View Full Version : Ohhh that makes me mad!!

02-04-2004, 02:37 PM
This is an ad I just saw on PetFinder......

Akc Chocolate Lab,female 4 momths old.Buckeye is good with kids and other dogs.She Knows sit,shake,and place commands.Working on down.99%potty trained to ring bell on doorknob.Very friendly and intelligent dog.Has been to vet 3 times and is current on all shots."Thought we wanted a big dog".$400 invested.Adoption fee-$150.00

Thought we wanted a big dog..... ohhhh grrrrrrrrr:mad:

Come on people!!! Think a little huh??
Now because these stupid people didn't think before they got this sweet puppy, she is going to be uprooted at 4 months!!!

Even though I'm SURE she'll find a wonderful home (everyone seems to be looking for lab pups) it's just still not fair to her!

I really wish people would think a little more!:mad:

okay..... I feel better now... thanks!

02-04-2004, 02:41 PM
That's horrible :( I wish people would think more before they actually got a pet. Poor baby, I hope she finds a great home soon.

02-04-2004, 03:05 PM
Yes, that is indeed one of the major issues behind the huge pet overpopulation crisis today - peoples' attitudes that pets are disposable property.

Got a chair and don't like the color? Well, just take it to the thrift store and buy another one?

Got a car, but the neighbor got a newer one? Well, just trade yours in on an even newer one ... gotta keep up with the Jones's.

Got your kid a bike and he broke it? Well, just throw it away and buy a new one.

Got a puppy and it ate the couch? Well, training is too much bother, so just take it to the pound.

Got a dog and she's getting old and stiff? Well, take her to the shelter and get a cute, new puppy.

Sad, but true. The vast number of animal euthanized in this country today will never decrease until people start to see pets as a lifetime commitment, for better or for worse.

02-04-2004, 03:55 PM
Twisterdog - well said!

Imagine when this person's kids grow up ............ "OH, thought we wanted BIG kids .............. onto eBay you go". :mad: :mad:

02-04-2004, 04:15 PM
How sad. :mad: Our local shelter said that one of the lousiest excuses for a dog to be put up for adoption was because the dog's color clashed with the furniture color. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

York at work
02-04-2004, 04:26 PM
:mad: :mad: Why don't people think!!! I gues these are the same kind of people who say... "Gee, thought we wanted to be married but we don't! On to the next!"!
I hope that beautiful loving (and smart) puppy finds the home she deserves. :(

02-04-2004, 05:06 PM

I hope that pup finds a wonderful forever home, with someone who understands what it means to make a commitment to another living being.