View Full Version : Just a little update on the Doggy Duo...;)

02-26-2004, 03:49 PM
I've been gone for awhile...which means I've neglected to update you guys on Zoey and Moose.

Well, the two pups are getting along great...and Zoey has settled in amazingly well. Josh and I have been trying to take her to the dog park as much as we can. She does will with it most of the time, but is pretty picky about the dogs she hangs around with and gets pretty nippy with some of them. We're lucky she gets along so well with Moose.

Let's see...what else?

We've been taking her to obedience classes and she's doing pretty well with that. I'm surprised with how quickly she seems to be learning things. We've already mastered a few tricks with her. [If she comes with us to the FL Meeting, maybe I'll show them off ;)].

She's become quite the cuddler...and she's definitely more affectionate than Moose. Which is actually pretty amazing, because Moose is constantly in your face trying to give kisses. They're definitely quite the duo. ;)

I know there's plenty more to tell you guys...but I'll hold off on that until later. ;)

02-26-2004, 04:10 PM
Thanks for the update. Nice to see you around again Brooke. :) Hope we can see some new pictures of them soon. :D

02-26-2004, 04:17 PM
Thanks, Liana...good to be back. :) I was starting to go through withdrawal. ;):p

Nope...no new pictures yet. It's not that I haven't taken any [I've used up tons of film since we got Zoey, lol]....I just don't have any way to get them onto my computer. :(:p

02-26-2004, 08:13 PM
Glad to hear everything's going well! :) Zoey sounds like the perfect match for you guys. Can't wait to see pictures!

By the way...I love what it says in your signature. ;)

02-26-2004, 09:20 PM
Originally posted by GoldenRetrLuver
By the way...I love what it says in your signature.

I knew you would. :p

02-27-2004, 10:16 AM
Great news to hear! As far as the other dogs, I suspect Zoey is more on the alpha side, and Moosey, big goofy labby boy that he is, doesn't care and so they get along great. Perhaps she is more nippy with other dogs with alpha-type personalities? That's just a guess!

I'm really glad to hear how well she's settling in, and how cuddly and sweet she is. I sure wish I could see them! ;). Maybe you could take in the pictures you have taken to like Walmart or somewhere where they can put them on disk for you? I'm not sure how that works but I think that is what my sister has had done before.

Well, give those two a hug and kiss from me! :)

02-27-2004, 03:35 PM
Originally posted by K9soul
I'm really glad to hear how well she's settling in, and how cuddly and sweet she is. I sure wish I could see them! ;). Maybe you could take in the pictures you have taken to like Walmart or somewhere where they can put them on disk for you? I'm not sure how that works but I think that is what my sister has had done before.

Duh! Why didn't I ever think of that? :p

Does it work for any pictures? I mean, can I just take them in and voila...they put them on a disk??

02-27-2004, 03:39 PM
Maybe you could take in the pictures you have taken to like Walmart or somewhere where they can put them on disk for you?

Thats how I always get my pictures! Well only until may, when I get my digital :p

02-27-2004, 03:39 PM
Does it work for any pictures? I mean, can I just take them in and voila...they put them on a disk??

Im not sure about pitcures, I always bring in film, or a disposable

02-27-2004, 04:00 PM
I believe she brings in the film and do it from that somehow. She gets prints, plus a disk :)