View Full Version : New shelter pics - cuteness warning!!!

Ally Cat's Mommy
04-06-2004, 10:00 AM
I spent some time with Tilly earlier today. She has calmed down a lot, and let me stroke her and even allowed me to hold her kitten! Tilly originally had two, but lost one of them yesterday, so send prayers that the other one survives and thrives:

Here she is with her baby. Tilly has a bit of an eye infection, so she is being kept in the isolation cabin until it clears up.

Here is another one of her feeding the kitten - notice the tabby stripes - the kitten is going to be so pretty!!


This is the best close-up I could get, as I didn't want to disturb them too much, so I didn't take any pics whilst I was holding the baby:


Here are the Tortie and Orangie which I trapped last week. They have been spayed/neutered, and are recovering well. Ginger could actually have been released today, but we are keeping him in with his Tortie sister to keep her company until her stiches come out, and then we will release them together.


Here is the other Tortie I trapped last week. They took her in to be spayed and found out she is pregnant!! The vet who examined her says we can expect another small litter - he can only feel two babies. She is quite upset and wild, so it is going to be a hard job to get her trust, and get her kittens socialised:


This is Candy. She was living on a compound, and was in an accident with a car a few days before her kittens were born. Someone managed to trap her and the kittens, and brought them in. Candy unfortunately lost her leg, but she is a sweet girl and SUCH a good mommy to her four kittens. They are all in this pic - you can hardly see the Ginger one, below Candy's back leg.

All four kittens: (The Tabby has a sticky eye, which looked much better after I bathed it)


Candy. She is such a sweet cat, and manages to balance quite well on three legs. I wish I could take her home:(


Two other cuties looking for attention:


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-06-2004, 10:24 AM
Originally posted by Ally Cat's Mommy
Candy. She is such a sweet cat, and manages to balance quite well on three legs. I wish I could take her home:(

Awww...poor baby. I wish I could taker her home too, long with her four adorable babies!

And Tilly's little baby is going to be a cutie with his(?) white face and white feet and tabby back. :D

I'm glad they're keeping Ginger in with Tortie until she heals. That way when they're released they'll be together too and won't be so lonely.

Thanks for the pics! :)

04-06-2004, 10:35 AM
Cuteness my eye!!! That was OVERLOAD! How sad and how absolutely adorable! You can go into a shelter and just be overwhelmed by it all but when you stop and look at each one you realize just how darn cute they are. I do believe that I've fallen in love with Dilmans! ESPECIALLY THOSE ADORABLE BABIES!!! Look at those ears!

04-06-2004, 10:43 AM
Thanks for the pictures and stories. I really hope things go well for the expecting torti - please keep us updated.

There is something about Tilly and her one baby. I wished there was something I could do for her. Candy too.

04-06-2004, 10:47 AM
That is indeed Cuteness Overload , and I too wish that there was a way , that Candy , could come to The Found Cats Hotel , as I know that she would fit right in. they are welcome May 24th , to the next Cat Partee!

04-06-2004, 11:49 AM
Oh My!!! I'm suffering from cuteness overload!!!:D :D :D :D

I would take all of them home in a minute....especially Candy and all of her babies.

Please send a few chin rubs to all the wonderful babies there.

04-06-2004, 12:00 PM
I love these big-eared little cuties:)

Oh I hope so much some of them will have the life they deserve:)

04-06-2004, 12:08 PM
This is more than just cute!!!! All these sweet little kittens - awwwwww!

Tilly is having such a beautiful kitten, and Candy's are soooo sweet! She sounds like a wonderful cat! :)

I also fell in love with this little fellow:


04-06-2004, 01:41 PM
I love this picture and want all the kittys in this picture, oh why did I look at this thread? ;)
I am crazy about the ears!! I wish they all had good forever homes..


04-06-2004, 03:23 PM
What wonderful pictures!!!

Tilly and her tiny little tabby have really grabbed at my heart.

And Candy looks like she's saying, "What? I can still outrun YOU!"

04-06-2004, 03:30 PM
Beautiful pictures and such sad stories, I hope the little ones all get good furever homes, cuteness overload :)

04-06-2004, 03:35 PM
awwwww!!!!!! Too freakin' cute! :D

Edwina's Secretary
04-06-2004, 07:11 PM
I can't decide with whom I am more infatuated...Tilly or Candy, Candy or Tilly.....

04-06-2004, 08:02 PM
I agree, this sure is cuteness overload. I'm in love with them all.:) I sure hope that they all find their loving forever homes.:)

04-06-2004, 08:07 PM
So happy they are all warm and safe in a shelter! :) What a sweet bunch of kitties all of them are. I'd take Candy any day. :)