View Full Version : Where'd you get your dog?

02-10-2004, 12:54 PM
Just curious. :)

My mom got her Shih Tzu mix Cocoa from one of her students (she's a teacher) who was getting rid of her. She was 2 when we got her, and now she's 8. I still remember the day we got her - we stopped at petco and bought everything for her, and then at mcdonalds, and her first meal with us was chicken mcnuggets! :)

Then, after my sister and I realized that Cocoa wasn't exactly the kind of dog *we* wanted (the kind you play fetch with, ect) we looked at different pounds until we found Daphne! She was a 6 month old puppy, and now she's 6 years old. Daphne and Cocoa are best friends. ^_^

Where did you get your dog?

02-10-2004, 12:58 PM
Both were from breeders.

02-10-2004, 12:59 PM
Both of mine were from a shelter.

02-10-2004, 01:02 PM
One is from a bad breeder and two are rescues.

02-10-2004, 01:03 PM
I adopted Tasha from the local humane society when she was 8 weeks old, after I had just lost my 12-year-old collie, Cody.

Tommy we got when he was 6 months old after his first family was getting rid of him, someone my brother-in-law knew took him to a golden rescue place. My brother-in-law and his wife really wanted him but they lived in an apartment and couldn't have him. They told my husband all about him and asked if we would want him. We were really hard up on finances at the time, and said we could not afford all his initial vet bills since he would need to be neutered and have his shots, so the in-laws said they would pay for his neutering and shots if we could take him, and so we did, and that is how through multiple people, Tommy was rescued and came to live with us. :)

02-10-2004, 01:09 PM
Bull came home with Dad one afternoon. His boss was going to have someone take Bull out and shoot him but Dad took him to find him a good home. I fell in love with him and he hasn't left ever since.

02-10-2004, 01:18 PM
I got Nicki from a stranger I met in Sears! My Cindy had just passed away and we were talking about getting another dog. Mom and I were in Sears and a lady had just bought a million boxes of laundry detergent.... I asked her if she had a lot of kids, and she replied, "no, my dog just had puppies and I'm going through a lot of blankets and towels." We exchanged numbers and a week later, Nicki came home with us!

02-10-2004, 01:31 PM
Here's Kito's story:
We were researching Shibas, and decided we wanted one. The prices can be outrages for them, as they aren't as abundant as some other breeds, so we had put it out of our minds, and were thinking about a boxer. My mother-in-law was going to a dog show, and at the last minute we decided to go along, and we saw someone showing Shibas. We went over to talk to her, and she told us she had a male and female, 8 months old, that she was trying to sell for a friend. The friend was a fellow breeder/handler/shower, and unfortunately became ill, and could no longer take care of these 2 pups. We took their number, and called the next day. We had decided to take the male, and would be picking him up the following Friday. Without even seeing him, we decided to get him, and we were not disappointed!!!!!

Abbey's story:
We wanted a playmate for Kito, so we were looking at local rescues and shelters. We went to our spca one day, and saw a beautiful golden, but she was already taken, just waiting for her humans to come and get her. The woman in charge of PAWS, a local no-kill rescue, had our application. On a Friday night, a man named Chris called from beagle rescue. The woman from PAWS had given him our number, after she saw our interest in a PAWS beagle one day. He called and said he thought he had the perfect little girl for us. We went out that night, and fell in love. All of the beagles were sweet, but Abbey just said something to us. Since we had already been approved by PAWS, he let us take her home for a trial run. We signed all of the papers on Monday.

Riley's story:
We were getting ready to move into our new house, and my husband told me finally that once we were settled in, and the fence was up, we could have a third. Of course, I had to go and look at the spca the following day, which was a Friday--we were set to move on Tuesday. I had taken a good look around for about an hour or so, and I was leaving. As I was getting into my car, I heard a woman yelling something to me. I got out and asked her to repeat herself, and she said, "do you want a puppy?" I immediately said no, because we werent' ready for another dog yet, much less a pup. Well, I saw the little black ball of fur curled up in her arms, and couldn't resist. I asked her a few questions about him (which she didn't really know), and she told me she couldn't keep him because he was such a baby, and whined so much (he was 12 weeks old!!). I put him on my lap and drove straight to my husband's office. I thought he was going to kill me, but he fell in love right away. We got him a checkup right away, and he came home that afternoon.

Jada's story:
My husband had rotties years ago, but when he moved here, he had to leave them in their happy home, with their fenced yard, and with each other. It wouldn't have been fair to separate them and put them in an apartment. They live with his old roommate, who has since gotten another.
On our anniversary, we were out driving around, and stopped by PAWS. They had a rottie, but he wasn't there to see, and the woman told us he was a major handful, and would probably be in training for a while before he was adopted out. We took a drive out to the spca, and there, in the second to last kennel, was a beautiful rottie. We asked about her, and they didn't know much, just that she had been dropped in the night deposit the night before. We asked to see her, and they warned us that she had growled at them, but we wanted to check her out anyway. No growling, we got a collar and leash on her, and got her outside. She was so happy!!!!!! My husband fell in love, and we headed home to talk about her. They were closed the following day, but he had put an application in that day. He went out every day until we could bring her home that Wednesday.

Those are our stories!!

02-10-2004, 01:33 PM
Simba from the SPCA -- Nala from the Humane Society.

02-10-2004, 01:38 PM
Ruby was adopted from the Humane Society :)

02-10-2004, 01:43 PM
Sadie was from a breeder. But all of my future dogs are going to be from rescues!:) :)

02-10-2004, 02:50 PM
Mickey comes from a responsible breeder. :)

02-10-2004, 02:56 PM
we got Katie at a petstore.

At the time we didnt know about puppymills. I was only 6 years old when we got her. But our next dog is going to be definatly from a shelter. No doubts :)

02-10-2004, 03:02 PM
Smokey was from a breeder. I know nothing about the breeder because I was 2 years old when we got him.

Reggie came from a breeder also..well, more or less a litter of puppies. My dad's friend had the mom and Reggie was the only puppy left, nobody wanted him. He was free.

Nebo was also from a breeder.

My next dog will be a sibe from a shelter or rescue. :)

02-10-2004, 03:04 PM
shadow-the naighbor, well the naighbor found her wandering the ally as a little puppy, and as he already had several large dogs(sheperds, rotties) they could not keep her, so knwoing that we were looking for a dog she was presented to my dad.

happy-a breeder, we had been looking at many differnent border collie pups and just about got an full grown girl that worked on a farm, we had acually came to look at ready a male BC pup, and they said if we were intrested they had a full grown girl out at the farm and they took us up there to see well that dident work out(my mom was to slow and someone else got them) so one day my mom found an add for BC pups for sale, she checked out the breeders website(the ad was at a farm store) and fell in love with a pic of happy at 7 weeks, that night my mom took me out to the breeders place and happy came home with us!

perky-humane society, my mom wanted a flyball dog of her own, so while searching the shelter she found perky, went back later that day with me shadow and happy, and perky came home!

Ripley-humane society, he had been dumped there by the owners naighbor. the naighbor was watching the dog while the owner was sick. and the owner no longer wanted him, and the naighbores did not want him, so we adopted him from the shelter.

Misty-well happy had been retired from flyball(temp) so my mom said I needed to get a new BC lol suprised me but hey no way was I going to argue! :eek: so at the same farm store we found out about happy at, we found misty, we called talked to the breeder, told us lots of info, so we went out all the way to weyburn and met the puppys, fell in love with misty(how can you not fall in love with a puppy that falls asleep in your arms, then gets upset when you leave) lol so we put a deposit on her and picked her up on christmas eve last year. the breeder had made all the puppys little christmas bandanas, and all the pups going home that day had been bathed, brushed, and dressed for there new owners! lol

blair-well he was the runt in his litter, and had several problems his breeder(happys breeder) did not plan on sending him to some unsuspecting person, so knowing that we feed raw, and that we were looking for another dog the breeder asked us if we would like to take him, she felt he would benifet from a raw diet, and she likes that we keep our dogs in perfect shape(as some members of the club let there dogs get fat) so home he came with us!

Aspen and Misty
02-10-2004, 03:04 PM
We got Nova from a shelter! :D


02-10-2004, 03:10 PM
We adopted Drake from the Humane Society of Hall County on October 12, 2000!

02-10-2004, 03:15 PM
Well, here's the list:

Muskwa--My husband bought him from a breeder. He waited through three litters and almost two years before he found just the right dog.

Earle and Hoodoo are Muskwa's sons. I took Earle instead of "stud fees". Hoodoo we rescued when the home the breeder placed him in didn't work out.

Sleet was a gift from a musher friend. I don't consider her a rescue. She wasn't abused in any way by her last musher, just better suited for a more relaxed kennel. I consider her the greatest gift anyone ever gave me.

Kayleigh, Delta, Antare, Preacher, Franklin, Pacer, Goldie, Heyoka, & Raven are all from the same shelter. http://www.humanesocietyyukon.ca
The three fosters--Chase, Founder and Chum are from the same place.

Bandit was rescued from former neighbors.

Pingo was given to me by a Quest musher who just wasn't using her enough in his yard. She was one of the original dogs in his kennel and he wanted her to go to someone he knew.

I think that's everyone....

02-10-2004, 03:22 PM
We got Gigi from the breeder.

02-10-2004, 03:25 PM
Rebel came from my dad, who breeds doxies.

Molly came from a friend at school who bought her from a breeder and then her dogs were really being mean to the very little girl so I talked my dad into buying her, which wasn't very hard! lol She's a wondeful little girl!

Claire came from a breeder, a very good lady and good breeder. Claire is just a sweetheart! hehe

Niki is also from a breeder but Niki's was NOT a good breeder. I didn't realize this at first but Niki is the product of a merle to merle breeding which is very bad, or at least I think it is. Thank goodness Niki's eyes are fine and she is perfectly normal. One of the puppies was totally white and I bet you it was deaf or worse. So sad...

I love dachshunds but the next one I do get, later down the road is going to come from a dachshund rescue or shelter, or who knows, I may fall in love with another doggie at the shelter! :)

02-10-2004, 03:28 PM
Kia came from the Capital Area Humane Society in Lansing, MI. :)

02-10-2004, 03:50 PM
Ginger came from a bad breeder, which I did not know at the time. I didn't even know what a BYB was until I came here.

Josie we got from a responsible breeder. We tried looking at different shelters for a Boxer. But we couldn't find the right dog for us. Most that we looked at either didn't get along with other dogs, or did not get along with small children.

02-10-2004, 03:53 PM
We found out about Sadie from a friend of Ralph's. A guy he was working with's brother had taken in a female Dalmatian from a neighbor. The neighbor didn't like the way she was acting, so he was going to shoot her...turns out she was acting pregnant. The couple that took the dal in had planned on finding her a home ( they already had a sheltie and a Jack russel), but were surprised they would be finding a home for 11 puppies. We did not keep in touch, so I am not sure if they kept momma dog or not, but it sounded at the time likethey were planning on it.

Cincy came from an add inthe newspaper for free puppies. We had been considering getting Sadie a playmate, but had not come across what felt like the right dog. My mom called on Sat. morningandsaid there was some free lab puppies down near her, so we decided to go check them out. Cincy just tugged at my heart...he belly was all swollen, but she was so rolly polly and cute. Onthe way home, we found a tick in her ear, and within two months of gettingher, she had to have surgery on each eye. She needed someone that would take care of her :)

We got Spot after Molly (Mugsy) called one Saturday morning and said there was a sweet Dal mix in Southern Oh, that was supposed to be PTS the day before, but had been given a one day extension. After a little himmming and hawing, we decided to speak up for him and drive the 500+ miles round trip to save him, and if he didn't fit in, get him into a rescue group or rehome him. Within 24 hours of getting him, we knew he was here to stay.

York at work
02-10-2004, 04:28 PM
:D I wanted a Doxie since I was in Jr. High School. (long ago) I got Oskar from a private party nearly 9 years ago, he was 8 wks old. About a year after I got Oskar, I had the chance to rescue a year old Doxie from a bad home he was in. That is how I got my Macs. He was a year old when I got him. He and Oskar are now nearly 9. Last year I bought my Mr. T from a private party. He was 8 wks old. The trio brings me such joy and love. They are all so differant and never cease to amaze me or make me laugh. They get along so good together, they are brothers, and take care of each other as such.

02-10-2004, 04:55 PM
Bella came from a breeder and she came to live with us as an 8 week old puppy on February 26, 2001.

Ripley came from a shelter. He had been brought in the night before as a stray and was quite a mess. I filled out the first application and so he became mine on January 16, 2003.

02-10-2004, 04:57 PM
From a kind lady who had rescued six puppies being dumped in the middle of nowhere. Found them all homes.

02-10-2004, 06:04 PM
With one of my ingenious plans, I convinced my mom to take me to the Richmond SPCA to ask about volunteering as a dog walker. I knew I'd be able to see the dogs as well (which was my main plan). So we drove out there, asked about volunteering then saw the dogs. We saw Lupe, a male border collie cross who was out in the yard. We played with him and absolutely fell in love. My brother, sister and I were all convinced he was for us but my mom said she needed to talk to my dad first. So after my dad gave the green light, we went out but he was adopted by someone else.

So then, I continued to search for border collies while my mom found another breed, shelties. My mom found an ad for 8 sable male and female shelties and called the guy. He said he only had two males left and that we could see them the following week. We went out to Princeton, BC and saw the remaining 2 for sale and 1 that he had reserved. Right when we went into the house, two of them jumped up onto their playpen and one shivered and looked really fearful. Knowing shelties were already a bit 'reserved' with people, we decided on the outgoing one that was available. And that's how we ended up with Kai.

As for Kaedyn, I went to the Vancouver Animal Shelter to volunteer as a dog walker. It was my first day and right away, I saw Kaedyn. He didn't have info up yet because he was found wandering around and was in his 7 day waiting period for his owners to pick him up. I just fell in love right away and called my mom. She said we could check him out again the next day so we did and filled out the form right away. Apparently, 6 other forms were filled for him but we were chosen (yay!). :D

02-10-2004, 06:05 PM



02-10-2004, 06:26 PM
Responsible breeder.

02-10-2004, 06:39 PM
Wiggles- We adopted Wiggles when she was 8 weeks old, at the SPCA, she was very shy and timid!

Both Piddle and Jasper were from breeders, I wanted to adopt a boxer, but my mom has this whole issue with not trusting dogs that we didnt raise ourselves *shrug* Im going to rescue atleast 2 other dogs when I move out ;)

02-10-2004, 06:47 PM
Darli nwas from a pet store :(
Ozzy was from the best breeder ever :)

02-10-2004, 07:43 PM
Dale was from a very resposible breeder. Our breeder actually brought one of the first Swissie's into the US from Switzerland. And he is very strict on who gets one of his dogs...alot of times, the waiting list is up to 1 year long for a Swissie...b/c they don't want you to buy one on a whim and then later think that you made a mistake...they make you wait and wait and wait, and if for ANY reason the dog doesnt work out, they insist that you take the dog back to the original breeder. (you have to sign papers and contracts saying such)..you rarely see one in a shelter :) We lucked out, though, we really impressed our breeder and were able to get Dale sooner :) We love him and may get a sibling for him, either from the same breeder, or maybe even a shelter....

Cinder & Smoke
02-10-2004, 07:51 PM
Cinder sez...

I came frum the Ohio County Animal Jail - at Weeling, West Virginia.

Dad anna Kat wuz feelin purdy low kuz they'd just lost
:( Dad's Beloved Husky/Shepherd - Shadow :(
After a lotta searchin for anudder Husky/Shep;
My Angel Moms (Volunteers at da Shelter) sent Dad my
Shelter Mug Shot >>>

Dad told da Kat ta "Hold da Fort; he'd be rite back"...
Jumped inna Traktur Kar an motored down ta Wheeling
(about a 2 hour, 100 mile trip) to "take a peek".

Dint take too long fur the 'doption...
Kupla test spinz round the Jail, Kat Test - hadda *sniff* atta Jail Kat
wiffout *grrrrin* (I passed);
take a :eek: BAFF (Angel Mom insisted - said I *stunk*). :rolleyes:

Boots, da Kat, wuz jest "tickled pink" when Dad showed up back
atta Ranch wiff me! Kuppla rocky daze till I learnt dat
Kat'z got KLAWZ, but I adjusted purdy well.
Kat has learnt ta "live wiff it!"

Smokey sez...

I came frum our Frunt Porch! :p
Got "dumped" out frunt at da Ranch inna middel of da winter... :(

Cinnerz Resqued Me; invited me IN;
then She anna Pet Talk Gang talked Dad into KEEPIN me!! :D

Here's my Tail >>>
Cinder wants to keep the Stray she "found"... (http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=3850)


02-10-2004, 07:52 PM
Mooch, I got when a old friend called and said they found this puppy that had been set on fire and did I think I could help her, of course I said yes. This year Mooch will be 18. :)

Tuffy, was from a breeder.

Brocka, came from a breeder.

Cannilla, was a rescue from a breeder, that had become so ill she could no longer care for Cannilla. She called me sence Cannilla was older and had health problems, nobody wanted her. We did.

Ginger, we got when a man that stoped by and asked if we could take her. He had heard about us and wanted Ginger to have a good home. Ginger's owners where back yard breeders that had no more use for her after she became to old to breed. :mad:

Brandy, was a recuse from a puppy mill, that the H.S. shut down and was given to us because of certin issues that made her un-adoptable through the H.S.

Odie, came from the H.S., he was also un-adoptable, they said. :rolleyes:

Rocky, came from a family that no longer wanted him because he got to big, so my husband brought him home.

Kitty Talker9204
02-10-2004, 07:55 PM
I got Rocky an Akita From Chili,Wisconsin My Toy poodles Oscar and Otis are from Oshkosh,Wisconsin thats were my babes are from :) !!!

02-10-2004, 07:58 PM
we got beanie at Harmony Haven. a no-kill shelter right outside of town. i didnt even know the place was even there until after our yorkie died.

i'm pet-sitting a dog right now and who knows when she's going to find a home. she was dumped at a grave yard and a friend's husband brought her home and she didnt move or eat. so another friend took her and they couldn't keep her. so now it's my turn.lol. i'm just sort of "fostering" her until a permanent home is found......anyone need a 10lb. dog;)

02-10-2004, 08:37 PM
Lacie came from a pet store, bred by an Amish puppy mill. (Obviously purchased before I knew better!)

Keito and Queenie came from the humane society in Colorado where I was a volunteer.

Sadie I got from friends who were divorcing, and neither wanted her.

All the others came to me either through my breed rescue of the shelter here, while I was on the board of directors.

02-10-2004, 08:44 PM
Boomer- my boyfriends old dog RB- was his neighbors and it kept running away to play with the neighbor kids, so they said he could keep him.

Layla- Friends of mine were driving around town and saw some little boys beating a puppy, she was 6 pounds at the time, and stopped to yell at them. The boys said that they stole her and she was stupid and if they gave them 5 bucks they could have her. I made a random trip to their house later that day, I hadn't seen them for quite awhile, and they had this puppy. They already had 7 dogs and 4 cats, plus 6 roommates. They were going to keep her, but the other, very large dogs weren't so keen on that. So I gladly took her off their hands. Thats how I got my best friend.

02-10-2004, 08:47 PM
Pepper, my dog back home we found in a ditch in front of my house. And Missy the dog I share custody of came from animal control.

02-10-2004, 08:56 PM
Emily came from an ad in the paper by a BYB. We didn't really know any beter at the time, except to not get a dog from a pet store.

Clipse came from a responsible breeder, who is in it to better the breed. He was being kept to be a show dog, but he went over size (a disqualification in shelties) so he was sold as a pet to me.

02-10-2004, 09:57 PM
I adopted Brockypoo from aussie rescue northwest (http://aussierescuenw.org/), part of aussie rescue and placement helpline (http://aussierescue.org).

02-10-2004, 10:10 PM
Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke
Here's my Tail >>>
Cinder wants to keep the Stray she "found"... (http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=3850)[/i]


Ok, I just got done reading this incredible "tail", and I simply have to say I think it is the most enjoyable, touching, funny and heartwarming thing I have ever read. Thank you so much Cinder for giving that link, so that I could read your wonderful journal of how Smoke came into you, your Dad and Kat's life.

02-11-2004, 06:43 AM
Anna (husky) was from the APL and Rosie was from a breeder..

02-11-2004, 01:44 PM
All three of mine were from Breeders.

PJ's Mom
02-11-2004, 02:50 PM
Peej came from a breeder and Bailey was a resident at Arlington's finest shelter. :D

02-11-2004, 05:28 PM
Hobo...Petfinder...Miami Pet Rescue
Maggie Puss...Pound

02-11-2004, 05:51 PM
Leo came from the SPCA - he was a special case and I had to qualify to adopt him. He was one of those 8 month old dogs that had not had any training and was totally out of control. They just wanted to make sure he went with someone who would work with him.

Penny Lane was from the Buffalo Animal Shelter.

02-11-2004, 07:01 PM
Penny- Freebie ,Her mum was supposed to have been spayed and was given to a family turned out that she was pregnant and she had 4 pups, her new owners gave us penny. then did not want an unspayed dog and dumped her at the lost dogs home. (We would have taken mum as well if we had of known)

Clover- Ad out of the newspaper, we payed $20 for Miss Clover who was one of 11 pups in her litter. The people had not spayed their Rotti and the ACD from up the road got to her :mad:

Theodore- Pet Shop :( unfortunatly we let our hearts rule instead of our heads. Mum had wanted a Chihuahua for a long time and when we saw Theo and his lil bro at the pet shop we could not leave him there. But never again will we do that.

I told my Mum i "needed" a new Flyball dog as Clover is getting older and is slowing down, and that i was thinking about a Border Collie. She thought one more dog would not hurt. :D

Elvis is from a from a farm (Working parents) his breeder only has one litter every few years, if that. only 2 of the pups survived and the breeders wanted to keep the female (the farmer likes females better for work)

In the end no-one wanted Elvis (he had been promised to me in the first place, but then the owner of the stud dog wanted a male pup but never came to pick hime up) so i got my Border Collie.

My next dog will be from Border Collie Rescue Australia, or from our local RSPCA. Preferably a Aussie Red BC female (there are quite a few getting around in rescue people get them because they "look nice" then find out what BCs are like and cannot handle them) :(

02-12-2004, 07:30 AM
Dusty was a long term resident at the pound. Roxy came from a sleddog rescue. (www.norsled.org)

02-12-2004, 08:47 AM
Most of the dogs I have had are from people that did not want them for different reasons. Some has been dropped off by our house. I bought the last two dogs from breeders that was recommended by the vet. He did all the blood work for the breeders For them, and knew they were healthy. Jojo and Tiny are from different breeders. Both recommended by my Vet.

Sunnys mom was at a shelter were they are destroyed. A friend that worked there, told me they were about to put Elvira to sleep and that she was going to have kittens. I adopted her and kept two kittens and found good homes for the mother and the rest of the kittens.

02-12-2004, 09:53 AM
Smokey, we are so glad that you showed up on the front porch that day............what enjoyment we have all gotten from Cinder's stories about you and Boots!!! :)

Lilly and Honey came from backyard breeders. :( I know that now, but I could not love them any less if I had bred them myself. They are perfectly wonderful girls! :)

Murphy came from a Lab breeder too. I only met her when she was 12 years old, though, through her dad, and now she's got a big 14th birthday coming up, and I love her dearly!! :D

Zipper came to us through Foothills Golden Retriever Rescue (www.fhgrr.com). We were only supposed to be fostering him........he stayed and boy am I glad about that!!! :o


My Peanuts
02-12-2004, 03:11 PM
We got Sylvia from a pet store, which I'm more than a little embarrassed to say. It was back in June, but in the past months I have educated myself a lot more about puppy mills and overpopulation.
As a matter of fact, it didn't take even a month before I felt guilty and talked my parents into letting us adopt a dog from a shelter. Harley is from a shelter about 45 minutes from my house. In a way it was good that we got Sylvia from a pet store because if we didn't I would have never saved Harley from the shelter. If I didn’t see Sylvia in the pet store I would have gotten a Boston Terrier from a breeder which we were supposed to see in a few days. I read in the Pug book that Pugs like company and the rest is history. This is the first time I have owned two dogs!

02-12-2004, 04:31 PM
My precious pomeranian, Bitsy, was a gift from my fiancee 2 days before our wedding. He knew that more than anything I wanted a pom. He found a breeder and took me to pick her out.

02-12-2004, 04:42 PM
I got Charlie, my min pin, when we were looking for a companion for Bitsy. My friend told me that a lady she knew was looking for a home for her daughters min pin. Her daughter lived in Texas and was getting a divorce, and couldn't keep her dog. She flew him to her mom here in Florida, Shortly after Charlie was mine.

02-12-2004, 04:53 PM
Last but not least, Buster, my Chihuahua, was 6 years old when I got him. I've now had him almost 3 years. He had lived in a small rundown trailer with 3 other chihuahuas. They had all been abused and had never even been outside before. I don't know where the other 3 are today. It took a while for Buster to warm up to my husband and he still isn't real sure about any other men that come to the house. But he now knows what the sun and gass feel like and he loves it! We call him our little pig because of his cute little pink pig nose.

02-12-2004, 04:56 PM
oops, here is the picture of Buster. Now you can see why we call him our little pig.