View Full Version : hi im from the dog side but i have a cat question

01-25-2004, 03:26 PM
i have a cat that sheds all year long. when you pet her it looks like you have a hair ball in your hand is this normal. do i need to give her something i just don't know she is five years old. any suggastions would be appreceated

thanks :D :confused:

01-25-2004, 03:56 PM
Is she longhaired?

I would be brushing her at least once a week to remove any unwanted hair.

Cats shed all year round :)

A slicker brush would do wonders for her coat though :D

01-25-2004, 05:50 PM
BastetsMum is right, regularly brushing should help cut down on the shedding.

01-26-2004, 09:02 PM
Just wanted to throw in another agreement. Cats will shed all year long.

Brushing will definately help. Slicker brushes are good. There is also something call a shedding blade that I hear works great. I will be trying it at some point.

Good luck.

02-03-2004, 11:59 AM
Yes cats do shed all year round just like humans. Depending on weather, health, ect the amount of fur that flies. One a good diet is helpful. Brushing weekly or bi-weekly depending on the cat. A bath every six months helps keeping the fur in good conitition. Stress levels will cause fur loss also. Like going to the vet. There is really nothing that you can do about it just like dogs you have to groom them regularly and feed the a good diet. And Vet check to make sure they are in good health.


02-07-2004, 05:34 PM
Slicker brushes are good. There is also something call a shedding blade that I hear works great. I will be trying it at some point.

Just a note. If you do use a sheading blade, don't over do it. You can brush your cat bald:o . But it works great!