View Full Version : Let's go surfin' now, every hound is learning how!

Miss Meow
02-13-2004, 11:19 PM
Hello, woof!

We went to the beach today!. I just wanted to stay in the sandy stuff and chase the other people around, but mummy and daddy said something about being a small but large public nuisance and I should go for a swim.

Are you serious?

This is not in our contract.

So, I get lunch and a new bone if I follow you into that water. Hmmm, maybe up to my ankles, then we'll re-negotiate.

You come to me.
No, you come to me.

He didn't tell me I was gonna get wet!

Miss Meow
02-13-2004, 11:19 PM
Hello, kisses to you!

The beach was fun! We went for a paddle and then went for a walk to the shops. It's very hot today, so enjoy these pictures while we have an afternoon nap.

Hey, we're quicker than mummy and daddy when we run through the sand - byeeeeee!!!

The water was fun!

Sausages can swim! And shrink new collars in the water at the same time!

We found a big dog in the water and told him who's boss!

Time to dry off and look for the next big adventure!

Love from us

02-13-2004, 11:30 PM
Aww your dogs are adorable! It's so weird to see pictures of a beach. All there is around here is snow, snow, and more snow! :p

02-13-2004, 11:39 PM

Gorgeous pics of the 2 little sausages. The beach sounds good today.

What fun. Thankyou for sharing them. :)

02-14-2004, 12:00 AM
Great Pics Nicole!!
They are toooo cute!!

02-14-2004, 12:30 AM
That's way too cute!!! :eek:
Your babies are getting big. :) How old and how heavy are they now? I just love your babies. Give them hugs and kisses from me and tell them Gigi says hi and that we may show up on your door step one day. ;) ;)

ps: I love your captions. :D

02-14-2004, 04:51 AM
Oh Snaggles&Buffy!!!
You are Too Cute!!!!!!
Yes,Snauseges make Good Floatation devices!!!!
Great Pics,Nicole!!!!!!

Where are the Meezers through all of this??;) :) :D

02-14-2004, 06:09 AM
Fabulous pictures! Looks like it was a great day. I love those 2 pups of yours. Too cute!

Robin :)

02-14-2004, 06:11 AM
Very cute pics. Pretty soon, it will be warm enough here for the dog beach again. Can't wait! Looks like you enjoyed your beach trip.

02-14-2004, 07:50 AM

If these aren't just the sweetest photos!!!!! I loved every one of them and the line "Sausages can swim!" had me laughing out loud! It looks like they enjoyed themselves immensely! More please! ;)
P.S. - Love the thread title!! That song will be in my head all day long now!

02-14-2004, 08:03 AM
Ahh those are perfect pictures!! I love the picture of the two of them running together through the sand.


02-14-2004, 08:32 AM
Oh my gosh Nicole, they are sooo adorable!! I love the last one. :D

02-14-2004, 08:50 AM
he he, so sweet photos... dogs look wonderful in water :D

02-14-2004, 09:40 AM
How adorable!!

I have to admit, I've never seen a swimming sausage before--what a sight!!!

Looks like a good time was had by all--thanks for sharing!!!!!

02-14-2004, 11:27 AM
What a treat!! Thanks for the wonderful photo journal Schnaggles and Buffy! You two have sure grown since your summer job update! But just as cute as ever :D. I see that big dog was running away in terror from you two tuffies! ;)

02-14-2004, 01:04 PM
Oh now aren't those pictures and captions just the best!!!!
They are just too cute!

02-14-2004, 01:39 PM
Lovely pictures and captions. :D I thoroughly enjoyed reading and looking at Schnaggles and Buffys adventures in the sand and sea!!:)

02-14-2004, 04:02 PM
I think they get cuter in every picture!!!! What a fun adventure!!!

Felicia's Mom
02-14-2004, 04:17 PM
Cute pictures, I sure enjoyed them. The dogs have grown a lot too.:)

Miss Meow
02-14-2004, 06:38 PM
Thank you :)

Ms Deli, the cats say they are allergic to water, so they chose to stay home and sleep through the outing!

Jen, Schnaggles is 6.25kg (about 14 pounds! :eek: ). He's not fat, just a big dog. He's bigger than the guidelines for a mini, so he's a tweenie now I guess. Buffy is 5.2kg (11 pounds) so she's a true mini :)

02-15-2004, 02:45 AM
Goodness gracious - floating sausages in the bay :eek: :D

My, how they have grown Miss M...... their Auntie Michelle needs to visit them again, and bring them more toys ...... :)

02-15-2004, 12:11 PM
Oh those are the cutest pictures!!! Loved the captions too! :D Can I come and visit you? I'm sick of the cold, I want to go play on the beach! ;)

02-16-2004, 02:54 AM
They are just too cute!!! I love doxies...I get to see quite a few of them at work, they really are great dogs.

I didn't know they liked water. They look like they had a great day! :)

02-16-2004, 05:08 AM
Miss Meow,
The Meezers probably enjoyed a day of peace & quiet!!!
I could have Sworn in those pics,there was an underlying message that said...Aunt Michelle = TOYS!!!!! Woo-Hoo!!!!

We Love when Aunt Michelle Visits!!!;) :) :D

02-16-2004, 08:05 AM
How cute!!! I love little sausage dogs. Mine love the water (unless it involves a bath).

02-16-2004, 08:08 AM
Awwww!!! How cute! :D