View Full Version : Cat Show: San Jose, CA rest of 2004

03-02-2004, 08:55 PM
Hi all, KAK asked me about the next cat show when we went to the flower show on Sunday. I just checked and there's a lot more info than when I checked a couple months ago.

3 - 4 April, Pleasanton Fairgrounds, Cat Fancy Assoc (CFA)

21 - 23 May (Cancelled) since this is the weekend with the most votes for the Dog Park outing/picnic, maybe this is just as well.

5 - 6 June, San Jose -- 180 Park Ave.; The Intl Cat Assoc (TICA)

6 - 7 Nov, San Jose -- Fairgrounds(?), CFA

26 - 28 Nov, Pleasanton Fairgrounds, TICA


03-02-2004, 11:28 PM
Thanks AmberLee. I printed it out for future reference.:) I can't wait to go to another cat show.:D

03-03-2004, 12:20 AM
Yay!! Count me in!! I'm looking forward to the one in Pleasanton in April, since it's just right around the corner! ;) I think Pleasanton has one of the best ones around here, although the San Jose show was pretty good. I went to the Monterey show this weekend, and it was really small, so there wasn't as much going on and luckily there were like no vendors at all! :eek: LOL That was a bummer because Kelly came all the way up here for it and it wasn't as good as the San Jose and Pleasanton shows :( We still had fun though, and one of the exhibitors told us all about the new Savannah breed. It was very fascinating. She even let us touch her cat. Turns out her sister (the cat that was at the show) will more than likely be the "cover girl" for the Savannah breed in the August issue of Cat Fancy! Cool, huh? :)

03-03-2004, 01:10 PM
YAY! Count me in for the upcoming Pleasanton show!

03-03-2004, 11:38 PM

Let's see -- WolfLady can only make Sunday, I think?

I'd rather only go one day.

Yuck. Someone (Cassy) is getting sick on the carpet, gotta go. More later.

03-03-2004, 11:53 PM
Yes, as of right now, Sundays are the best for me since I am working on Saturdays...ugh...but who knows...maybe I will land a marketing communications job by then and will be on a normal work schedule...?? One could hope! LOL :)
But yes, right now, Sunday would be the best day for me...who would like to meet up with me on Sunday?

03-04-2004, 10:55 AM
I wish there were Cat Shows in Hamilton , but the closest is in Toronto , and that is not Bus accessable. Too bad , as that is a greatplace to meet Cat Lovers , Pet Food Reps , and get great Cat Toys!

03-29-2004, 12:09 AM

Depending on her friend's wedding day, Mr. and Ms. Wolflady are coming to the cat show on Sunday. I'm carpooling with KAK and SylDion (may have mangled her screen name?). We think RedHedd is meeting us there. So far, it looks like we're meeting there at noon. Yippee! I'm looking forward to this! :D

03-29-2004, 12:30 AM
I'll be there and I'm really looking forward to it. :D
I pm'd RedHedd the new info and she had said that Sat. was better for her but she might be able to move some plans around to attend on Sun.

04-03-2004, 09:37 PM
Well it's finally time to go to another cat show.:D AmberLee, Sylvia,Wolflady and her husband and I will be going to the Pleasanton Cat Show tomorrow. RedHedd may also be going but I'm not sure yet. I'll try to take some pictures too.:)

04-03-2004, 11:08 PM
Well, RedHedd PMed me -- she can't join us after all, but she's planning to make the June show.

We're to meet the Wolflady contingent at Ring 1 at noon. I am so excited!


04-04-2004, 12:51 PM
Thanks for the reminder. Good thing I opted out for today. The spring-forward thing really messed up my sleep and I feel like c**p today. Good cold, foggy day to lay low and nurse my allergies and get some more sleep.

Please take LOTS of pics at the Pleasanton show. I've put the June show in my datebook and won't plan anything else that weekend.

04-04-2004, 10:28 PM
Sppppfffftttt at me. I took my camera, had a blast, but did I take a single photo. Not one! Not sure where my brain was.

Syldion, KAK and I met up with Wolflady and her husband. Good visiting, lots of gorgeous cats, some wonderful shopping. They had used books for sale as a fund-raiser. Wolflady and I resisted. NOT.

I'll try to post more tomorrow. Time change is catching up with me, too.