View Full Version : What's your dog's favorite 'people food'?

03-22-2004, 10:12 PM
Daphne loves bread! She also likes twizzlers. :p And meat of course, and cheese. I share my food with her sometimes - she likes pizza, veggie burgers, macaroni and cheese, and she likes applesauce too!

Cocoa on the other hand only likes meat. If we have a leftover sandwich we usually give Daphne the bread and Cocoa the meat. Oh, and my mom gave Cocoa some iced coffee once, she loved that. ^_^

What does your dog like?

03-22-2004, 10:14 PM
Mine don't get people food anymore, as much as it kills me to see their sweet faces when I'm eating something that they want. ;) But, when they did, they loved hamburger meat, turkey; heck they would eat ANYTHING! :p

03-22-2004, 10:18 PM
Kai absolutely adores cheese. He just goes nuts for it. Usually, I use it when we're practicing recall..just so he knows that coming back to me is really good. He'll eat anything else but I think he thinks of cheese as god.

Kaedyn will eat anything whether it be cheese, chicken, beef, eggs, little bits of bread or fruits and veggies! Of course, I give very little each time. I wouldn't want two 90 pound Shelties anytime soon! :p ;)

03-22-2004, 10:20 PM
My babies would eat anything -- or well, Moose would. Zoey tends to be a little more picky. They both love scrambled eggs though, and they go absolutely crazy whenever we make them. Especially eggs with cheese. :p

We've been trying to cut down on the people food though. Neither one of them are overweight or anything, but their feeding habits aren't so great. :o

03-22-2004, 10:20 PM
Cut up apple slices and tiny little carrots. :)

03-22-2004, 10:20 PM
Mine occasionally get a bit of cheese, a baby carrot, a bit of cooked egg or chicken on occasion. They are just occasional treats. One bite each every once in awhile. I don't regularly give them people food because it tends to cause upset tummies if they get too off their regular diet. :)

What's really funny though is I swear Tasha's favorite 'treat' in the world is her chewable heartworm preventative.. every time she hears any foil-like package noise, she races up and her eyes are just as big as saucers with excitement :D

03-22-2004, 10:39 PM
Originally posted by K9soul
What's really funny though is I swear Tasha's favorite 'treat' in the world is her chewable heartworm preventative.. every time she hears any foil-like package noise, she races up and her eyes are just as big as saucers with excitement :D

That's hilarious!! My dogs love to take pills!! All of them have had to take them at one time or another for something, and they love it!! When I get a bottle of Advil or something out for myself, they all come running!!!!:) :rolleyes:

As for mine, they all will pretty much eat anything.

They go nuts when I bring a pizza home from work--if daddy isn't home, they know that they get the crusts!!
They love baby carrots, cheese, popcorn, and especially those little goldfish crackers!!:)

03-22-2004, 10:39 PM
Yeah, my dogs love their heartworm pill too K9soul!

Wow, your dogs like veggies Pam? Mine don't at all (well, except for Daphne with applesauce).

03-22-2004, 10:45 PM
Mine don't eat people food.

Nala does enjoy vegitables though. Carrots being her favorite.

03-22-2004, 10:54 PM
String cheese, peanut butter, and baby carrots!

03-22-2004, 11:44 PM
Gigi is not picky at all. :D I am trying to be good not giving her human food. But I do use cheese when we are training.

03-23-2004, 02:18 PM
Nicki loves pizza, and don't ever deny her the mac-n-cheese cassarole dish after the mac's been scooped out - she goes nuts and will lick the dish clean of baked on noodles and cheese. She has also developed a love of Sweedish Fish. If we get a package of them, you'd better let her have a few of those chewy treats or she'll sit there drooling and lloking at you as if she's dying!

The only thing she doesn't like that's human food are peas... she'll eat a stew or soup and spit out every last pea. I have no idea how she does it!

03-23-2004, 03:06 PM
We don't really let Katie have people food. Just an occassional treat of baby carrots or cheese.

03-23-2004, 03:09 PM
Originally posted by wolfie
Yeah, my dogs love their heartworm pill too K9soul!

Wow, your dogs like veggies Pam? Mine don't at all (well, except for Daphne with applesauce).

Yes they love veggies and most fruits. They love oranges too and usually get a little bit of my banana each morning. :) I was giving them grapes occasionally but read somewhere here on PT that grapes are bad for dogs so I have stopped that. Does anyone remember reading that?

03-23-2004, 04:02 PM
My GS can gobble a quarter-pounder in under 20 secs. Seriously. It's amazing to watch. No bun, though, bc. he's on Atkins, haha.
My pretty red Chow nibbles more delicately, but also salivates for burgers . . . and cheese, oooooh, they love cheese.

Once I let them sniff an apple, but they couldn't figure out what to do with it. Zeus licked it (GS) but Lucy (Chow) just wrinkled her nose and yowled at me a little. :p

03-23-2004, 04:14 PM
I've been cutting back on the people food. But they occasionally still get a bite of meat, veggies, cheese, noodles, mac&cheese, eggs and bread.

03-23-2004, 05:30 PM
No people food here. It's not healthy, and Chester already has pancreatitis.

03-23-2004, 08:43 PM
Originally posted by Pam
Yes they love veggies and most fruits. They love oranges too and usually get a little bit of my banana each morning. :) I was giving them grapes occasionally but read somewhere here on PT that grapes are bad for dogs so I have stopped that. Does anyone remember reading that?

I actually remember reading it in an issue of Dog Fancy last year Pam.
I believe it's ok in a small quantity, but not too much.

03-23-2004, 08:44 PM
HOT DOGS!!!! my dogs will go CRAZY for hot dogs.. but any people food they will like...:D