View Full Version : Bob is such a helpful boy

02-22-2004, 09:28 AM
While I clean out the cupboard under the sink, he watches to see I wash inside properly...
Then checks that what I am going to put back in the cupboard is really needed.

His other duties include making sure all food is eaten, and, of course, if any should accidently fall on the floor he is at hand to clear up immediately. (He assures me this is Not Begging!;))

And finally, clean up duty, making sure there isn't any food left to spoil on anycounters/surfaces.

Like I said, such a helpful boy!
:rolleyes: ;)

02-22-2004, 09:31 AM
aww, Bob is realllly helpful boy :D

02-22-2004, 10:33 AM
The springer must be known for helpfulness . Merlin is just as helpful.

02-22-2004, 11:27 AM
Bob, what do you think your Mom's thoughts are on "outsourcing???" I could REALLY used your help come Spring cleaning time in April!:D Are you available? Paw me off a note if you are. I'm big on benefits (lots of homemade treats) AND playtime-overtime!:) What a faublous Mama's helper you are, Bob! SMOOCHES!!!!:) Chris, I was eyeballing your cleaning products, wondering what's "new" across the pond...we have "Dreft" here but what's "Percil?" Nice kitchen by the way!:)

02-22-2004, 11:53 AM
Oh Bob what a big help you are indeed! At first I thought you might have a hidden agenda, wondering if Mom perhaps had a stash of doggie treats under that sink. Now I am ashamed of myself for ever thinking that! :) Oh and the picture of you checking that food doesn't spoil on the counter is just priceless. We certainly wouldn't want that, would we? :D Bella says she hopes you were able to salvage a scrap or two up there, all in the name of hard work of course! ;)

02-22-2004, 11:58 AM
Sandra, Bob says as it in his nature to be helpful that he will be more than pleased to lend you a paw, nose and waggly tail to help out come spring cleaning time. :)

(Hah! Naturally helpful!! I think it's more your promise of treats and playtime that's tempting him!:D)

Chris, I was eyeballing your cleaning products, wondering what's "new" across the pond...we have "Dreft" here but what's "Percil?"
It is a brand of soap powder (laundry soap I think you call it?) Actually, there isn't actually any Persil powder in that tin. There was originally, a long time ago, nowadays I just buy the supermarket own brand of automatic washer powder, or whatever brand is on offer, and empty the box contents into the tin, keeps it dry. Come to think of it, I could do with getting something similar for the Dreft handwash powder.:)


02-22-2004, 12:10 PM
I'll be waiting, Bob!;) Thanks for the cleaning product update, Chris! That's a neat storage tin! Practically everything here is in plastic or cardboard boxes nowadays!:(

02-22-2004, 12:17 PM
Originally posted by Pam
Oh Bob what a big help you are indeed! At first I thought you might have a hidden agenda, wondering if Mom perhaps had a stash of doggie treats under that sink. Now I am ashamed of myself for ever thinking that! :)Pam, you should indeed feel shame in thinking that I, Bob The Helpful, would have such an ulterior motive! ;)

Oh and the picture of you checking that food doesn't spoil on the counter is just priceless. We certainly wouldn't want that, would we? :D Bella says she hopes you were able to salvage a scrap or two up there, all in the name of hard work of course! ;)
I am glad you appreciate my work with checking the counters, it can be difficult work at times, especially if Mum is actually in the room watching me. :) Tell Bella that my Mum is very good at not leaving food around so, no,*sigh* I very rarely have a chance to salvage any for her.

02-22-2004, 12:58 PM
What a good boy Bob! I'm sure your Mommy loves the help! :D

I have two of my own helpers here.. Tommy likes to follow along everywhere I go and make sure any closets/pantries etc. are in order.

Tasha loves to help Mommy fold laundry... by rubbing her face all over it!

Give Bob a hug and kiss from me :)

02-22-2004, 01:03 PM
Awww, Bob! You are such a gentleman!

Holly's mom
02-22-2004, 03:00 PM
Bob, you're such a nice boy!:) :) I always thought Holly was being nosy, now I realize she's trying to be helpful!:D

Edwina's Secretary
02-22-2004, 03:39 PM
Dearest Bob,

I too, will be in need of some assistance when it is time for Spring Cleaning. And I am clumsy. I drop lots of goodies on the floor and am FOREVER forgetting to put away yummy things like chicken livers. So you see, it is I who is in most desparate need of your help.

Please come quickly! ;) :D ;) :D

02-22-2004, 03:42 PM
Oh Bob - such a helper, and in such demand .........

Who said men don't help in the kitchen ..... :D

02-22-2004, 03:56 PM
Good boy, Bob!!!! I'll have to tell Killian and Shiloh what a big help you are to your Mom. Maybe they'll learn from you, Bob, and start to help me around the house.

02-22-2004, 04:06 PM
good boy Bob!!

02-22-2004, 06:27 PM
Oh Good Boy,Bob!!!!!!
You are The Sir Sean (Connery,That is) of English Dogs!!!!
Such Manners!!!!!
Mum is So Proud!!!!;) :)

02-22-2004, 09:06 PM
Oh Bob you're such a helpful boy!!! I really don't need any Spring cleaning done around here because I'm in a 2-bdrm apt and I try to keep up all the time.


if you would like to come for another visit someday I'll be waiting.....with homemade doggy treats.....

You wouldn't have to work at all while you are here, just eat, sleep, play, car rides, walks, more play and finally eat and sleep. How does that sound??