View Full Version : Need a great Vacuum!!

03-31-2004, 01:47 PM
Just rating a vacuum that I recently purchased.

One of my co-workers was telling me about
the Dyson vacuum cleaner his grandmother
had purchased.
I believe their is also a member of Pet Talk that
talked about the Dyson vacuums.
Well back to my point.

I have gone through 2 vacuums in 3 years.
(Not happy with the way they cleaned up dog hair)

After listening to my co-worker, I checked the
internet and noticed Bed & Bath sold 2 of the models.
I used my 20% coupon and saved $100.00 off the
retail price.

I love it!
It looks cheap because it is all plastic, but
the plastic is suppose to be light weight and very strong.
One drawback in my opinion is the hose bends
when using the attachments. I am afraid I will
put a hole in the hose. (but I am parinoid) lol
It picks up the dog hair wonderful. Great suction
and bagless clean up is a breeze.

This vacuum is not cheap.
I bought the purple animal vacuum, but to be honest you just
need the cheaper model that comes with the floor attachment.

I wish my co-worker grandmother had bought this vacuum
2 years ago. It would have saved me the $$$ of my last
2 vacuums.

So if you have a great vacuum,
please share with the members in case they need a good
Vacuum that cleans lots of fur.

03-31-2004, 02:02 PM
I hate my vacuum sweeper! I haven't even had it for that long, probably less than a year.

Is this Dyson Vacuum an upright or canister? Is it easy to push or is it self propelled? I would love to get a bagless and self propelled one.

Hugs to the furkids...Robin :)

03-31-2004, 02:26 PM

THANK YOU!!!! I really wanted to learn more about the Dyson vacuum.

2 years ago I bought what I THOUGHT was an awesome vacuum, the Oreck XL. At the time I had beige carpeting in my apartment. I have since moved into an apartment that has maroon carpeting. To say it shows EVERY SINGLE piece of cat hair is putting it mildly! The Oreck leaves streaks in my carpeting. It doesn't clean on the sides (that's why they offer you a portable Oreck with purchase). I emailed them and told them I was dissatisfied with it. They called me but I accidentally deleted the message off my answering machine.

As soon as I get a full-time job, I'm planning on buying a new vacuum.

Anyone else have any recommendations for a vacuum cleaner???

03-31-2004, 03:22 PM
It is an upright.
But it hard to expain. You can use the hose similair
to a canister if you take it out of the attachment,
accept the vacuum is still upright.

It is easy to push, but I do not think it is self propelled.
The cord is plenty long, but you have to self wind it.
It does NOT work well on small light area rugs such as a bathroom rug.
(will make a funny loud warning noise)
But it does clean my oriental runner ok.
As for bare floors and wall to wall carpeting it
works great and hugs right up to the base boards.

Be prepared to empty out the vacuume after the 2nd cleaning if Katie sheds like my dogs. lol

I heard good things about the Royal vacuum too.
(but I never tried it.)
My aunt has an Electrolux canister vacuum for over 20 years
and she loves it.

Miss Meow
03-31-2004, 03:29 PM
Which model did you get?

We were thinking of getting a Dyson, but the sales guy thought the Mieles were better for pet hair, so we got confused and didn't buy anything.

Did you get a power head attachment with it? Does it work well?

Next time I feel the urge to buy a vacuum cleaner, I'm taking my own rugs and dirt. I have this insane distrust of vacuum salespeople and their little demonstrations :o

03-31-2004, 05:04 PM
My mom brought her vacuumcleaner up to our house to see how well it would work on our carpet...old 70's berberish stuff, that dog hair stick to like glue! It was amazing. I don't remember the exact model, but it is a Kenmore (Sears brand) with a Hepa filter. It also works well at her house, with their longer, 80's style carpet, to clean up after 5 dogs.

03-31-2004, 05:47 PM
We have not yet found a vacuum cleaner that handles hay very well. We love our little bunny, she loves her hay, and vacuum cleaners just do not!!!!

03-31-2004, 06:40 PM
We have a Dyson vacuum cleaner. I love it. I love how you can see all of the stuff that you vacuumed up. I see a lot of hair from the puppers! :eek:

03-31-2004, 08:55 PM
I have a Kirby. It's eight years old, and still works as well as the day I bought it.

It's big, it's ugly, it's not trendy or pretty.

But it does the job better than any vacuum I've ever owned ... with ten dogs.

03-31-2004, 09:51 PM
A year and 2 dogs ago, a Kirby salesman (sales kid) came to the house to demonstrate--I couldn't believe all of the crap he picked up with that vaccuum!!!!! I wasn't about to spend over $1000 on a vaccuum, so I didn't get one.
I have heard so much about the Dyson vacs though--may be worth saving up for!!
We have a cheapie right now that we had to run out and buy at midnight one night after my husband broke our other one:rolleyes:
It works well, but I also have a shop vac, dustbuster, dirt devil, and carpet steamer.

Thanks for the information.

04-01-2004, 05:10 AM
Good Thread,
I have been struggling with the thought of buying a new vaccum...
I desperately need one...
I got a letter from the A.S.P.C.A.....with an offer for an Oreck...and a Certain % goes to the Organization....(I now,Sucker!!!:rolleyes: ) The Oreck was only 150.00....
Then I saw the Dysons' advertised at Best Buy...I saw the Purple one too....."Perfect for Pet Owners "...I think is how the add read....
I have all that Short,Dense,Dal hair that Gets embedded in Everything!!!!!
I have Berber,Tile,Reg.Rug,and an Oriental...with So many textures in my house it is very difficult...Never mind the furniture....
It also gets' dusty because I leave my windows open 24/7....
so this is good info....
I will go check out the Dyson a little closer...
Thanks Everyone,

But my Real Question is:
Which Model did you say...Comes with its' Own Maid to Operate it???
I Missed that Part!!!!;)

04-01-2004, 06:17 AM
Everyone has been talking about how well/ or not well these vaccum's pick up hair, but what about cat litter? My cats track it throughout the house, and it tends to get down in between the carpet fibers. My vaccum has a strong enough suction to pick up the hair, but it misses the cat litter:mad:

Killearn Kitties
04-01-2004, 06:54 AM
Yes, the Dyson makes very short work of picking up cat litter.

Miss Meow
04-01-2004, 03:15 PM
Originally posted by neko1
Everyone has been talking about how well/ or not well these vaccum's pick up hair, but what about cat litter? My cats track it throughout the house, and it tends to get down in between the carpet fibers. My vaccum has a strong enough suction to pick up the hair, but it misses the cat litter:mad:

I think a powerhead would pick it up. It has little rotating brushes that dig into the carpet as you're vacuuming and apparently does a better job.