View Full Version : How long does it take...

02-21-2004, 10:10 AM
before two cats realize that a window is open?

Oh, about half a second!

The weather here today is a delightful taste of spring. Since everyone's been sick lately, I decided to open a window to let fresh air in and germies out. I opened the window when no cats were anywhere to be found. I asked my husband how long it would be before one of them noticed. I didn't even have the question out of my mouth before Pouncer came flying in and landed on the window sill... Allen was a few seconds behind!

You should see two cats trying to squeeze their whole bodies through a 4" opening! I might as well have NOT openend the window for all of the air flitering past two cats!

Think Spring!!!!:)

02-21-2004, 10:39 AM
First thing catnapper, is that you should have either written this down on a piece of paper. Or just whisped this in your husbands ear. I think cats actually understand what we say, but they certainly don't want us to know this well kept secret between cats. ;) They seem to know all, and see all!

Probably would not have done any good to whisper, they probably would have heard that through their keen sense of hearing. LOL, like I said catnapper, you always say some of the cutest and intreresting things. I love reading your posts. You make me stop and think, and scratch my head a bit. ;)


02-21-2004, 11:01 AM
LOL! Isn't that typical! :D The minute I open a window, Fister is there 2 seconds later, sniffing the air - even if he's fast asleep on our bed.

02-21-2004, 11:04 AM
Generally , all JJj3 neds ia a half a second , as do Michael and Princess , as all were outdoor Cats , and the smell of the outdoors has a magnetic hold on them. Then they are like Greased Lightning! Zoom , Zoom, Zoom!!!!!!!

02-21-2004, 11:55 AM
Not only do kitties have SUPER SNIFFERS, but mine know the SOUND of a rising window!!! We have had some very mild days here lately, and so the kitties have enjoyed some playtime in our kitty play-yard! I will be posting a few pics soon.


02-21-2004, 10:23 PM
My two must be slow.:) It takes them a little while to come and sit in the open windows.

We had a nice day here too, and I opened up all the upstairs windows.

02-21-2004, 11:29 PM
Oh, about half a second!

I agree. I opened the windows here to get in some fresh morning air, and Boomer took off and more or less came flying through the air and couldn't get into the window sill fast enough. Unfortunately for me, I was in the way, lol ...which ended up in him accidently scratching me so bad the blood literally ran down my leg. :eek: