPENSIVE Opthalmologist http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=42555

Shiloh's next $125 (just to walk in the door) visit is on May 4th. Her eyes look great now with the application of two ointments daily. I think her Dr. report will be a positive one, the treatment is working (I think so). However, if the treatment is not continued, the disease will progress and blindness would be the result.

Shiloh wants Cinder to know that if she lies on the floor nicely and rolls over to get the ointment put into both eyes.....maybe she will get CHEESE, like she gets!!!!!! Well worth the trouble!! What ointment are you using? She uses Tacrolimus (newer drug) and Neo/Poly/Dex.

Good luck to you, Cinder!!!

04-14-2004, 09:58 AM
Phew *wipes brow*! Glad to hear it's nothing that can't be fixed with a Rx!! I was scared there for a minute that you three wouldn't be able to come to Findlay, sure glad to hear that's not the case:D
See ya'll Sunday!

Kona & Oreo's mom
04-14-2004, 10:14 AM
I hope your eyelid feels better soon, Cinder! You got McDonalds AND three biscuits? You must have been very good!

Cinder & Smoke
04-14-2004, 10:32 AM
Originally posted by Sudilar

Shiloh wants Cinder to know that if she lies on the floor nicely
and rolls over to get the ointment put into both eyes.....
maybe she will get CHEESE, like she gets!!!!!!
Well worth the trouble!!

What ointment are you using?
She uses Tacrolimus (newer drug) and Neo/Poly/Dex.


Yur suppozed ta get TREETZ aftur da medicine!??? :confused: :mad:

GUD Grief!
Smokey! Call our Union Rep!

Whut Page is dat on inna Dawggie Bill a Rights?

Shiloh ~ Wish you'd told us sooner bout dat Treet Thing! :D

The First Ointment was
"Nemycin &Polymyxin B Sulfates, Bacitracin Zinc & Hydracortisone" -
an antibacterial ointment... which DID fix the problem two years
ago with the LEFT eye.

Yesterday's Rx: is "Prednisolone Sodium Phosphate 1%"
a steroid solution (drops) to "reduce inflammation".

Doc Gary thinks it's a "physical injury or irratation" -
not a medical or germ induced problem.
His theory is once the swelling & irratation stop aggravating
the 3rd eyelid - it will heal on its own.
(I hope he's *right*!!) ;)

04-14-2004, 10:43 AM
Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke

Whut Page is dat on inna Dawggie Bill a Rights?

Doc Gary thinks it's a "physical injury or irratation" -
not a medical or germ induced problem.
His theory is once the swelling & irratation stop aggravating
the 3rd eyelid - it will heal on its own.
(I hope he's *right*!!) ;)

Shiloh speaking:
(page 17, section 32.........maybe ya didn't read it cause it gets boring after a while....yawn)

Mom sez they started me on Dexamethasone at first thinking it was irritation, but.....it didn't work and they stopped it.

Glad ta hear your eye will probly heel on its own! An didin ya know all medical conditions call for TREETZ??? Hoomins feel sorry for us and we gotta use it to the max!!! We Dogs gotta stick together!

Hope ya feel better soon!


04-14-2004, 09:06 PM
Wow, Cinder, you sure have been through a lot. I'm sorry you have had to deal with all this. I'm so glad that you are still going to be able to make it on Sunday and I can't wait to see you. I'm hoping you have a quick recovery and that eye will feel better in no time at all. Big hugs for you, sweetie.

Robin :)

04-14-2004, 09:20 PM
Cinder, pretty girl, thanks for being such a good girl at the docs. A certain bunny could take lessons ...

You milk this for all the treats you can get, kiddo! Hope you feel all better soon.

04-16-2004, 07:30 AM
Howz ur eyeball today, Cinder?


04-16-2004, 09:42 AM
Hey Cinder,

Hope your eye is feeling & looking better every day sweetie.:)

Remember, summertime is coming & you want to be in tip-top
shape for dog parks and swimmin' holes.:D

Cinder & Smoke
04-16-2004, 09:44 AM
Dependz on WHOM yur askin... :rolleyes:

*I* fink it's jest *fine*... till Dad grabz ahold an squirtz thoze
durn dropz in it!

HE sez it's lookin a lil "better"...
Less puffie an I *open* it allua way...
But da Black Color is still not back onna eyeshade.

Luckie fur me - I don't "fuss" wiffit - or I'd be wearin a :eek: LampyShade!

We'll see how it looks next Toosday - that'll be a week since da
visit wiff Doc Gary anna new *dropz*.

Meantyme -
I guess I'll keep lookin like I furgotz da eyeliner :cool: onna right shade!

Big THANKS to ebberbuddie fur allua Get Well Wishez!!


Cinder & Smoke
04-16-2004, 09:57 PM
Whut *PHUNN* (NOT) we been havin...

Just got back frum da Photo Shoot -
I'm <poutin> unner the puter;
Dad's tryin ta figger out PhotoBucket...

We had da *shoot* out inna Shop -
usin a bench work lite stedda da Camera :eek: *FLASH*...
'Cept fur da Furst *Shot* - we he furgotz ta turn da *FLASH* OFF! :mad:

I wuzint too *happie* bout dat -
so I <squinted> fur most of da rest a da *shotz*!

Here we go...

My Right ("bad") eye >>

Compare to my Left ("good") eye >>

Da "bummer" again -
note the lack of pigment inna corner near my noze.
You can't really see any *swelling*, but the
lower eye lid IS a bit *puffy* >>

Da "gud one" again
Nice & Black all around my eyeshades >>

Obviously, SomeOne finks these Pix are gonna show up...
The Big Question is What SIZE are they gonna be...??

Here Goes... :rolleyes:

Thoze are a lil onna large size, Dad!
We need ta *praktiss* wiff PhotoBucket a lil more...

04-16-2004, 10:22 PM
Wow, Cinder!!! You have BIG eyes!!! LOL Hope you get better quick!

04-19-2004, 05:16 PM
Good girl Cinder, letting your dad take yer eye close ups! How are you doing? Hope your eye's doing lots better. It easy to see the big difference in your good and bad eyes:( Star and Cody send your slurpy licks and tail wags:) Have yer dad check in when he can:)

Cinder & Smoke
04-19-2004, 05:29 PM
*I* say da eye iz jest "fine"...

DAD keepz pourin *eye dropz* in... :rolleyes:

We're *watchin* it - seemz to be at least "OK" rite now...
Not botherin me; an I can "see" fine.

Dad sez we'll give it a day or two more -
then think about a return visit to wunna da White Coats
fur a check up.

We'll keep y'all *posted*! ;)

05-04-2004, 12:09 PM
HEY CINDER!!!!!!!!

Howse yer eyes doin'? I was thinkin bout ya this mornin when I was in for my check up with the eye lady (oftomoligist doc, Mom says). Doc says I'm controlled (hah, she dozin know me too good, doz she...hahaha) with the medicine. Today they poked my eyes again with some stuff to make me not feel that giant sun ray connected to a lookin thingy they stuck in my eyes! Doc was real happy with the "good results in GSDs with Tacrolimus Ointment". I got enuff medicine to stick in my eyes :rolleyes: for 6 months now before I haffta go back.

How r yur eyes doin??? All better yet?


05-04-2004, 12:26 PM
Hope your 'pinkie' eye is back to that pretty shade of 'black'. :D

05-04-2004, 12:52 PM
Human fingers and cat paws all crossed here that your eye is all better now too! :)

Cinder & Smoke
05-04-2004, 01:14 PM

THANKz fur askin, Guyz!!

Shiloh ~
Glad YUR Eyes are also "respondin to treatment"!
An how'z Big Burdder Killian doin theze daze?
Hope he's feelin GUD, too!!

Dad sez he'z "sorrie" fur not keepin this Tail uppy-to-date! :o

All da *pinkie* color went away kuppla daze aftur da Findlay Gathurin -
and * s l o w l y * returned to a nice BLACK ring-around-da-eye
like my left one! :)

Dad's still a lil *wurried* kuz HE sez I dont "open" da right wun
quite az wide az I open da left wun... :rolleyes:
But *I* say it's jest FINE an leave it ALONE!

My lil Jug a Dropz seemz like it's a Bottomless Pit :mad: ...
I'z waitin fur it to go *pffffft* an finally get
tossed away - but it keepz goin *plink*plink* onna eyeball
ebery tyme he calls me ober fur anudder "treatment".
We'z ALL startin to *wunder* jest How Many zillion Dropz ya
can squeeze outta WUN lil 5 ml. jug!??

I sorta 'spekt we're going back to wunna da White Coats fur
a check-em-up - but so far we haven't headed that way inna kar.
I fink da "plan" iz to wait a kupla daze aftur da Dropz quit
dropping outta da jug and see iffin :eek: da *pinkie* color
stayz away.

Gud Grief!
He jest got Two More Dropz outta da jug...
WHERE'z dat stuff commin frum!?
Dad keepz *shakin* da jug, duz a :rolleyes: -
an managez to find two more *dropz* ebery tyme!

Maybe I can get da KAT to *hockey-puck* da lil jug under da kouwch
an outta site tanite! :D

THANKS agin fur askin bout me!! ;)

/s Cinder Dawg

05-04-2004, 01:30 PM
Glad u r doin good, Cinder. Just think, I gotta put the stinkin oinments in my eyes 2 times a day........forever!:eek: Da only good thing bout it is I getta piece a cheese ta make me feel better. Hahaha, thats okey-dokey then, by me! Killi gets a piece too cause, wellll...just cause he's Killi.
Thanks fur askin bout Killi. He was sick last week, but he's better this week. Mom always worries bout him and I do too. Ya never know wit him.:(

Glad ur better. Let us know what the checkup vet says.

05-06-2004, 12:43 AM
Glad that Cinder's eye is looking better, I remember it was pretty pink at the park.

05-06-2004, 10:30 AM
i am very glad you're going to be ok cinder, you really do have a way with words.

Cinder & Smoke
05-06-2004, 01:23 PM
Originally posted by shais_mom

I remember it was pretty pink at the park.

Phunnie about dat...

When we furst saw Doc Mike,
Dad sed he thunk sumpin wuz wrong when my eyeshade turned "WHITE"...

Doc Mike anna Gurls kinda gave Dad da ole :confused: look -
but dint *SAY* nuffin.

When we gotz to Doc Gary - Dad sed da same fing -
dat da "WHITE" was gettin wurser an had spread all around my eyeshade...

Doc Gary sez "HUH!!?? :confused: It's *PINK* - almost RED!

"Oh" :o sed Dad... "I'z a lil bit Red / Green COLOR BLIND!

Doc put onna big *smile* :) an said it wuz OK -
kuzz at least Dad "noticed" da "color change" an took me
into Doc Mike fur treatment!

*PINK*, huh? Dat's almost "white". :D

Oh, Gud Grief! ...
Dad jest foud TWO MORE *Dropz* inna lil jug! :mad:

Dat lil jug jest GOTTA run out purdy soon.
At least we boff got a Bisquit dis tyme!

HEY! How'z come YOU got a Bisquit, SmokeMutt!?

Kuzz I wuz *watchin* and givin ya *simpaffie*,
like a GUD lil Brudder shuld!

Oh, OK ~ FANKz, lil Bro! :)

05-14-2004, 05:52 PM
Sorry Cinder - very late catching up with your 'tail' of woe!

You've certainly been through it haven't you sweetheart? Sounds like the ol' peepers more or less back to normal. Hope your improvement continues.

PS. Get Bootz to 'disappear' the eye drops - same place as the Clam Juice went!!! :eek: ;) :eek:


Cinder & Smoke
05-14-2004, 07:09 PM

Oh Gud GRIEF! Dad jest *spotted* this -
an *I* got the ole Oh Cinder, c'mere!


He took hiz *peepers* off an dun an eyeball ta eyeball *CLOSE*
inspekshun of da eyeshade...
I musta *passed* (no *pinkie* inna corner) -
kuz he started *smilin* an we Boff got a Busquit! :)

Az fur diss >>>

Originally posted by lynnestankard

PS. Get Bootz to 'disappear' the eye drops -
same place as the Clam Juice went!!!
:eek: ;) :eek:

HA! Da KAT'z bout useless fur doin stuff like dat! :mad:

Oh, he *tried* a kupla tymes;
but alluz lost innerest by da tyme he hokey-pucked it unner
da dressur - never really Hidded it! :(

An Hiz KLAM Juze??
Dat's STILL inna Fridge...
We get all *nerbus* when Dad opinz da Fridge -
fraid there's gonna be a :eek: *splozun* inna kitchen!

Ennieway - da DROPZ are Historie! :D
Few daze ago Dad tried anudder *treetment*...
*Squoze* da lil white juggy an it finally went *PFfffft*!

THANKS fur Askin!!

/s/ Cinder