View Full Version : a syringe for kitty nose

01-24-2004, 04:46 PM
Is there such a thing as a syringe that one can use to help clear the congestion out of a kitten's nose?

Our new kittens have colds. We are giving them antibiotics to help fight infection. But, Ninji has so much congestion in his nose it sounds like he is having difficulty breathing.

I want to help in any way I can so that they get better asap.


01-24-2004, 05:02 PM
When my kitties get cold I usually have them sit with me in the bathroom and I turn on the shower so that it starts to steam. Usually all the steam in the bathroom helps them to breathe a little easier.

01-24-2004, 05:36 PM
Myself, I'd be afraid of sticking anything up a cat's nose for fear of injuring it. I think the bathroom suggestion is a good one. A friend of mind had a kitty with an extremely bad case of URI and she would sit in the bathroom everyday for about 2 wks and it really helped.

01-24-2004, 08:02 PM
Buy an infant nasal aspirator. You can find it at any drug store. It is safe for infants AND cats and kittens. I have one on hand all the time in case my cats get an upper respiratory infection and their noses get clogged.

When you use it, squeeze all the air out of it before inserting it gently into the cats nostril. It should help get out any gunk that's there.

Another thing you can do is bring the cat into the bathroom. Close the door and turn the hot water on in the shower. The steam will help loosen any gunk in the nose as well.

Good luck.