View Full Version : woohoo shadow! diet is paying off!

02-27-2004, 08:03 PM
woohoo! lol first a little background, shadow used to be a very thin dog, but then all of a sudden got lethargic, devolped arthritus, and many other problems, after her diet switch to BARF, most of the problems disapered(although it took longer for shadow then the other dogs because shadow had eaten kibble 4 years of her life) but her lathargy stayed, she gained weight but was unable to loose weight, she was 40lbs or above for the longest time, well latley I noticed she was looking thiner, and I could feel her rins more easily I commented on it to my mom who did not think anything of it, I mean it happend many times before but she had not actually lost weight. but finally my mom weighed her today(shadow will only let my mom pick her up) and guess what? 32lbs! :D woohoo! go shadow! if her lathargy has finally cleared up she will be back to ideal weight in no time! :D

02-27-2004, 10:29 PM
Wow, that's great! An 8 pound loss is amazing. It's like, 20% of her body weight. Glad she's doing better. :)