View Full Version : It's HOT

K & L
03-23-2004, 11:20 AM
We’ve already had to turn on our A/C and turn on the A/C in the garage for the cats!! It’s been in the 90’s and time for the bi-annual shaving of the long – hairs. Jen where are you when I need you?:D I will try and get before and after pictures.

Now is when I worry about all the park cats. It gets so hot and I can't think of a way to relieve them of the heat.:confused:

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
03-23-2004, 11:23 AM
We're going to be in Palm Desert, CA in the beginning of May, so Terry always notices the weather in that part of the country. He mentioned this morning how hot it was out there already. And I don't care, even if it's a dry heat - it's still hot!

I sure hope all the kitties are ready for this!

K & L
03-23-2004, 11:28 AM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom
We're going to be in Palm Desert, CA in the beginning of May, so Terry always notices the weather in that part of the country. He mentioned this morning how hot it was out there already. And I don't care, even if it's a dry heat - it's still hot!

I sure hope all the kitties are ready for this!

OMG, you'll be so close!! Wish there was a way to meet you! Where will the babies be while you're away?

03-23-2004, 11:29 AM
How hot does it get in the summer? 90 degrees already? We are still freezing her in Pennsylvania.

I agree with Tubby and Peanut's Mom - hot is hot. I've never been a hot weather lover, but I am also yearning for some warmth:)

K & L
03-23-2004, 11:33 AM
Originally posted by catnapper
How hot does it get in the summer? 90 degrees already? We are still freezing her in Pennsylvania.

I agree with Tubby and Peanut's Mom - hot is hot. I've never been a hot weather lover, but I am also yearning for some warmth:)

In the summer it gets 110 -115 and at times have reached in the 120's.:eek:

03-23-2004, 12:31 PM
120 !!!! I go into meltdown when we hit 90!!! I hate to be HOT! I like the sunshine and I like to be warm but when we start hitting the 90's with high humidity I just can't breath!!!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/eek.gif

I'm a Spring and Fall girl!! I'm a wimp!! http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/rolleyes.gif

What is the difference between the dry heat and the hot humid weather? I've never been sure how that works. I have heard that when a humid area hits the high 80's and 90's it is equal to the dry 115's and 120's. Does anyone know if this is true?

btw-We are still using the heat! A few warm and pretty days but it's cold again!!

03-23-2004, 12:40 PM
Originally posted by K & L
Now is when I worry about all the park cats. It gets so hot and I can't think of a way to relieve them of the heat.:confused:
I keep a gallon of water frozen out where Olivia is during the day. She can lick it and lay against it to keep cool.

They recommend that for rabbits too, as they have a hard time cooling down.

Is there any shade in the park?

03-23-2004, 12:45 PM
What is the difference between the dry heat and the hot humid weather?

Huge difference. I grew up on Long Island and suffered the heat of NY there. I still visit during the summer and ninety degrees humid is MUCH worse than ninety degrees dry. It's the difference between sitting in the sun and having a hot damp blanket over you all the time.
It's been super warm here in Northern CA recently. I have to keep reminding myself its MARCH:eek: But the boys just love basking in the sun and sniffing thru the open screen door. I live in a valley so there's always a breeze. It's pretty mild here most of the time thankfully. But I too am a spring/fall girl!

K & L
03-23-2004, 12:53 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
I keep a gallon of water frozen out where Olivia is during the day. She can lick it and lay against it to keep cool.

They recommend that for rabbits too, as they have a hard time cooling down.

Is there any shade in the park?

I'm afraid the gallon of frozen water wouldn't last very long here! We have thought and thought of ways to take care of them, but can never come up with anything. We even thought of a misting system, but you have to have access to water and we don't. We're open to ANY ideas!!:cool:

K & L
03-23-2004, 12:54 PM
Originally posted by kitten645
Huge difference. I grew up on Long Island and suffered the heat of NY there. I still visit during the summer and ninety degrees humid is MUCH worse than ninety degrees dry. It's the difference between sitting in the sun and having a hot damp blanket over you all the time.
It's been super warm here in Northern CA recently. I have to keep reminding myself its MARCH:eek: But the boys just love basking in the sun and sniffing thru the open screen door. I live in a valley so there's always a breeze. It's pretty mild here most of the time thankfully. But I too am a spring/fall girl!

YES!! HUGE difference. I can't take humidity. Give me this heat any day (as long as I'm in A/C!!:D )

03-23-2004, 01:16 PM
How about this....instead of making a gallon block of ice how abotu getting a large plastic container and making that into a really good size block of ice...it would last much longer than the gallon would. I make ice blocks for when we go camping and even though they are in a cooler....they last much longer than the gallon would.

What about taking a good size block of ice and placing it in plastic bags/sacks that you would get from the grocery stores and placing them in the shade to let the kitties lay up against if they get really warm.

Is there any shade that the kitties have access to?

I'm still thinking....so I may have another post or two for you.

By the way I'll take DRY over HUMID any day!!!! There is something about 90 degrees with 100% humidity compared to 90 degrees with no humidity. I guess it can be summed up this way....

90 degrees with humidity is like getting out of a shower and taking the towel to dry yourself off, and before you get your clean clothes on....your sopping wet like you just got out of the shower again EXCEPT the water is your sweat!!! YUCK!!!:eek: - Meg

K & L
03-23-2004, 01:23 PM
The block of ice is a good idea. I would have to figure out what to put it in, and would have to have several of these since there's 30-35 cats to worry about! Keep coming with the ideas!:)

03-23-2004, 01:44 PM
Ok, now I know why I hate to be hot!!! I really hate the humidity and boy do we have it in this wonderful Ohio Valley!! I'm not just a whiner the humidity really does make it awful!!

03-23-2004, 06:05 PM
I can't even imagine HOT as it is so freezing here still. BRRR.
(and by the way, humidity makes the cold weather feel even colder, also)

Good luck keeping the cats cool.

03-24-2004, 09:20 AM
Here its still Cold!

Laura's Babies
03-24-2004, 09:56 AM
Right now it is perfect in SE Louisiana.. The humidity here is so bad in July and August, combined with the heat that it is really hard to breathe.. We have a hard time making the deckhands from further north, understand that this is a different kind of heat and while they brag they can handle it, a lot of them come close to having heat strokes.. The air just seems so THICK!