View Full Version : Concerns for Amy's surgery

Laura's Babies
01-25-2004, 09:31 AM
Watching Amy for the past few days with how her leg/hip problem has gotten worse, I am thinking about cancelling her surgery. It is so much worse that I am afraid that laying her on her back (during surgery) will make it even worse. I hope to get her in tomorrow and have him see how bad it is right now and discuss what we can do about this surgery thing that'll make it easier for her or see if we should cancell. Do any of you think a steriod shot would help prior to her surgery? Do they do steroids for small cats? What about birth controll alternitives? Anyone ever do that and what are they? My daughter suggested I have her sent to our local vet university for a CAT scan and see if that would show anything. Anyone ever do that with one of theirs? How expensive are they? If the problem is something that surgery could fix, I wouldn't hesitate to have it done and to he** the cost!! I am just worried that the shape she is in now, surgery would leave her back end useless... Mommie is such a worrier about her babies!

01-25-2004, 09:46 PM
Sorry I don't have any advice for Amy's situation, but I am sending good thoughts and prayers for her, that everything works out well.

01-26-2004, 08:59 PM
I am absolutely no help in this either. I just wanted to say that I will keep little Amy in my thoughts and hopefully everything will come out fine.

01-26-2004, 09:06 PM
I agree that you need to have along talk with your vet. Something is wrong if she keeps getting worse. She may need some type of specialist. If it was just a birth defect you think the damage would be done and that is that but if she is getting worse then I would also be very concerned. Has she been
x-rayed. I'm sure she has but just thought I would ask. Maybe you could contact the vet university and ask some questions about cost and what they would be able to do for her. You wouldn't have to take her if you didn't like their answers.
We are praying for little Amy and I hope you get some answers soon. You are included in my prayers because I know how worried you are and just how stressful that can be. Hang in there and let us know what you find out.

Laura's Babies
01-27-2004, 08:46 AM
I took her back on Monday for them to see how bad she has got and my vet admitted he had her X-rays out a few days before looking at them again and there is nothing that showed up on the X-rays. I told him in the condition she is in, I am VERY concerned about her even having her surgery and asked if there was something we could do to try to make her batter prior to surgery. Even he had to admitt that she seems to be worse and he said we would give her a shot of cortizone and see if that helped and if it did, he would give her another after surgery. I really think those two bad falls she took did more damage. The shot don't seem to have made her any better but you can tell she felt better (maybe took soreness out from the fall?). Tomorrow is the day she is suppose to have her surgery and I still think maybe she shouldn't be put through that. Man, it is heart wrenching because she is such a sweet thing, loves her attention and purrs like a 18 wheeler! Keep her in your thoughts and prayers tonight and tomorrow~