View Full Version : Flea control

03-26-2004, 04:56 PM
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Some times I dread the warmer seasons because of all the money I have to spend to keep my 4 kitties flea free.

I have always used "advantage" which works great! But it is not cheap. I read about a new product called "Bio Spot" and it is half the price of advantage. So my qustion is has anyone tried it on their cat's, and would you reccomend using it? Thanks

03-26-2004, 05:18 PM
I use the Advantage ... but my vet was kind enough to tell me of a money-saving tip! :eek: I buy the dog package and use a tiny syringe to measure out the small dosage for each cat. It's cheaper in the long run, but be sure to get the correct dosage per weight of each cat! ;)

03-27-2004, 01:30 AM
Originally posted by kimlovescats
I use the Advantage ... but my vet was kind enough to tell me of a money-saving tip! :eek: I buy the dog package and use a tiny syringe to measure out the small dosage for each cat. It's cheaper in the long run, but be sure to get the correct dosage per weight of each cat! ;) This is exactly what I do too.:) Since I have 4 cats, it sure saves me money.

Please don't use "Bio-Spot". Here's some information about how bad it is:http://www.elversonpuzzle.com/biospot.html.

You shouldn't use the Hartz flea drops either because they can paralize or even kill cats.:( I still see many stores that still sell this terrible stuff.

03-27-2004, 05:51 AM
:eek: :eek: :eek:

Thanks for the advice about buying "Advantage" for dogs and measuring it out. That is a great tip.Also thanks so much to "krazyaboutkatz"for the info about Permethrin. I've decided not to try "Bio Spot," saving a few bucks is not worth the risk I am so glad that you took the time to post this info for me and I hope it helps other cat lovers out there too. :) :)

03-27-2004, 07:48 AM
With 6 dogs and 5 cats, fleas (and ticks) have always been a concern. Vet has given Advantage or Revolution and both work but yes, both expensive. I've recently heard about, and will try this spring, Brewer's Yeast. Sprinkle some on the food and although humans or furkids can't smell anything, I understand that something in it gets in the system and will definately repel fleas and ticks. Supposedly it works with humans keeping mosquitoes away. THAT I figure is worth a try for me too. Certainly can't hurt :cool:

03-28-2004, 07:52 PM
Yes, I learned the hard way that saving $5 isn't that big a deal. Last year, we had a truly horrific flea season. We were really hurting financially and we decided to try Hartz:eek: It wasn't until after I put it on Allen that I heard about its side effects... and I prayed that nothing happened to him (it didn't, but I still worried.)

Anyway, that cheap stuff didn't manage to kill one flea. And smelled TERRRIBLE for weeks afterwards... like really rancid baby powder. I combed them every day... and combing did help a lot. We waited until 4 weeks passed before I could reapply another form of flea prevention. I was smart and went to the vet that time.

I need to make a vet appointment to get this year's supply... I'd rather not get infested this year.

03-31-2004, 04:32 PM

Last year, during the great ANT INVASION at my house,
I got a great piece of advice for natural ant and flea control..

Diatomaceous earth!!

K&L posted the answer and I have not had any kind of a problem with insects since. Check it out!!