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02-10-2004, 01:55 PM
Mommas can you please teach your boys to do laundry.

Dustin is 20 years old and can't do his own laundry: can't seperate, can't pretreat, and can't work to washer period! (Dad is 40 and can't either)
Why? Because his mother never taught him. I've even asked the woman why she never taught him. Her response: "Well I didn't figure he needed to know how to." DOH! What was he gonna live with her for the rest of his life or was he just suppose to find him a nice homemaker girl(cuz that isn't me)? :rolleyes:

02-10-2004, 01:58 PM
:D :D I can hardly wait to see how Richard will respond to this. :D :D

Being single and a woman, I can't really comment but I do remember my Dad doing laundry when I was a child so I guess he learned it from someone.:confused:

02-10-2004, 02:24 PM
My husband does laundry, always has, although he doesn't agree with me separating colors!!! He has never ruined anything though, and I have, so he must be doing something right!!

I have known plenty of girls who went to college not having the faintest clue how to do their own laundry, so I'm not sure it's even a gender thing.

Shame on his mom for not teaching him that:)

02-10-2004, 02:36 PM
I must echo Lovemyshiba's comments..I don't think it is a gender thing. Here is the reverse..my friend at work- married with two kids-has NEVER cut her grass. She doesn't know how to run a lawnmower! When one goes from one's parent's house to one's spouse's house...some things just get overlooked.

I would leave his laundry aside...let him learn how to do it. What happens if you aren't there to do it? Say, attending a PT meeting or something? He he he...

02-10-2004, 02:57 PM
My brother is 21, and always does his own laundry. My mom used to do our laundry until a certain age, but then one day, she handed us our own laundry baskets, and said from now on, she isn't touching our laundry. It was time for us to start doing it ourselves. :p I was 11 or 12 at the time..........my brother was 3 years older. He was reluctant about it.........I figured it would be fun. :eek: Turned out that we would use up ALL our clothes before even thinking to do the laundry, and would wash them when we had nothing left to wear. :rolleyes: Our mom put the responsibility on us though, and was determined for us to *get it* without her help, so with time, we realized WHEN we need to do our laundry, and started to do it on time. :p My brother still has his moments when he gets lazy and asks me to do his laundry for him *which I often *cough* refuse to do *cough*, but on the most part, he does it himself. I don't think its *completely* a gender thing, but from what I have seen, a lot of men try to ditch their chores..........more than women do. :p I have an aunt like that though, and in her house, my uncle does everything and she does nothing :rolleyes:, so I guess there are women like that too. :p Either way, I think *all* kids should be taught to do things for themselves, whether they are boys, OR girls.

02-10-2004, 03:29 PM
Originally posted by slick
:D :D I can hardly wait to see how Richard will respond to this. :D :D

Cowboys wear dirty clothes.....


Three things to ask a man on your first date.....

(forget the car, cash and commitment questions.....)

Can you


then schedule date #2......

02-10-2004, 04:28 PM
Originally posted by Cataholic
I must echo Lovemyshiba's comments..I don't think it is a gender thing. Here is the reverse..my friend at work- married with two kids-has NEVER cut her grass. She doesn't know how to run a lawnmower! When one goes from one's parent's house to one's spouse's house...some things just get overlooked.

I would leave his laundry aside...let him learn how to do it. What happens if you aren't there to do it? Say, attending a PT meeting or something? He he he...

Oh I'm not saying it's a gender thing, cuz my 13 yr old brother helps me with my laundry. (mainly after I've been up all night at work then up all day doing laundry and I pass out on the couch) I just notice that most mothers (at least around here) don't think their boys need to know stuff like how to do laundry and such.

I guess it just annoys me so much because of the way I was raised which was: If I wait around for someone else to do it; it'll never get done so I might as well learn to do it myself. At 10 I learned to mow the lawn, 13 I started to learn to cook and do laundry, 16 Dad taught me to change a tire,check my oil and anything I need to know about the car. So by the time I moved I was set.

Dustin is trying to learn now I will give him that. Guess my training of him isn't quite done yet ;)

02-10-2004, 05:09 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD
Cowboys wear dirty clothes.....


Three things to ask a man on your first date.....

(forget the car, cash and commitment questions.....)

Can you


then schedule date #2......

So that's where I've been going wrong. My first question is "do you have a job??" :confused:

02-10-2004, 05:27 PM
Could we include "please teach your boys to iron?" :D

Wash and wear DOES NOT WORK for every piece of clothing!!!