View Full Version : beanbag woes

03-08-2004, 03:12 PM
Uh oh... up till this point Boomer has been very well behaved in "his" beloved beanbag:) He has never before given us a reason to take it away from him.It's made of pretty thick vinyl, but this morning I found teeth marks- about 20 of them all in one little area:eek: I would HATE to take it away from him, he loves it soooooooooo much. For now I'd better not mention this to my hunny and just hope that Boomer doesn't do that anymore!

~~The only reason I would take away is so that he doesn't get into the filling and choke himself:(

03-08-2004, 03:24 PM
Did he think it one great big Tootsie Roll? It seems I remember hm leaving teeth marks in those too. Boomer, don't ruin your good thing by tasting it!

03-09-2004, 11:40 AM
I had a Beannbag Chair ,years ago , until it got all scratched up , and I tossed it out. But then I had to retreive it , as Mr. Scrappy and Smokey missed it, so much!It eventually had to be tossed , when my friends became Angels!