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View Full Version : CatDad Update(Bob and Joey Pictures)

03-09-2004, 10:40 PM
First, I am sorry that I disappeared for a week without a word, but work got really busy very fast. One day I was sitting there in my cube and they brought out the chains and caught me by suprise.:eek: Work is sneaky like that, one day it just really heated up. This is the first time that I have really had the time and energy to sit down at my computer for about a week. I knew this was coming and I really did mean to warn everyone, but I kept putting it off thinking I had just a little more time. Opps.:o

It was really nice to be missed though, I saw the thread wondering where I was. I just wanted to say thanks.:D If I was off playing a game I would have come back and let you all know.;)

Well now for the not so good news, it is not going to get any better from here.:( We have a release that is due out in mid May and with the lack of resources that we have, it puts extra demands on my entire team. This means that overtime is in store for all (I just wish I got paid for overtime). The good news is that it should be over in May. I will make it back when I can, work will let up every now and again over the next couple of months. So, I will log on and say hi, I will also post pictures when I can.;) I know the real stars are Bob and Joey.:D

OK that's my life for the next couple of months. It's really is OK, I like my job even if it is like this a couple of times during the year.:) This is just a really big project and very important, hence all the hard work.

So, I am OK. However, please feel free to send a PM or email if you would like to check up. Just please understand if it takes me a couple of days to respond.

Ok, I needed to post an update on Joey and I really should do that in health, but since I am here and writing.....:) Joey is doing great, she made it through the weekend that I was worried about without getting sick once. In fact she has not gotten sick at all since the time in January, YEA!!!!:D I will change out the dry Hills I/D food at the end of March if she hasn't gotten sick in that time. So I think that the second vet was right and it was a food intolerance. All is good in the Joey world.

Bob is doing great, as always. He is kind of upset with me since we haven't posted any pictures in a while. He wants to let Maggie Sue know that it is all my fault and that he has not ignored her on purpose. He is just not a computer kitty and was having problems turning the computer on. If fact he came over and typed a message. I am not sure who it is for, but here it is.

Well, I think that is about all it for now. Like I said I should be able to get on and say hi over the next few months, just expect it to be kind of sporadic. Who knows, may all will test out perfectly and I'll have lots of time. Yea right!:p:D

Anyway, as promised Bob and Joey pictures coming up in the next post, I put a lot of smileys in this one and I can't post any pictures in this one.

03-09-2004, 10:41 PM
Here they are as promised Bob and Joey pictures; these were taken over the last couple of weeks:

Bob is tired and ready for bed:

Bob all cuddled in his blanket

No more pictures I am trying to sleep here:

A rare meatloaf shot of Bob:

Bob making sure that all the TV cable are setup correctly:

Of course a Bob Belly Shot (just for Maggie Sue:D):

Bob wants to let Maggie Sue know that he misses her and that he will try to get me to log on more often.:)

OK, That all for Bob at the moment, onto Joey.

03-09-2004, 10:42 PM
Joey Pictures

Here we have Joey getting in on the belly shot action:

Now this one is really rare. This is the Bob’s pedestal and Joey rarely gets up here.

Here is Joey with a couple of here socks that she has brought down from the bedroom, she really wanted treats:

Here is one of Joey’s random acts of cleaning. She will just plop down and start to clean:

To finish up a couple of them sitting together:

I hope that you enjoyed them all.

Well that is it for now and I will try to get on more then once a week. Like I said please feel free to PM or email me.

03-09-2004, 10:58 PM
Good to hear from you Bryan... thanks for the update!
So great to see our Bob and Joey too!!! Thanks for the beautiful pictures!!! :D Don't work too hard!!!

03-09-2004, 11:36 PM
Thanks for the uppiedates Bryan and the pics!! :)
Check in when you can and take care of yourself and your crew!! :)

03-10-2004, 12:36 AM
the pics of Bob cuddled in his blanket are absolutely too cute!
You have beautiful kitties!

03-10-2004, 03:05 AM
Thanks Bryan - it is better to have too much work from time to time than to have not anough work or no work at all:)

Now for the pictures: the ones of Bob cuddling in the bed are among the sweetest I've ever seen of him. Sooooo cute.

And Joey with her socks:)

Make sure we get to see once in a while:D

Ally Cat's Mommy
03-10-2004, 03:11 AM
Great pics Bryan! Your kitties are gorgeous. (And what a great stress-releiver at the end of a BUSY work day - RUB RUB RUB those tummies).

Killearn Kitties
03-10-2004, 03:17 AM
What gorgeous pictures. Each one is more cute than the last, but Bob with his little paw over his eyes is just adorable.

Yeah Joey!!! I'm so pleased she is OK. I really hope she is all sorted out now with her change of food.

Do you really sit in a cube? Like Dilbert???? :D

03-10-2004, 04:19 AM
It's good to hear from you again! Those pictures are great. Bob looks so cute cuddled up under the covers!

03-10-2004, 05:33 AM
Welcome back. Thanks for the pictures. :D

03-10-2004, 05:57 AM
Oh my goodness! I think if Maggie Sue sees those ADORABLY SWEET pictures of Bob then she might just go nuts!! He is so cute in his blankie snuggle pictures!! I love the expression on his face in the meatloaf picture!
Joey is just a beautiful little lady. She is beautiful and I'm so glad that she is feeling all better now!

Bryan don't work to hard! I guess it's not so bad when you like your jobhttp://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/smile.gif Just drop a one liner now and then so we know you are ok:D http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

03-10-2004, 08:06 AM
Its beyond the legal limit of cuteness to post those pitcures of Bob in the bed! *SMOOCH* goodnight sweet Bob.

Joey, did you do all that hard work to bring in socks and not get any treats? Boy, daddy is very mean to you. You can come here and get all of the treats you wanted.:)

I'm glad to hear that everything is going well... if not really busy.

K & L
03-10-2004, 08:17 AM
What a beauty, and great pictures!

03-10-2004, 08:22 AM
Glad to see you're alive and well, Bryan!! I miss our chats but understand how hectic work can be.

Try to take SOME time out for yourself, okay?? You know the old saying about all work and no play...

Great pictures! BTW, one question...is it a Maine Coon trait to groom alot?? Fawnie does it all the time!! Just curious.

03-10-2004, 09:04 AM
Welcome Back Cat Dad , and those Picture are heded for my Meow Mail Folder , we love Bob And Joey! Found Cats MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!

03-10-2004, 10:09 AM
Bob and Joey are the cutest! They obviously know how to relax, take life as it comes and entertain their Dad!

03-10-2004, 12:22 PM
Sounds like you've been pretty busy there Bryan:eek: Glad you finally got a few minutes to yourself!

I'm glad to see some new Joey and Bob pictures. I just love the sleeping Bob ones, they are my favorites:D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
03-10-2004, 12:29 PM
Ahem.....just what has Bob been into?

Looks like a serious catnip high to me. Just look at the smile on his face! That is one happy kitty. :D

I'm so glad to hear Joey is doing better and hasn't thrown up. Hopefully she's "good to go" now and won't have any more troubles.

Thanks for the uppydate! :D

03-10-2004, 12:35 PM
Great to hear from you Bryan, and really great to get some pictures of Joey and Bob!

Those are really great pictures! I could not even begin to tell you which one is my favorite, they are all just so cute and sweet!

Thanks for the update, and try not to work too hard, we really miss you when you are not with us.


03-10-2004, 12:46 PM
Hey CatDad! :D Thanks for the update and pictures. I'm so smitten by Bob and Joey. :)

03-10-2004, 12:47 PM
Thanks for the update. We were all starting to get a little worried. Thanks for sharing Bob and Joey with us, they are both so georgeous.

03-10-2004, 12:54 PM
Good to hear from you Bryan. :) And thanks for the lovely pictures of your gorgeous twosome.:D

03-10-2004, 02:05 PM
Glad to see that the three of you are well! And Bob and Joey are cuter than ever. I have a big soft spot for Bob, because he's such a great example of big, Maine-Coonish, handsome tabbyhood, and for Joey because she seems to have a lot of the same quirks that Rizzo has. Including, by the way, the sudden, inexplicable attacks of the need to groom!

Don't let work get ya down. :)

Miss Meow
03-10-2004, 03:06 PM
Glad you have been able to surface and get some air!

Thanks for the pics - always wonderful to see Joey and Bob and his belly :)

03-10-2004, 04:21 PM
Thanks for the update and the pics! I missed seeing pics of Bob and Joey. But they're as gorgeous as ever. And so cute! I love the sleeping pics of Bob:D

Check in whenever you can:)

03-10-2004, 04:53 PM
Hey Bryan, glad you were able to drop by and give us an update.
Those pictures of Bob and Joey were soooo priceless.
My heart just melted seeing Bob all snug as a bug under the covers and precious Joey, gorgeous as ever.
I'm so glad to hear that she continues to do well.
Give them both hugs and kisses for me okay.
Take care and don't forget to drop in now and then.:)

03-10-2004, 06:17 PM
Bob and Joey are so cute. Hope your babies won't be mad at you cuz you are too busy at work. ;)

03-10-2004, 06:35 PM

03-10-2004, 09:43 PM
I am so glad that everyone liked the pictures. Thank you for all of the compliments.:D:D

I have passed them along to the babies and they say Purrrrrrrr.:)

I realized that I should probably let you know that they are not home alone with all of the time that I am spending at work, my SO is here with them. So they do have her.:)

Now to answer a few of the comments:
moosmom - I think it must be a trait of MCs to clean. Bob and Joey both are meticulous about cleaning. If I wasn't worried about hairballs I would not even really have to brush them and I think Bob has only gotten one mat in the entire time that I have had him. They are really good about cleaning.

T&P's Mom - Actually the look that Bob has is just one of his he had not gotten any catnip before that was taken. He is naturally a hapy mellow cat.:)

rpcathouse - I can't see the picture that you posted.:(

I think that is the major ones that I wanted to comment on. Also once again thanks to everyone for all there nice comments. it really is nice to know that we are missed.:D

I think that I may actually get this weekend off and I will make some time to drop in. For now however I need to go and take care of somethings while I have the time.

I will talk to you all in as few days.:D

03-11-2004, 12:35 AM
Thanks for the update Bryan and the wonderful pictures too.:D I'm so glad to hear that Joey is doing well.
Please don't work too hard. Take care.:)

03-12-2004, 07:03 AM
Bryan, Bob and Joey are absolutely stunning! Gorgeous kitties.

Robin :)

03-12-2004, 12:34 PM
Originally posted by CatDad
I realized that I should probably let you know that they are not home alone with all of the time that I am spending at work, my SO is here with them. So they do have her.:)

I too LOVE your photos.

But I think it is your duty as a PT member to get your SO to sign up to PT. That way we can get our Joey & Bob fix daily :D

Steffi N
03-18-2004, 05:50 PM
Bob and Joey, I'm sorry I didn't post earlier to tell you how much I enjoyed the pictures of you.

I know you are taking care of your daddy and making sure he takes time to relax. :) :)