View Full Version : Ok Laura...here is Evita!!!

03-08-2004, 10:36 PM
Laura PM'd me about Evita because her son fell madly in love with her when he saw her picture on the website. I promised to get info about her and post some more pictures. Geez! I wish you guys weren't so far away!!!!

The story on Evita is that someone turned her in as a stray. She is declawed so someone either threw her out or she ran off. She has been in the shelter for about a year now and no one has looked for her. Most of the shelter workers think she has an attitude but I don't feel that way at all. She gives them a hard time when it comes to medication and she doesn't like the girl who does it. I don't blame her! She gives me tons of love and snuggles and has never been a problem. She gets angry when I go to put her back in her cage and she nips my hand. Biting is very common in declawed cats because that is all they have left but I don't classify her as a biter. She just kind of hits my hand open mouthed. She has never bitten down or even dented my skin. She is just trying to tell me what she wants or doesn't want. She gave me so much love tonight that I wanted to eat her up! She wanted to rub her head on mine over and over! She started licking my chin and then gave me a full mouth on mouth kiss that could melt butter!!! It was the first time she had done that and it was wonderful! She put her mouth right up to mine just like a kiss and she held it there for the longest time. I took a picture but it didn't turn out real good. It's hard to take a picture of yourself when your getting such a wonderful kitty kiss! I have NEVER had a cat do that before!
Here is Evita!
She needs the groomer to have those two mats removed from her neck.

Here it is guys...THE KISS! It's not a good picture but this lasted long enough for me to turn my camera on and reach way back and say a prayer that I could a half way decent photo!

Now does she look like she has an attitude to any of you? She just needs love. I personally love Evita!!

03-08-2004, 10:49 PM
Oh my GOSH!!! She is beautiful and precious as can be!!! Oh, if only I had more room!!!! Lisa, she is gorgeous .... take her home!!! Just kidding!!! ;) :D

Laura's Babies
03-08-2004, 10:55 PM
CCL, I am in love with her too! I got tears in my eyes girl! She just needs somebody to love her and you have seen what a little love can do. I sent my son the link for this thread. When he see's her giving kisses........!!Man oh Man!! I wish I was closer!! She seems to have Dusty's personality too and I know she would blooom like a beautiful flower in a good forever home like ours... I just can not believe she has been there a year, even if she were a totally unaffectionate girl, she is a beauty to look at and would complete any home! She is awesome like Dusty! His twin sister.. Man, I got to think about this...

By the way, we are planning a wedding for this week end.. Dusty's Dad and Mom are finally going to tie up that loose end. Dusty was her gift from him for Valentines Day 2003. So, I am going to be busy this week and may not be on the board as much as I'd like to but I will check in every day..

Give Evita BIG kisses from us in SE Louisiana and tell her we love her!

03-08-2004, 11:06 PM
No problem Laura! I plan to get me some more of those Evita kisses!!!
I think she is great to but they haven't sent her out to any of the stores for adoption yet. She has had an upper respritory infection which seems to be just about gone now. another reason is that they don't think she will get adopted with her attitude. Just because she wants to get to know you a little bit before she warms up makes it hard to adopt her out at the store. People want to come in and pick up a cuddle kitty, go home, and expect everything to be perfect. Evita needs a little time but when she opens her heart she is loaded with love!
The only reason I have not brought her home with me is I really think that my NINE cats might be more than she can take. I already have two girls who battle for queen and I think Evita would like that role in her new home. My Maggie Sue has such an attitude and Evita doesn't have claws so I'm afraid she would be at a major disadvantage!
Tell your son CONGRATULATIONS on the upcoming wedding!!! He will have to have Dusty pull his little cart full of flower petals down the aisle!!!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

03-08-2004, 11:20 PM
She is gorgeous. She looks like my Sis-in-Law's cat Spunky, who has enough attitude for all the cats on this board.

Poor thing, I hope she finds her forever home soon. A year in a shelter is entirely too long!

03-09-2004, 12:07 AM
I think I would have an attitude also if I was stuck in a cage for a year.
Evita is so beautiful.
Oh I hope and pray that some special person comes along and can see Evita for what she really is. A cat who would give you years of love and devotion.
How lucky you are CCL to get kitty kisses from this absolute gorgeous cat named Evita.

As for nipping your hand when you go to put her back in her cage, to me she is telling you that she would rather stay with you, giving loves and snuggles, than go back into a cold steel cage. She obviously cherishes the moments she has with you.
Give her extra kissies and scritchies for me please.

03-09-2004, 05:34 AM
Lorrraine I absolutely agree! She is letting me know that she wants me to hold her and love her some more. That is the part that I find the most heartbreaking when I'm there. I know how much love she needs but there 50 more in that room watching and screaming for the same kind of attention. I feel guilty when I put her back in her cage and I feel guilty when I hold her longer than the others. I just need to spend so much more time there!! I wish I had the energy and time to be there everyday.http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/frown.gif

03-09-2004, 05:51 AM
What a beautiful cat!
CCL, you can get those mats out yourself with one simple tool. It's called a shedding comb and it is a miracle worker.

Laura's Babies
03-09-2004, 07:47 AM
I can't stay away from looking at these pictures of her. I hope her she gets better soon so you can work on getting her a good forever home. Once you tell how she is, there will be someone who will take her. There will be somebody who will understand she has been there for so long and has withdrawn and will become a different girl in a loving, secure inviroment.

I have taken in cats in for the vet I use to have that people had brought in to be PTS because they moved and couldn't take them or other reasons without caring one bit about personalities and some of them were not affectionate or want to be petted at all. To some of us, all that don't matter. What matters is them having a home! I have taken in senior cats that nobody else wanted because they were to old where I feel they deserve to live out their last days in a real home where someone cared about them. My feeling is when they have lived a long life, they deserve better than to die in a cage (or shelter) or be PTS because they were no longer wanted.Things that are not their fault. Years of faithful service deserve better than that!!!!

03-09-2004, 07:55 AM
I think Evita will get a home too. She just needs to go to the store and I'm sure she will be adopted. Whoever gets her will have a prize!! A little patience and she will be a true friend till the end! All of us have to be forgiven our faults and for Evita I'm sure their are very few. Unlike us humans who screw up all the time!

03-09-2004, 11:15 AM
Evita is a Gorgeous Cat , and we are hoping that someone will notice , and give her the Home that she deserves. Kitty Kissies and Head Bumpies from The Found Cats Hotel!

03-09-2004, 12:35 PM
*swoon!* What a beautiful gray girl.

03-09-2004, 12:44 PM
*SWOON* What a beautiful kitty and lucky you to be blessed with Evita kisses! A mat-breaker tool would work to gently get those mats out. I use it on my two - works like a charm!

03-09-2004, 01:02 PM
I agree with RedHedd - what an HONOR that Evita has picked YOU to trust and give her kisses to:D She can have a bit of attitude and does not have to love on just anyone!!

03-09-2004, 04:14 PM
Awww, Evita is such a beautiful girl! I would take her home if I could...I'm sure she'll get adopted soon!:)