View Full Version : Thump, thump, thump, ow

01-16-2004, 09:58 AM
That was me twenty mintues ago... falling down the last three steps, onto the dog and scaring poor Pouncer to pieces. Once I regained the ability to breathe (knocked the wind of out myself) I looked and saw Pouncer frozen in place with his tail all bushy and the ridge in his back all raised. So being the cat mommy I am, I got up and tended to him, making sure he was ok, etc. He wouldn't leave my arms for a good ten mintues and is now sitting on the cahir with me.

Amazing how much they know about ouchies and how sensitive they are to your feelings.

As for the dog, she's fine. She slid out from under me two seconds before I would have landed on her and hid in the bedroom!

As for me, I'm fine, but I'm sure in an hour I'll be feeling rather stiff and have a nice black mark to show for it! :o

01-16-2004, 10:05 AM
I'm happy to hear you are okay. Hopefully you will not be too stiff tomorrow. Take it easy.

01-16-2004, 10:55 AM
I am glad to hear you're fine!!!
That sounded like a huge "OUCHIE"!!!:eek:

Nellie would have reacted in the same way...it's always quiet around here, but when something's happening she's on alert in a flash (her tail always indicates it very well!)

01-16-2004, 11:40 AM
One of the only times that I've heard Jack hiss was me stepping on him because he was under foot, so I know how it is to fall down the stairs. I hope you fair better than me...I was very sore for the next few days after.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-16-2004, 01:11 PM
Oh no, ouchie! I'm glad you and all the furkids are ok.

But it's funny that Pouncer was all "afluff" because of your falling down. He's probably thinking to himself "Just what is meowmy doing now? I don't think I like it!" :)

Peanut would have ran and hid - she doesn't like any kind of loud noise at all. Tubby would have looked at me like "What a clutz you are mom," and then went right back to sleep. :rolleyes: :D

01-16-2004, 01:31 PM
YOWCH!!!!! Hope you're OK. Pouncer sure must have been a funny sight though all puffed out. :)

01-16-2004, 02:05 PM
Pouncer was so funny looking! He had this fearful look on his face and sat rock solid on the floor staring at the steps! It took him a while to relax and re-join his place on the bed with Allen:D

I am definately a little stiff, especially the neck area. But I had to move and clean a lot today because we're having a big birthday party for my daughter... sleepover with seven 14 year old girls too:rolleyes:

01-16-2004, 02:06 PM
Ouchhh! I hope you'll be OK! :) Fister would have hidden under a cupboard. :rolleyes:

Ice on the bruises! ;)

01-16-2004, 02:12 PM
Originally posted by Randi
Ouchhh! I hope you'll be OK! :) Fister would have hidden under a cupboard. :rolleyes:

Filou and Tigris too! I hope you are ok. No help to be expected by my cats:(

01-16-2004, 02:17 PM
I am definately a little stiff, especially the neck area. But I had to move and clean a lot today because we're having a big birthday party for my daughter... sleepover with seven 14 year old girls too

Maybe you should be hurt really, really badly.......... :rolleyes:

I hate sleepovers, but will have one here next weekend as my daughter is getting ready to turn 13!!!!! :)

01-16-2004, 02:24 PM
OH NO! Glad you are ok!
I had to laugh at the visual of Pouncer! They are so funny when they get their hackles up!!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif
I'm not real sure but falling down the stairs may be easier on you than a party with seven 14 year old girls!!!
A good hot shower is in order and maybe a heating pad. Hopefully tomorrow you will be as good as new!!
btw- Happy Birthday to your Daughter and I hope she has a wonderful party!!

01-16-2004, 04:55 PM
Oh catnapper I'm sorry to read about your accident. That had to hurt and here you put Pouncer first to make sure he was okay. What a good meowmie.
I hope your stiffness and pain is short lived.
:eek: SEVEN 14 year old girls for a sleepover. Gosh you are brave.
Take care of yourself and hope you heal up quickly.

01-16-2004, 05:09 PM
LOL.......been there, done that! But you know what??!! If this is like our house, this will happen again. My 3 are constantly under foot and always getting stepped on! None of us ever learn.

Yesterday Yoshi was sunning himself in his box on the kitchen table. (I always have 3 boxes on the table when I work there). I had gotten up and walked away for a minute and heard this ....THUNK... looked and found Yoshi standing on the floor with his box upside down next to him, one of the chairs toppled backwards, and he was looking quite confused! Apparently he streched a little too much and him and his box rolled off the table, on to the chair, which tumbled backwards to the floor. Only when the chair hit the floor, it actually hit a bed on the floor, so it made the landing softer. Lucky was in a bed next to the one that the chair landed on, and pschyo Lucky took off like quickly and left poor Yoshi there dazed & confused.......he was apparently sleeping and out cold when this all took place!

Naturally I rushed to him (since he has done this before) and picked him up to comfort him......trying not to laugh! My poor baby!!:rolleyes: :p

01-16-2004, 05:37 PM
Ouch! That had to hurt! I can feel your pain, being the accident prone person I am!

I hope you are Okay, you could of broke something. Three steps?
That was a very bad fall.:eek:

Poor Pouncer, I bet he was scared too!


01-16-2004, 06:24 PM
Well, I hope ya feel better, and about the girls...... I drove my mom crazy with sleep overs... giggling all night... she would atleast have to yell at us 7 times bfore we shut up lol, but that was only 6 years ago.. lol....:rolleyes: :p :D

01-16-2004, 06:32 PM
Ok, I know I'm nuts, but here's what happened the LAST time we had girls spending the night:

The big flour fight of 2003! They decided to bake cookies and got into the flour. At least they cleaned up the kitchen afterwards... imagine this was only my two plus one other. What's going to happen tonight with an additional seven????

BTW - the brithday girl is the one in the yellow pants.

I am feling a-ok right now, just a little tight.... Advil does miracles! Pouncer has recovered just fine from his "ordeal" The young heal a lot faster than us old folks.

01-16-2004, 06:51 PM
Sounds like my house, really gets noisy with teenagers doen't it?

We have an upstairs and they scuffle and play around until the house is shaking. One of their parent called and ask me how did I put up with all the noise, I told her, it okay its when their not making noise that bothers me.

I hope you feel better tomorrow and don't get too sore from that fall. Like I said I can just feel it.


01-17-2004, 01:21 AM
I really hope that you are OK. Poor Pouncer not knowing what was happening.

However, I think your real problems start tomorrow. I just want to wish you good luck.:D

01-17-2004, 02:28 PM
So glad you weren't seriously hurt!!! You be CAREFUL!!! :eek:
I know about 14 year old girls, my daughter will be 15 the end of March! She wants to have her 1st sleepover for her birthday. Yep, I guess I'm lucky it is her FIRST! hehe.... Well, wish me luck! :rolleyes: Your daughters are beautiful, btw!;)

01-18-2004, 11:19 AM
Glad you're okay! Trips down the stairs are no fun! We always have atleast one on the stairs here. I've tried to make a point of getting them to move but.......:rolleyes: