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View Full Version : Pics of a few Shelter Babies

03-09-2004, 06:43 AM
This is the first thing you see when you walk into the "Hospital Room" These guys are the sickest and are kept in the smaller one kitty cages. This is just one section of many. I hate this more than anything!

This is my doll baby Cantaloupe. She also has a reputation for being a little nasty. NOT!!!
Belly up in my lap

This is little Teresa. She is the sister to Trevor who passed away last week.

This tiny little creature is as feral as they come!!! Wild little stinker! She would like to remove your flesh from your bones!! She has improved and they are working with her otherwise I would have lost my face when trying to take this picture!! I love feral kittens but this little one scared even me when she first came in. Isn't she adorable? She reminds me of Kim's Boots.

This adorable baby girl is FeLV positive.http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/frown.gif

These next four sweeties are FIV positive and will probably live out their life at the shelter.
Big Blue (Huge, sweet, adorable guy)

Libby (She was a very wild feral but now enjoys being petted)

Fanny (As sweet as they come! Missing part of her ear...don't know what happened)

Whitey Ford (Huge Adorable Baby!)

Not to leave things on a sad note! This is Tweedle and Dee. No I can not tell them apart!! Hopefully they will go to the store soon and find forever homes!

Well thats it for shelter kitties! I hope you all don't mind me posting their pictures. They have all gotten so close to my heart that I want to share them with my PT buddies. I know they are not my personal cats so if you would rather I didn't post their pictures I would understand.

03-09-2004, 06:55 AM
My heart hurts for the FIV kitties. What a shame, they're so beautiful.

On the brighter side, what unique markings! I've never seen an orange spotted kitty!


03-09-2004, 09:10 AM
I LOVE hearing about the shelter kitties! I love it as much as hearing about any pets! WE can be their adoring family from a distance. You have a way of describing them, also...their quirks and personalities. Please keep it up!!!

The "hospital" room...I can see that the people have worked to make as it cheerful as possible with the paint and cute border. Just a small thing but it makes a difference when you go in there I am sure.

03-09-2004, 10:54 AM
Lisa.... of course we LOVE to see pictures of your shelter babies!!! Please keep sharing them anytime you can!!! How sad for the sick babies, particularly the positive ones .... that one little one who is FeLv positive looks like a baby Peanut Butter. :(

Even though it is heartwrenching to see these sick babies, Lisa it does my heart good to know that they have someone as kind and loving as you to look after them! You are doing a fantastic job, and are such a wonderful blessing to ALL of the shelter kitties! ;)

03-09-2004, 11:12 AM
Those Poor Littele Angels , what fate has led you to this! You should all be in a Furr Ever home , with somebody t love you! All the Found Cats are PRAYING that someone nice , will come along soon! And God Blees You All!

03-09-2004, 11:22 AM
I really loved seeing the shelter kitties. Yes, it makes me so sad that some are so ill, but comforts me that they are getting the care and some amount of love that they need.

I could not do what you do - I would bring them all home with me!

Please share more pictures when you can..........I think it is good for all of us to remember how many little ones need good homes.

03-09-2004, 11:26 AM
I give you all the credit in the world, because I know that I could not do it.....it breaks my heart to see the sick ones and all of the other ones that are caged up. :(

I would end up staying hours and hours at the shelter trying to give attention to each and every one of them.....then all of my others would be so very jealous.

Thank you for being the angel that you are for devoting time to these deserving, beautiful babies. :) Keep up the GOOD work. I love seeing all of their pictures.

P.S.......I'm in love with Cantelope, Whitey Ford, Libby and the little wild stinker. I think with a little time and a soft, gentle hand and voice....this little guy will come around eventually.

03-09-2004, 11:32 AM
I too enjoy seeing them, although it does break my heart to know some of these guys will probably never have a forever home.

I want Whitey Ford! He is gorgeous!! Oh and Big Blue - how sad.

03-09-2004, 01:16 PM
OMG! they are all so sweet, but I would especially love a huge helping of Canteloupe! I could just scoop that kitty up and smother her with kisses! Soo cute and fluffy!