View Full Version : moving

03-19-2004, 06:03 PM
hey everyone. Lou Dog and I are moving soon- i was just wondering if anyone had any tips for driving cross country with a dog. the longest trip ive taken him on was from connecticut to boston. but this time we're going from ct to montana.
i dont think i'll have any problems and im really looking forward to it- but i think he's going to hate it!

03-19-2004, 06:12 PM
Hi There,CJ7Boomer!!!
Long time no See!!!!
You will love Montana...so will Lou Dog!!!!
Just don't let him run off in those Huge Fields,Mountains and Streams!!!!!
I've driven dogs (&horses) to All 48 States.....Never had a problem with a dog....from where you are it is 2 to 3 days..with 1 driver...2 days with 2 drivers....dogs usually just curl up on the back seat and go to sleep...unless you know he doesn't travel in car well...they don't know how long the drive is...

Just use the rest areas to walk him....DO NOT LET HIM OFF LEASH at one of those....he will find all new smells and could run off....Too close to highway...
Just make sure he has Water at all times....you can use one of those bottles sold at petsmart that joggers use....or the collapsible ones are good too....

if you are going to stay in hotels and not drive straight through....find out who allows dogs before you go...and how much they charge and what Weight dog they allow...there is a website....something like....petfriendly.com....that has complete listings!!!

When are you going????
where are you moving to????
Good Luck.....Get back on Pet Talk soon...and let us know how you both made out on the trip!!!

03-19-2004, 06:13 PM
Are you driving alone? Will you be stopping along the way, staying at a pet friendly motel? I have a few websites that list pet friendly accomodations. But in general...make sure you have water available and food for meals and snackies. I have both a water decanter (with flip down bowl) and travel food pouch/bowl for Star and Cody. I got them at PetsMart, I think. A stop every few hours is a good idea for a stretch and potty break. Congratulations on the move!:)

guster girl
03-20-2004, 01:46 PM
I don't know how you usually travel with your pooch, but, a crate is a good idea or at least some sort of comfortable harness. And, if you have a crate, you can hang one of those water bottles (like big rabbit ones, they make them big enough for dogs) in it while you drive. A crate is a great idea, though, especially if he has one already at home. Good luck!