View Full Version : Nicky

12-21-2001, 07:20 AM
Oh Nicky, how funny are YOU! You made me laugh out loud this morning. What a cutie pie you are, trying to fit in to a little chair! Congratulations for being The Cat of The Day. You certainly brightened my day!
:D :D :D

4 feline house
12-21-2001, 09:24 AM
Nicky, I recognize your mom, Nononicki, as being one of our Pet Talk regulars! Well, semi-regular, anyway, since she doesn't visit as often as we'd like!

I'm glad we got to see you in person, and hopefully your mom will post pics of your sister Millie soon!

By the way, there's quite a bit of overhang coming off that chair! Te he he! Silly boy, don't you know you're too, ahem, large?

Congratulations on being picked for today's honor, sweet boy!

12-21-2001, 09:24 AM
Finally! A cat who thinks "No, No" is part of his name ... and is RIGHT! :D :D

What a rascal you sound like, Nicky. Way to go on load-testing that little chair! ;)

Congrats on being COTD!

12-21-2001, 09:54 AM
Nicky what a beauty you are. Looks like too much beauty for that chair to hold it all. lol You sound like a lot of fun and I bet have fun keeping your mom on her toes. :D
Congratulations on being Cat of the Day! Enjoy!
Xena :)

12-21-2001, 11:04 AM
Nicki you are one handsome beauty. I have a bad case of wants to pet ya really bad. It is sad that you were given up just because you shed dugh.. cats have fur..argh some people! Anyway it was a blessing because you found a much more wonderful home with people that love you for who you are as you do them. What a wonderful match. I also have a Maine Coon mix and love her to pieces. They have great personalities so friendly and loyal at the same time. Congradulations you sweet hunk on your fame day!!! ;)

12-21-2001, 11:06 AM
Nicki you are one handsome beauty. I have a bad case of wants to pet ya really bad. It is sad that you were given up just because you shed dugh.. cats have fur..argh some people! Anyway it was a blessing because you found a much more wonderful home with people that love you for who you are as you do them. What a wonderful match. I also have a Maine Coon mix and love her to pieces. They have great personalities so friendly and loyal at the same time. Congradulations you sweet hunk on your fame day!!! ;)

12-21-2001, 12:22 PM
Oh Nicky,

Seeing your beautiful golden glowing pelt was like looking at a sunrise. What a great big bundle of (mischievious) love you look to be. Wow, do you need a crash helmet when you take chairs out for a test run?

What a sweetie we have as our COTD today. I want to cuddle you. Hope you get lots of attention and treats today, you sweet big boy!

12-21-2001, 12:56 PM
Nicky, I agree with Amberlee....I just want to pick you up and cuddle you. But it looks as though it might be difficult to pry you out of that chair.

What a beautiful cat you are, and we are so glad we have a chance to see you and shower you with our praises.

12-21-2001, 01:23 PM
Hi Nicky, you are gorgeous and I'm so glad you've found the happy home you deserve. Sure do admire your determination to get on that chair!! Kind of like my big manx Stump, who loves boxes and always tries to wedge himself into them, no matter what the size! :D

Congrats on being Cat of the Day!

12-21-2001, 03:06 PM
Nicky, what a sweetheart! You're one big, gorgeous guy and I'd love to give you a snuggle! Congratulations! Big kisses!

12-21-2001, 03:10 PM
Thx all for your kind wishes...
At last Vet. visit Nicky was just over 18lbs. but with Christmas coming he has been indulging a bit more. Probably " weight reduction" food after the holidays :mad: He does Hate that stuff too!!!!!
Hope you all have a happy holiday season..Love NoNo Nicky..Millie..and their new bro.,Benson ;) ;)

12-21-2001, 03:22 PM
Good Grief! Spencer, thanks for asking the question we all had but worried if it would be politically incorrect to raise. Pip identifies...we just got back from four days out of town and our neighbor fed the family, and Pip was even bulkier than usual, and is on weight control, to his utter disgust. Nick,you're a lotta fine cat!

12-21-2001, 04:26 PM
NoNoNicky! Oh, you made my day with that classic pose, or make that, re-pose! What a beauty! What a character! What a joy!!!! AND, you're one of "our own!" :) Congratulations to Nicky, our most handsome, deserving, and naughtiest Cat of the Day! You made my day!!!

12-21-2001, 05:14 PM
Nicky, Trevor and I saw your picture this morning but I didn't have time to post. He waited all day long for me to come home and tell you how glad he is that there's another BIG orange kitty that has made it to the highly esteemed Cat of the Day status. Isn't it great that there is no discrimination when it comes to "large" kitties here! :D Trev shares your love for yogurt and also understands why you just felt compelled to try to fit in that chair. He has found himself "spilling out" of many things that he thought he would fit in. :D Nicky, you are just one totally awesome handsome kitty and I couldn't be happier to meet you today. Hope your family has planned a celebration for you and that you will enjoy it totally!!!

Cougie Wechsler
12-21-2001, 05:58 PM
Nicky! Congrats on your special day big guy! You seem like a guy that likes to have fun. I am glad you are being honored as Cat of the Day today sweet boy! I am also glad you are joining all of us and indulging a bit more this holiday season! Good for you!

12-21-2001, 08:46 PM
Dear Nicky,
You are such a Sweetie and Beautiful to
look at..I LOVE REDHEADS !!!Such interesting
personalities ...Congrats on being honored
today as CAT OF THE DAY !!!
Long happy life to you Nicky !!!

12-23-2001, 06:10 AM
Oh my Nicky. I have been on vacation, and you were the first COTD that I saw when I returned. And what a great suprise you were! (I mean the good kind of course)
You are so cute and funny spilling out of that chair of yours- and of course it's your chair!
What a special COTD you are, but then again I am a bit partial since I have a silly Maine Coon mix boy at home (he is orange too!) :D :cool: :cool: ;) :D

Congrats on your day!