View Full Version : A Funny Characteristic

03-07-2004, 09:02 AM
Every other dog that I've ever had whines to get out of their crate. Sarah on the other hand, growls and barks at you. It's so funny. I told Mike that isn't a bad thing...she's a woman that knows what she wants and isn't afraid to say so.

03-07-2004, 09:18 AM
lol I think poms growl and bark for everything:o As they seem to be barky/yappy dogs, Muffin the pom I grew up with was very grumpy lol and she would bark at people for soooo long after they came in to visit, and she'd growl if people touched her lol or tried to pick her up, or even just stared at her sometimes, she was funny--but definatly knew what she wanted, and definatly stopped what she didnt like!

03-07-2004, 01:18 PM

Rosie barks at you, growls, whines.. if she wants YOU to give her something.. like, for example, she has a bone next to her, she continues to bark, etc., til' I get up and get it from her and toss it and she'll go after it and she's all thrilled, and lays next to me.. now, am I a slave? :P

03-07-2004, 03:10 PM
Originally posted by DogLover9501
lol I think poms growl and bark for everything:o As they seem to be barky/yappy dogs,

You can't really judge breeds as something, because each dog is really different. But, I do have to say that Pom that I met barked, too.

LOL! That's so cute! Small dog, big attitude, eh?;)

03-07-2004, 03:51 PM
Call me prejudice...but I think almost every small dog has short man's syndrome. lol. I've met very few that don't yap. But it's so funny with her because she'll do the cute poor me whine for about 30 seconds and then she gets mad. Her bark is this agressive I'm mad bark. And she starts growling. Then when you let her out, she's back to her happy self.

03-07-2004, 04:08 PM
Originally posted by Tonya
Call me prejudice...but I think almost every small dog has short man's syndrome. lol. I've met very few that don't yap. But it's so funny with her because she'll do the cute poor me whine for about 30 seconds and then she gets mad. Her bark is this agressive I'm mad bark. And she starts growling. Then when you let her out, she's back to her happy self.

LOL, that means... she MEANT buisness! ;)