View Full Version : Scary moments

02-12-2004, 06:36 AM
We got home from work last night and Oatmeal wasn't waiting to greet us when we got into the house. I went to put the food out for the strays we are feeding (this never fails to bring him running) and he doesn't appear. Ok now I'm getting a little nervous. GO upstairs, turn on the bedroom light and there he is curled up on the bed. He doesn't get up to greet me though...definitely panicking now. I walked over to pet him and still no real response. He didn't seem to want to get up. So I put my hands on his hind legs and tried to get him to stand up. He stood but then kind of just collapsed back down. MAJOR PANIC NOW!!! My husband came in and tried as well.Same results. SO off we go to the emergency vet. They did x-rays, blood work and so forth. Everything was normal. The determination was: either he jumped up onto/off of something and twisted or bruised something and was just not in the mood to move becaue it hurt or he had a seizure of some sort. The vet said that all we can do is keep an eye on him. The rule of thumb is 2 or more in a six month period and then they will start to look for a reason. He was definitely starting to act more like himself by the time we got home. He came up and slept on me as usual last night and this morning seemed pretty much back to normal. I don't mind saying I was terrified last night. Has anyone heard of anything like this?

02-12-2004, 08:49 AM
The determination was: either he jumped up on to/off of something and twisted or bruised something and was just not in the mood to move because it hurt or he had a seizure of some sort. The vet said that all we can do is keep an eye on him. The rule of thumb is 2 or more in a six month period and then they will start to look for a reason.

I would definetly follow up with your regular vet. Keeping good thoughts here .

02-12-2004, 10:36 AM
No I have never had this experience and I can understand why you would be scared. I would have been terrified. I am glad that he is starting to come around. Keep up the hugs and positive thoughts.


02-12-2004, 11:33 AM
I'm glad all the test results were normal! I would definitely keep a close eye on him though and take him into the vet again if he shows any signs of illnesss. I don't want to scare you, but if you haven't already please read my earlier post about my kitty's kidney problem. We didn't know anything was seriously wrong until we saw his x-ray - his blood and urine tests were okay! So you may want to have x-rays taken just to make sure everything is normal.

But it's probably nothing and he was just in a "mood". I know my boys act that way when they're ticked with me about something, like not coming home right on time! They'll ignore me for an hour or so and then we'll be on "cuddling" terms again by bed time.

Sending you happy vibes ~ Good luck! :)

02-12-2004, 01:09 PM
They did xrays as well to make sure he hadn't broken a bone or something. So we have already gone there. I was a nervous wreck last night and it took a great deal of self control to not call off today. All I wanted to do was stay home and cuddle him all day....two more hours and I'll be on my home to him....thanks for the good vibes. Very much appreciated!

02-12-2004, 09:08 PM
Oh yes Trinity, I can relate to how you felt. The same thing happened to my RB Little Squirty-Bums. I can only guess how she must have injured herself, but her symptoms were the same as your Oatmeal's. We brought her to the vet and after x-rays and tests, the vet determined it was an injury, similar to what happens to a person who steps off a curb the wrong way and twists an ankle. It hurts like heck for a couple of hours but then the pain starts to subside.
So just like my Squirty-Bums, your Oatmeal is going to be fine.:D

Give your little one headbumpies and kisses for me and tell him not to scare mommy like that again.:)

02-12-2004, 10:37 PM
I was happy to read that he is pretty much back to normal. ?Hopefully he was just ticked and needed to make you worry.:eek:

Here's to hoping that he contiues to be well. Give him some love for me.:)

Let us know if anything happens.

02-13-2004, 06:31 AM
Thanks again everyone. The little guy was definitely back to normal when we got home last night. Came running as soon as I opened the food container to feed the porch strays, tried to get out to see theporch stray this morning:rolleyes: so for the moment things seem to be ok. Will definitely be keeping a very close eye on him. Thanks again for the support!!!!

02-13-2004, 08:01 AM
Sorry I missed this earlier! I'm so glad to know that everything is ok!!! Stay well Oatmeal!!:D :D http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

02-13-2004, 08:35 PM
Very happy to hear that Oatmeal is acting Normal again. It sounds like all is well again.

Give some love to him from me, and let us know if you need support again.