View Full Version : Nebo's face is swollen

03-21-2004, 03:22 AM
He just likes to constantly worry me I think. :rolleyes:

I swear he looked fine all day. I noticed when he came in from going outside around 5:00 he looked slightly swollen over one eye. I checked really close, couldn't find anything wrong like a cut. I figured he had bumped himself outside or something. I was right about to leave to go to a concert, so I left him with my parents and told them to keep an eye (no pun intended) on it.

Well I came home after midnight...Now Nebo's cheeks are all puffed up! It doesn't really look swollen above his eye now, but it's swollen on either side of his mouth. :( So it wasn't a bump, it's some sort of allergic reaction.

The problem is, it could be several things. He could have been bit by an insect outside. I also put this stuff in his water on friday/sat (liquid tarter control for dogs), and he had some new treats on fri/sat. He's had all sorts of treats without a problem, but who knows! It could be something else I'm not thinking of too, I'm too tired to think.

Poor Mr. Puffy Face! It looks like we'll probably end up at the vet again. :(

03-21-2004, 05:53 AM
Poor Nebo!

Sadie' face swelled up one time, from what I think was an insect bite. I gave her Benydryl and then took her the vet, where she as given a stroid shot. She was tired that day, but fine after andt he sweeling went down almost immediately.

03-21-2004, 08:14 AM
Oh I hope Nebo gets better soon!

03-21-2004, 10:53 AM
Oh Bebo, if it isn't one thing with you it's another isn't it? You have got to stop worrying your mom like this bud...I don't know how much more of it she can take pssst...Amy, if you need a break from the worrying you can send him up here to me okay? ;)

Don't really have much advice for you on this Amy, the goonies have never experienced anything like that. Hope the swelling goes down though.

03-21-2004, 11:18 AM
My Lab Jingles had a reaction very similar to that once too. One evening, right before our eyes, walnut sized lumps began appearing all over her face! We brought her right into the vet. He said that alllergic reactions such as hers were not uncommon in dogs and often, the cause would remain a mystery; it could have been caused by any one of a number of things! She was treated with antihistamines and recoveed in no time; it never happened again! The other day at the vet's the doggie sitting beside me in the waiting room was suffering from the same thing...lumps of unknown origin! The owner thought he might have been bitten by an insect; his one eye was almost completely swollen shut:( I hope dear Nebo recovers soon! Hugs to you Nebo!

03-21-2004, 11:26 AM
Poor boy:(

Angus was stung by a bee before and his snout swelled up so big.
I hope it's nothing!

03-21-2004, 07:48 PM
Poor Nebo.

I hope it gets better soon, and the swelling goes down. It may just have been an insect, or something in the air, or the new treats.

Feel better soon Nebo sweetie!!

PS--I'm sorry but I had to laugh when you said "I asked my parents to keep an EYE on it"

03-21-2004, 09:04 PM
Thanks for the replies everyone!

I called an emergency vet today (sunday) and talked to them about it. They said it was most likely a bee sting or insect bite.

The swelling seems to be completely gone now (sunday night) so I think it's over, whatever it was.

03-21-2004, 09:30 PM
That's good. I'm glad Nebo is better!

03-21-2004, 10:09 PM
Amy, I'm glad to hear Nebo is better. I know you feel like you are worrying too much, but this just shows what a great mommy you are to Nebo. Nebo is one lucky boy to have a mom like you.

Anyway, I am really happy to hear the swelling went down.


03-22-2004, 10:07 AM
Amy, I bet that was a BEE STING! Rosie's face swelled up when that happened.. actually, her muzzle swelled up.. same thing with Anna, she got stung on the top of her eyebrows.. and so it looked like she was a dog-frankenstein! ;) Crazy Nebo. He worrys you a lot! It must be fun for him to do that.. :rolleyes:

03-22-2004, 10:23 AM
Glad Nebo is feeling better! How scary! All puffy faced.... :(