View Full Version : It's Pickles, he's spraying... HELP!!!

03-31-2004, 12:10 PM
He just did it RIGHT IN FRONT OF US!:mad: :eek: :confused: :( We already have Feliway... The vet suspected that it was Pickles spraying when they went in. So, what to do now? His life is stressful?:confused: Should we get rid of Skittles, Porkchop, and Applesauce? Get rid of Pickles??? I don't know what to do! Please help me- very frustrated meowmie here!

03-31-2004, 01:09 PM
If things get really bad there are drugs that can be given to reduce his stress (e.g. kitty prozac or amitriptyline). Talk this over with your vet.

03-31-2004, 01:19 PM
Pick just got back from the vet two days ago and they gave us feliway. Maybe I will ask about drugs if this keeps going on.

I really love him, and don't want to see him go. We live in an apartment, though, so his spraying is really worrying me! Plus, lots of times I don't catch him, so figuring out where the smell is wafting from is draining on me. I think I've gotten every spot for now, but like I said, he just did it again this morning.

He does pay a LOT of attention to our little animals, I'm hoping this hasn't given him undue stress. Maybe snuggling with him and asking him if it was alright if his meowmie and daddy thought about having a baby did it?:rolleyes:

I've been so frazzled about this, trying everything to get the smell out of the house, weeping about it, fighting with my husband about it... It might seem like not such a big deal, but it's driving me crazy!:eek:

03-31-2004, 01:54 PM
If you are having difficulty locating his "trouble spots" you mind want to consider getting a StinkFinder ultraviolet light. I got one from PetSmart a couple of years ago and it has helped me find the places where Emily likes to go.

The other thing I use is the WoolLite brand of Pet Stain remover (available in Walmart or your local grocer). Of all the products I have tried over the years this one seems to be the most effective.

Somehow I doubt your conversation with him about the baby was what upset him. It is likely due to the other kitties.

Good luck !!

03-31-2004, 02:16 PM
Could it be about Marshmallow? She's a spayed female. We have had a ferral or two in the back yard, but I don't know if it has happened lately. I've seen ferrals in the front yard. How sensitive are cats to other cats? If feliway doesn't work, are drugs the next step?

03-31-2004, 02:23 PM
Jen is probably the person you should talk to about the effect of other cats. I know that she was having problems with a couple of her males, but she managed to re-train them. I had my males fixed when they were still kittens, so the "thought" has never really entered into their minds (that I know of). But it sounds like he maybe reacting to the ferals out the yard.

03-31-2004, 05:54 PM
I agree, Jen L is the person to seek advice from. She did well with one of her males. Good luck.

04-01-2004, 10:57 AM
My Siamese Cat Sam , also does this , as I think that he might be reacting to Horace , and the intact Males , that come around for the Dry Food , atht I leave out for the Hungry , by=ut he only does it once ina while , and I use Feliway , on Jens recommendation!

04-01-2004, 12:14 PM
Oh Devon, I know how frustrating this is!!! You poor thing! I hope you hear from Jen and/or (I think) it was Noah's Mommy? - had been also very frustrated with a peeing cat and trying so hard to keep things clean in the house. Something is bothering Pickles to do this. Do you think it would be worth giving away the mice and/or Skittles? Is there anyone who would at least keep them for awhile to see if this is what is stressing Pickles??? I noticed when we were last there - that he was really focused intensely on the critters, and very restless throughout the night as well. I know you love your "zoo" but it might be something to consider. I am sorry this is happening and so stressful to you. At least you KNOW who the guilty party is and can keep a watch on the areas he wets. You have caught the problem fairly early. The bacterial products DO work very well and you should be able to keep the smell away if you are diligent - eventually either the Feliway or a drug should help - if removing the small animals does not do the trick. I really suspect it is the small critters that are stressing him:(
Love you!

04-01-2004, 02:00 PM
I'd rather give away the mice and bird to getting rid of Pickles any day... Who would take him with the knowledge that he's spraying? I'd be a little lonely with out my animals for a couple of days, but after that I'd be fine:) I'm sure that I could find loving homes for them through the seminary. I would be sad, though, if I tried this and it didn't work!

Maybe I can keep them in the storage outside for a few days? Then I would know if this were the problem. Do you think I'd have to give up the aquarium, too?

04-01-2004, 02:27 PM
Hold off on finding a new home for your other critters! The very first thing you have to understand is that some cats are VERY strange and do NOT like change......what-so-ever.

First step is the Feilaway, please give it a week or longer before you make any further adjustments. Depending on the size of your house you may need more than one dispenser. Check on the label, I believe that one outlet covers 850 square feet.

Next, get a black light (remember them from the 70's??) but be prepared. You are going to see things you wish you never had!!

The "good" in all of this is that he is doing this in front of you. That means he is showing you WHEN he is stressed. Try to see what is going on when he does this (or what he just saw or did). Are you changing things inside your house? Have you had a lot of people come & go within the last few days, weeks? Believe it or not, all these things affect some cats.

Yoshi, my flame-point siamese (who is also a feral) started spraying about 2 years ago. What was going on in our house was a LOT of stress...........my mother moved in with us (what a story! :rolleyes: ) ; I decided to paint some rooms, we bought new furniture........all of this plus the fact that the doors & windows were open (springtime) didn't help him. I didn't know that all this was upsetting him......until one day he ran up to me and sprayed on the brand new couch! :mad: :eek:

We now have a Feliway plug-in going......constantly. And yes, he is on kitty Prozac, but I am happy to say that we have been able to reduce the amount down to almost nothing now. Hopefully soon, he will be off of it completely. He is doing really well now, too.

But the main thing is to try to understand what he is going through. The littlest things can really upset a cat.....and they let you know it!! Good luck & hang in there, things WILL get better. You just have to do things slowly for Pickles.........don't upset him!! :)