View Full Version : Pictures From Our Trip To Bavaria

02-25-2004, 06:13 AM
Andrew, Drake, and I went on a 4 day trip to Bavaria (Southern Germany). We spent a few days in Garmisch and a day in Munich. We had loads of fun and were able to have dinner with Barbara (from the Cat side) and her husband. I posted those pictures last week. We also go to spend an afternoon in Austria. It was only a half hour drive from our hotel!!

We got back on Monday the 16th and then I went to Sweden for a few days to visit family. I got back on Saturday and have been in bed sick since. I am slowly getting better.

We have only 3 more weekends before Andrew goes to Iraq :( I am going to try and plan a couple of day trips to near by cities before he has to leave. March 15th is the dreaded day. I still don't have a job and it doesn't seem like something will turn up anytime soon :( I wanted to go and spend a few months with my parents in Lebanon. But it would cost me 2000 Euros for Drake and I to go. So, guess my butt is staying in Wiesbaden!

Here are the pictures! Enjoy!

Drake running around in the snow

Drake catching snow balls

Drake running on trail

Drake burrying his head in the snow

Drake and Andrew walking through field

More to come!

02-25-2004, 06:14 AM
View of the Alps from our hotel balcony

Alps on the drive to Innsbruck, Austira

Alps on the drive to Innsbruck, Austira

Drake and I at the English Gardens in Munich

02-25-2004, 07:18 AM
I loved the pics! I saved the one of you and Drake in my pet talk favorite folder. You two are beautiful!

I envy you getting to see all those beautiful places. What great memories. Plus, you got to meet Barbara. That must have been great.

I hope you find a great job soon. Make sure you and Andrew enjoy these next few weeks to the fullest. That must be so hard knowing he will be going to Iraq in a few weeks. You 2 stay strong and Andrew you make sure you stay safe.

Robin :)

02-25-2004, 09:38 AM
AWESOME photos ;) you can´t imagine how I like them :) they´re beautiful ;) I´ve said many times, that I´d love to visit Germany some day ;)

And Drake of course is beautiful and wonderful as always :D

02-25-2004, 10:08 AM
Wonderful pictures Souraya! You can tell that Drake loves the snow. :D

And the Alps are breathtaking. :) And as always, you and Drake look so good together. :)

02-25-2004, 10:21 AM
Great pictures! Looks like fun and Drake is sooooo handsome. :)

02-25-2004, 10:35 AM
Beautiful scenery and a beautiful family!! I'm sorry to hear you are not feeling well...I hope you are back on your feet soon.

How long is Andrew's deployment?

02-25-2004, 10:36 AM
Oh how breathtaking! So very beautiful, and I'm sure it's much more so even in person! I too love the last one of you and Drake, what a great picture of you two!

02-25-2004, 04:44 PM
Beautiful scenery!:D and great pics:)

Hope you get better soon, and good luck on finding a job!

02-25-2004, 08:58 PM
It's so gorgeous!! You're just SO lucky! :D

02-25-2004, 11:00 PM
I've said it before and will say it again, Drake is SOOO HANDSOME!!!:eek: You're so lucky to have such a beautiful pup! :D Wonderful pics! I love the one of him with his head in the snow and the pic of him catching the snowball!:p

02-25-2004, 11:24 PM
aawww Souraya!!!
I will continue to keep you and your family in my thoughts!! and Prayers.
You and Drake look gorgeous as usual!!!

02-25-2004, 11:36 PM
GORGEOUS photos!! I love the ones of Drake running! He looks like a wild wolf here!

02-26-2004, 01:20 PM
Originally posted by wolf_Q
GORGEOUS photos!! I love the ones of Drake running! He looks like a wild wolf here!

I agree with Amy! :D

02-26-2004, 03:13 PM
You guys are so lucky that you get to visit such beautiful places. The pictures are just awesome!

Wonderful picture of you and Drake:D