View Full Version : Backyard Breeders*Rant*

03-06-2004, 10:49 PM
I've been stewing on this a couple of days and I've just got to get my feelings out on the subject. My neice called the other night and talked to mom for a few minutes. She was wanting her to start saving newspapers because their dog is pregnant again! Grrrrrrrrr. This dog just had puppies in the middle of last year. I mentioned then that after they were gone, that I hoped they would get one of their dogs spayed/neutered. I don't know how much she sold those last puppies but I guess she thinks that the dog is now a money maker. Makes me sick! And, my brother certainly wasn't raised that way at all. I can't really say anything to my neice because it would start a war. She really loves animals. I just hope that she doesn't follow in her mother's footsteps. They've had and given away so many dogs. Oh, this woman also raised cats for a while and some died in the house. I could go on and on..............

03-06-2004, 10:56 PM
I am so sorry - I know how frustrating it is to have a loved one who is doing something you know is wrong. My only advice for you is to maybe print some articles about the health issues of non-spayed dogs and give them to her.

I also think the following statistics might help:

In order for every dog born to have a home, every human being would have to adopt (or own) 5 dogs. So in a family with two parents and two kids - they would have to have 20 dogs to prevent dogs from being put to sleep due to lack of homes. Kind of makes you think - doesn't it?

03-07-2004, 04:21 AM
So sorry to hear about that, Val! Your sister in law gets out of her phase QUICK!! Have you talked to your brother? I think your concerns are valid about her not setting a good example for your neice.

Good luck!

03-07-2004, 02:25 PM
I totally back you up. I know all about backyard breeding as my aunt did it with her dog and my grandma's dog. Now we're stuck (but I love my Megan to death :D ) with two non-show quality Pomeranians, that don't even match the breed standard. :mad: A week after the pups were born the mother dog died. My aunt later admitted that she didn't do enough research. -.-' Then she got a little poodle mix from the pound (but unspayed?? that doesn't make sense as most shelters require that pups are spayed/neutered before they go to a new home), and she was planning to breed that little dog when she got older. Made me SOOo mad! :mad: Luckily, my uncle made them give the dog away. I think you should talk to your niece, even if it starts a war. If my uncle hadn't made my aunt give the pup away, I'd would have had a looonng talk with her. :mad:

03-08-2004, 08:25 AM
That's awful Val, must be horribly upsetting and yet you can only do so much :(