View Full Version : If you could ask your dogs anything...

02-16-2004, 09:54 PM
The other thread made me think of this. I always wonder things about my dogs and wish they could talk. If you could ask your dogs anything, what would you ask them?

02-16-2004, 09:55 PM
I would ask Dusty why he never ever kisses us. I find it strange that he is so happy and loving, but never licks. I'd also like to know about his last family.

I would ask Roxy why she acts so scared sometimes. I would explain to her that we love her and we'd never hurt her.

02-16-2004, 10:05 PM
;) i always think of this.

I would ask Clover why she wont heel when we go to Obedience trials (We bomb out every time because of it) i would explain to her that it is not too bad. ;)

I would ask Penny if her eye sight is going on her :( Sometimes i think she does not see some things or she gets snappy for no reason. (The vets have checked her eyes and they are not too bad)

Elvis, well he is a pup so i dont have to question his behaviour ;)

Theodore, I would ask why the box loader at Flyball freaks him out. He wont approach the box if someone is standing near it. (it is the only thing holdiing him back from being an awesome Flyball dog)

02-16-2004, 10:07 PM
I'd ask Kai why he won't walk like a good boy on a normal collar.

I'd ask Kaedyn what his past owners were like and if he liked it here.

02-16-2004, 10:40 PM
I would ask Kito why he is such a snob, why he won't give me kisses, and what all of his little noises mean.

I would ask Abbey why on earth she feels the need to rearrange all of the beds in the bedroom before she goes to bed--she does it every night!!

I don't know that I would really ask Riley anything, but I would love to make him understand that it is ok if I leave the room, and I will be back, and that he can relax while I am getting ready for bed, and not keep following me into the bathroom, into the bedroom, back into the bathroom, and to bed. I would just like to reassure him that I am not leaving, and will always be right back.

I would love to ask Jada about her previous home. When we got her, she was well trained, very well taken care of, healthy--I just wonder what went wrong there.

Since all 4 of mine did have a different home before coming to stay with us, I would love to know if they are happy here, or do they wish they were still in their old homes.

02-16-2004, 11:07 PM
why do you counter cruise? why do you enjoy chewing on the sweet gum ball and wood? why did you eat the mardi gras beads? does it hurt when you have a seizure? do you know before it happens? do you like your food? do you know magic (the meow) wants to play with you when he rubs his head on you the lays down to softly bat at you? do you miss duke? do you feel lonely as on only dog and i'm gone during the day? since i leave the radio on when i'm gone what type of music do you want to hear? how do you feel about npr? and what did that squirrel ever do to you? i can understand the neighbors cats need to be chased from your yard, but what's with the squirrel?

02-16-2004, 11:21 PM
I would ask Star what she is so afraid of all the time, and I would ask Wilbur why he STILL poops in the house.

02-17-2004, 12:40 AM
I would ask Anna if she is truely happy where she is at.. I would ask Rosie why she growls and threatens to bite my brother.. also why Rosie likes dirty socks and hogging the covers of my bed..

02-17-2004, 07:39 AM
I would ask Nicki why she loves to eat tissues. She knows it'll cause major problems on the (ahem) back end... so why? I will also ask her why she lets the cats push her around.

02-17-2004, 08:08 AM
I would ask perky why she hates border collies so much.

I would ask shadow where she came from

I would ask happy why she is so frightend of other dogs.

I would ask Ripley why he likes to drown us in kisses(litterally)

I would ask blair is he thinks he is God(he can be found worshiping himself every single day lol)

I would ask misty why she feels the need to leap 6 feet in the air and bounce of people to greet them.

CloverFDX happy was the same was with boxloaders however my mom could boxlaod for her but she was the only one, someone else got on the box once and happy stopped dead in her tracks half way to the box and stared in fright :eek: then turned around and ran back to me lol but once she figered out the flyball was a race she forgot all about her boxloader fear, and she is fine now :)

02-17-2004, 10:04 AM
I would ask Kia why she insists on laying down far out of reach and then do her high pitched whine for attention.

She won't come to me when I call her and if I finally get up and walk to her, she gets up and walks away. :rolleyes:

02-17-2004, 10:24 AM
I would ask Merlin why he feels he has to run to the crate the mintue we all get home. If some one has stayed home he runs to meet the homecomer with a toy,but if no one has been there he runs and hides in his crate. Some gaurd dog!!

02-17-2004, 01:51 PM
I would ask my Dog Tikeya if she is loved enough....... ...I am always scared she isnt getting enough attention...
I always ask my dog stuff anyways. I dont get a vocal reply but I get a physical reply :). she is always there and I can talk to her. and the best part is that she cant tell anyone ;)

02-17-2004, 02:47 PM
I would ask Dale why he barks at empty milk jugs...it is as if they have 3 heads, when he sees one!! :) He runs! :) Silly dog.

I would ask him if he remembers his siblings that we took him away from in North Carolina, when we adopted him.

And I would ask him, if he really "chose" us, like we like to think, the day we adopted him. We had a choice between him and one of his sisters, and we felt like he just had to make himself known to us, and fell in love with his personality, and wonder, if he felt the same way about us...

02-17-2004, 02:53 PM
I'd ask Mickey if he was happy with us. I try to be the best mommy I can be but I always think he can be happier and I wish he could tell us what he'd like to have changed.

02-17-2004, 04:13 PM
I would ask Sully why he likes to sleep in the closet.

I would ask Emma why she likes to sit at the top of the stairs and stare at us.

:D :D

02-17-2004, 04:42 PM
Why do you leave the weekly newspaper alone
but tear the living eff outta the sunday paper?

guster girl
02-17-2004, 06:35 PM
I'd ask Finn, who is seven weeks old, what I could do to make it easier on him to be alone. My boyfriend and I have only had him since Sunday evening, and, I know he's missing his siblings. He is already getting better and is crying less at night, though. I had to buy ear plugs, though, so, I could still sleep. I set my phone on vibrate to wake me every three hours to take him out, though. Talk about a shock when that phone starts shaking and it's right by my face or my hand. It sure gets me up though! :)

02-17-2004, 10:13 PM
Sometimes I'd like to ask the rescues what happened--why are they so timid, why does Chum growl when his paws are touched, why does...ect, ect, ect....but then I think I'd rather not know. I might have to hurt someone if the dogs could tell me who hurt them!

Most of my questions would start with "WHAT or WHY the h**l "..:eek: Why does Sleet only collect my stuff? Why will Muskwa listen to hubby and not me? What does that look mean? Where did you find that? When you disappear in the yard, where do you go? Why do you insist on running on the left side? ect, ect

And I'd like to know for sure that they are happy here!

02-17-2004, 10:35 PM
Originally posted by Glacier
Sometimes I'd like to ask the rescues what happened--why are they so timid, why does Chum growl when his paws are touched, why does...ect, ect, ect....but then I think I'd rather not know. I might have to hurt someone if the dogs could tell me who hurt them!

I agree. Too sad. :(

I'd just ask them if they know I love them, even when I don't have enough time or patience.

And I'd ask them if they are happy here, or if they could be happier somewhere else.

02-17-2004, 11:22 PM
I would ask Odie, what happened to him with his last home to make him so afraid on being inside and what is he singing all the time?

Brandy, I want to know if she feels safe here after her past and that she knows she will never go without food again.

Tuffy, I want to know why he is so hard headed and refuses to listen, when I know he is smarter then that. "are you trying to con us?"

Mooch, I want to know how she really feels about all the new members added to the home sense she was the first. Does she hate me for it?

Cannilla is a hard one for me, I would want to know if she aware that she ill and her time is short. If there something I can do more for her. But I'm be afraid of the answer, so maybe it's better that I can't ask.

As for the rest of the gang, I just want to know they are happy with their new home and that they know we love them 100%.

02-18-2004, 04:47 AM
I'd ask Angus what turns on his slobber box when he thinks he's going to get a treat;)

I'd ask Roxey why she is afraid of noises that come out of people's mouths (like baby noises).

And I'd ask Huney why she was out in the country. Did someone drop her off out there, did she run away from home, was her last family mean to her, and why she doesn't like to play with toys unless she's tearing them up;)

02-18-2004, 06:34 AM
I just woke up and I was thinking that I read the thread wrong :p Didn't know this was a new one. I'd ask him why he goes completely nuts when he sees a squirrel or a lizard.

02-18-2004, 10:15 AM
I would ask Buddy why he's still so scared of my hubby, and I would need to tell him that I may have to find a new home for him. :(
I would also like to know what happend to him? Why he was living in a barn all alone when the APL found him.

I'd ask Sierra to please stop jumping on and over the fence!:o
I would also ask her what happened to her when she was little, why she was picked up as a stray? And why she's so afraid of brooms & plastic bags?

PJ's Mom
02-18-2004, 11:59 AM
I would ask Bailey how she ended up in the shelter. :(

I would ask Peej if his eye hurts him. :(