View Full Version : Do You Drop Everything

03-25-2004, 01:15 PM
for your cat?

Is there one thing your cat does that makes you drop everything and do what they ask????


Edward goes over to the treat dish and meows while looking at it.....If he looks over his shoulder at me, I have taken to long to treat him....:rolleyes:

03-25-2004, 01:25 PM
Yup, if they are either locked in or out of the room, I get right up and open the door and answer the pathetic little cry.

03-25-2004, 01:31 PM
Pickles has an extremely annoying "My dish is nearly empty!" meow. A person has no choice but to obey this call... or be annoyed beyond belief!

Notice I said "almost empty." He is smart enough to meow instead of eating what's left... that way the bowl is never empty.

03-25-2004, 01:31 PM
Oh yes - if they want in when their out - or out when their in - or they need food - or to play - or start chasing.........................ahh so that's why nothing gets done in this house!


03-25-2004, 01:32 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD
Is there one thing your cat does that makes you drop everything and do what they ask????

When I hear a certain YOWL, I immediately pick her up and head for the kitchen or bathroom. Or, if it's really urgent, grab a newspaper.:(

Fortunately it doesn't happen often.:)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
03-25-2004, 01:41 PM
All Peanut has to do is look at her daddy and he drops everything for her - especially if she's on her little rug in the kitchen, then treats are quickly forthcoming. (I'm so jealous - do you know what I have to go through to get him to do something for me?) ;) :D

And for Tubby - ok also Peanut but not quite as often - I'm like Freckles. I hear any sound that indicates a gag session and I'm on it!! ;) :rolleyes: :D

And also for Tubby, 99% of the time anyway, he gets his snuggles before I get anything else done. I'll be on the couch and he'll be on the floor, looking at me over the edge of the couch - you know the look - and I know I have to put whatever I'm doing down and give him his snugglies. :D

03-25-2004, 01:55 PM
Yes, anytime Grover makes that certain little meow, I am off and running to do her bidding. Either she thinks her litterbox needs cleaned, or somebody forgot to turn the water on in the tub for her. I don't want to foget she has to have her food bowl full. If I leave the room when she starts to eat, she stop, she sits by the door until I get back in the room then she start eating again, I don't know why she thinks I am supposed to be sitting at the desk when she is eating. I keep my spoiled brats food bowl on my desk.


03-25-2004, 02:05 PM
I drop everything to get Leroy out of whatever he is into at the moment! This week it is trying to rip the screens out of the windows!

Pervy comes to me and lets out this pitiful broken meow and that means "Stop and give me belly rubs" and I immediatly oblige.

Peanut Butter comes to me when I'm cooking and wraps his huge paws around my leg, flips over with his belly up, and I let dinner burn while I love all over him!

Sammy comes whenever I do laundry. He gets up on the washer and I have to stick my finger in the hole and hold the button down so the washer will keep running and let him watch. He thinks that is so cool!

Pete wants to be loved as soon as I come home. He waits until I go to the bedroom to change clothes and comes crying. I have to lay on the bed so he can lay on my chest for about fifteen minutes of lovin and then he leaves. I have been known to fall asleep and not be seen again for an hour or two.

Maggie Sue follows me around crying but won't let me love her until I go to my recliner and flip the foot part out. Then she gets up there and we have a snuggle session.

Pepper Jack has to have attention in the mornings while I'm getting ready for work. Scream, scream, scream until I drop everything and love him. Mascara on one eye does not look good at work!

Stubby makes sure I drop everything because she will beat up everybody in the house until I do what she wants!

The only one who is not a pest is Lucky. Just love him when you get a chance and he is good to go!

After going through all of this I realize just how rotten my little furry brats are!!! I am so well trained!!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/rolleyes.gif

03-25-2004, 02:08 PM
Bonnie seems to of found her voice since her bruv went to RB. All she has to do is shout and I come runnin these days, cos she's my wee darlin' ;)

03-25-2004, 02:27 PM
You know, I can honestly say that I don't drop everything. That doesn't mean that I'm a bad Meowmie, it's just that if I'm in the middle of making dinner and Max wants his second helping, he can wait until I put it in the oven before he gets what he wants. On the other hand, if the litterbox needs cleaning, Speckles will simply sit beside it and look at me. That's when I will pretty much stop what I'm doing and do my humanly duties.

Kona & Oreo's mom
03-25-2004, 02:35 PM
Yes, I drop everything when Kona says "Make the bathtub faucet drip this instant!" and "Open this closet door!" :)

03-25-2004, 02:37 PM
When Rizzo wants attention, he waits until I try to walk somewhere. Anywhere. And then, of course, being a cat, he proceeds to get underfoot and weave himself around my legs so that it's either kick him, step on him, or stop and pet him. I've gotten a little more nimble since we've had him, so if I'm determined to get where I'm going, I ignore him.

So, if he REALLY wants attention, and the tripping thing isn't working, he simply flops over, half on his side, half on his back, curls his front paws up under his chin in a begging gesture, exposes his fluffy tummy, and stares at me with his huge, round, pleading, completely irresistible eyes. He practically bats his eyelashes!!

And I, no matter where I'm going, or how much of a hurry I'm in, or what I'm carrying, or what sort of a mood I'm in, will kneel down to rub his belly, scritch his little face, and coo at him! :) :rolleyes:

What I want to know is, how do they KNOW how cute they are, and where do they learn to maximize the effect of said cuteness??

03-25-2004, 02:46 PM
Twink, while you are laying down there in the floor after being tripped, I suggest you just crawl on over and do Rizzo's bidding!;) Pet, and rub his belly while you are down there in the floor!


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
03-25-2004, 03:18 PM
Originally posted by Twink
he simply flops over, half on his side, half on his back, curls his front paws up under his chin in a begging gesture, exposes his fluffy tummy, and stares at me with his huge, round, pleading, completely irresistible eyes. He practically bats his eyelashes!!

You mean like this, Twink?

That's called "Working the Room" and Peanut is a master at it, especially when her daddy is the intended "victim." :D

03-25-2004, 04:01 PM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom
You mean like this, Twink?

That's called "Working the Room" and Peanut is a master at it, especially when her daddy is the intended "victim." :D

YES! Exactly like that! :D :D

*automatically rubs, scritches and coos at Peanut*

Willie--You're not far off. :rolleyes: What *really* gets me is when he dashes in front of me mid-step, I kick him (being unable to do anything else), and then find myself apologizing profusely. Yes, I have been well and truly trained!

Laura's Babies
03-25-2004, 05:19 PM
Funny but my neighbor and I were talking about this just last night. Her cat is 10 and she don't want another one when he is gone to R.B.because it would be to hard to "train" it?? WHO trains WHO??

Mine have me trained.. When on the computer and they want attention, *JUMP*..and I have to stop and get and give lovings.
Chester will rub his face all over the water faucet, meaning "Turn it on PLEASE!" and I obey!

Hay, and lets not forget the attention you get when you are on the toilet!! It is definately a "pet me Mommie" time!!!

03-25-2004, 06:51 PM
Miss Julie decides that she wants to eat a bit of her food at 5 a.m., so she comes in to wake me up so I can go in and watch her start eating....and of course I go....I'm such a pushover for her adorable little meow.
I have been laid out in the recliner and she climbed up and sprawled on my legs....I sat there without moving my legs until they were nearly numb just so I didn't disturb her. Many times I am a bed for Buddy and Julie both...and I love every second of it. They are my babies.

03-25-2004, 07:45 PM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom
All Peanut has to do is look at her daddy and he drops everything for her . (I'm so jealous - do you know what I have to go through to get him to do something for me?) ;) :D

Ditto for Princess Emily and her daddy...<GAG>:p

Ally Cat's Mommy
03-26-2004, 01:42 AM
My two also have me VERY well trained!!! Connor has this high-pitched and VERY loud demanding whine that he switches on every time the fridge is opened. (He knows where the HAM is). Ally likes to be carried from one room to another, so if I move around the house I have to move her along with me, otherwose she just sits in the middle of the room and cries!!!

Ally Cat's Mommy
03-26-2004, 01:45 AM
Originally posted by trayi52
Yes, anytime Grover makes that certain little meow, I am off and running to do her bidding. Either she thinks her litterbox needs cleaned, or somebody forgot to turn the water on in the tub for her. I don't want to foget she has to have her food bowl full. If I leave the room when she starts to eat, she stop, she sits by the door until I get back in the room then she start eating again, I don't know why she thinks I am supposed to be sitting at the desk when she is eating. I keep my spoiled brats food bowl on my desk.


My Mum-In-Laws RB Mispha used to do that. She would not eat unless my MIL was in the room watching her. When my MIL went into hospital for 6 weeks, the poor cat nearly starved. We all had to take turns sitting next to her bowl to try and get her to eat. Eventually she decided that she WOULD eat, but had to be watched by ME or my SIL - so one of us had to go to the house twice a day to watch the cat eat:rolleyes:

03-26-2004, 09:21 AM
Actually, when JJJ3 wants his treats , you pretty well , have to drop everything! He is the Squeaky wheel of the Found Cats , and MMMMMEEEEEOOOWS until he gets treats! No More Temptations , now he gets Mr. Van Pattens Natural Balance,or Royal Canin!

03-26-2004, 10:25 AM
*sigh* Yes, I admit it.

I could be running late for work and MooShoo would hop (all 14 pounds of him!) up on my shoulder like "Okay Ma, let's go, I'm ready!!" Once I hear that diesel purr, I just GOTTA give him lovin. Late for work?? Who cares! He's my boy!!!

What MooShoo wants, MooShoo GETS!

03-26-2004, 01:27 PM

this morning I hear the "meow, treat me..."
call....I lie in bed for a second, thinking about hitting that cold floor, one minute later the alarm goes off.....

At least Eddie has timing on his side:rolleyes:

03-26-2004, 03:47 PM
All 16 lbs. of Trevor walking on me and meowing at 6:30 in the morning will definitely get me moving (I "drop" all thoughts of sleeping) . If it is during the week I don't mind. He usually starts in just minutes before the alarm clock goes off so that's pretty much OK. On the weekend it's another story. :rolleyes: GRR! I keep looking for a watch on this boy's arm, but there is none. How does he know????

03-26-2004, 04:48 PM
Originally posted by moosmom
*sigh* Yes, I admit it.

I could be running late for work and MooShoo would hop (all 14 pounds of him!) up on my shoulder like "Okay Ma, let's go, I'm ready!!" Once I hear that diesel purr, I just GOTTA give him lovin. Late for work?? Who cares! He's my boy!!!

What MooShoo wants, MooShoo GETS!

Moo is 14 pounds?!?! :eek: :eek:

Wow! For some reason, I was under the impression that Sphynxes were little. Shows what I know! Now I really want to meet one. That's a lot of "peach fuzz." :D

03-26-2004, 05:04 PM
whenever she wants some Mommy attention ... which is anytime i sit down :rolleyes: she knows that all she has to do is sit at my feet and give me those sad BIG eyes!!! :D

03-26-2004, 05:16 PM
Originally posted by catmandu
Actually, when JJJ3 wants his treats , you pretty well , have to drop everything! He is the Squeaky wheel of the Found Cats , and MMMMMEEEEEOOOWS until he gets treats! No More Temptations , now he gets Mr. Van Pattens Natural Balance,or Royal Canin!


And what kind of panic attacks do you get when you know that you have run out of treats?

*idea for another thread*;)

03-26-2004, 06:02 PM
Funny, today I was sitting at my drawing table and starting a new rendering. I hear Pouncer give me a very sad cry and I go running... I knocked over everything on the table, including my ice-tea (I should know better than have a drink on the table) Everything was RUINED (Thank goodness I had just started, and wasn't finishing a drawing.) And you know what? Pouncer was upset that he couldn't get onto the balcony and sit outside... hence the sad meow.

03-26-2004, 06:09 PM
Originally posted by catnapper
I hear Pouncer give me a very sad cry and I go running... I knocked over everything on the table, including my ice-tea

Pssst ,
Hey, watch this...... wanna see mom freak out? Better yet....
she yells at me for climbing on things.....she's got a glass of ice tea on the table....Bet ya I can get her to spill it......

Let me get into postion here.........one, two, MMMMEEEEEEEOOOOWWWWWWWW!!!!!


03-26-2004, 06:26 PM
LOL! Now I know I'm not alone .... how do they know when the alarm is about to go off? Mishi always has to get my attention a few minutes before the alarm goes off. Either 15 lbs of cat walking on me or many meows (my singing cat!) or .... he starts doing his thing with Muffy :rolleyes: :p I guess he knows he will get some cuddling as I don't want to get out of bed until the dern thang goes off. Who's got who trained here?

03-26-2004, 06:30 PM
I drop everything when I hear the feather toy being dragged down the hallway, into the dining room and finally deposited at or near my desk. William and TigerTiger do this regularly, sometimes with added meows that are muffled because they have a feather in their mouth! I can't resist a cat that retrieves his own toy!

03-26-2004, 06:33 PM
Originally posted by RedHedd
I guess he knows he will get some cuddling as I don't want to get out of bed until the dern thang goes off. Who's got who trained here?

Wait a few weeks.....daylight savings time....that will teach them a lesson!!:rolleyes:

03-26-2004, 06:52 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD
Wait a few weeks.....daylight savings time....that will teach them a lesson!!:rolleyes:
Oh that's right! This will be our first "spring forward" together .... I can hardly wait! :rolleyes: :p

03-26-2004, 07:57 PM
Of Course Richard, cats come first, well almost in my house, infact I am thankful my two want in and out especially Ash like every few seconds, just when I have got all cosy on the couch to watch my favourtie tv programme, as at least I am getting some exercise, thanks kittys.
I do tend to their needs for food first, because they cannot help themselves like the other members of the household (although one of them appears to be an invalid on occassion he he),but yes in general my kittys have top priority!!!.:D

03-27-2004, 01:06 PM
I just recently puchased a shirt that reads:

Dogs have Masters..........

While Cats have staff.

:D :eek: :p :rolleyes: :)

03-29-2004, 09:03 PM
My cats have control in the house. I treat them as equals, so we get along well:) I would not have it any other way.

03-30-2004, 12:50 PM
I always have to drop what I'm doing to get Jimmy and his side-kick Rav out of trouble. The two of them are always together, partners in crime.

Also, when Roxy wants something she gets it because she will meow. She has a meow that sounds like a wookie from star wars. It's so horrible sounding that we give her what she wants just so she will be quiet.

03-30-2004, 01:12 PM
Tigris has this meow when he wants the litterbox cleaned. Usually in the middle of dinner:D

03-30-2004, 02:33 PM
Oh yes, I drop everything - even if I'm on ICQ. ;) :D If Fister wants to be brushed, it has to be RIGHT NOW!! He doesn't understand the meaning of the word "wait". :rolleyes:

When we have converted his comments to an understandable format, we'll post them. ;)

03-30-2004, 09:18 PM
Originally posted by Barbara
Tigris has this meow when he wants the litterbox cleaned. Usually in the middle of dinner:D

That is funny about informing you of litterbox changing time! I have two indoor cats, and the "time to change the litterbox stare" almost gives me a guilty conscience. They both will stare up at me, all the while following me around the house. They also do this when they want a can of tuna(with water, not oil), but the "litterbox stare" is the most intense of the two. Such amazing furpeople, once you own a cat you are hooked for life. :cool: