View Full Version : Tommy's ordeal last night

01-15-2004, 09:56 AM
This is such a weird story. Just have to tell you guys.

Last night after dinner I noticed Tommy wasn't around anywhere so I looked around for him and found him laying in his bed in the back room. This is unusual for him as he generally always stays as close as he can to wherever me or David are. I still didn't think too much of it at the time. I leaned down and gave him a few pats on the head and went back to what I was doing.

Two hours later I noticed he still wasn't around and I went back and he was still laying in his bed in the back room. I gave him some more pets and coaxed him to come with me and he followed me back to the room I was in and layed down at my feet. I thought he seemed kind of depressed.

After another hour I called them to go out. He got up and walked to the door, ignoring his soccer ball on the way, which is TOTALLY unlike him. He usually RUNS to the door and grabs his ball taking it with him. By this time my worry has grown and I take him downstairs to talk to David about him.

He gets downstairs and while I'm talking, just lays by Daddy's chair. Usually he is wriggling and play-growling and trying to play with everyone. I tell David he's acting really depressed, not playful or wagging or his normal self at all. David talks and coos at him and pets him. Then he puts his hand down in front of Tommy's nose where normally Tommy will cover it in slobbery kisses. Tommy just kind of sniffed at his hand, and looked up at him.

David starts getting as worried as I am and he opens Tommy's mouth, we're looking in his mouth and suddenly we see...

A small piece of plastic, like a little plastic lid of something, stuck to the side of his tongue. David picks it off, and Tommy immediately lights up. He begins wriggling and growling, runs up to get his ball... :o

I still can hardly believe it! If he had made faces or been pawing at his mouth or something I would have known something was up, but he never did! He just seemed depressed that something was wrong with his mouth and he couldn't get that little plastic off that was suctioned onto his tongue.

So David said as we were heading back upstairs to go out, "Maybe that will teach him not to put everything in his mouth."

Not likely :rolleyes:

01-15-2004, 09:58 AM
That is so weird.. I am glad Tommy is okay! :)

01-15-2004, 10:55 AM
Silly Tommy!!!

I'm glad it was something so minor, and he wasn't seriously hurt--I would have been totally paranoid about it!!!!

Give him some kisses from me, and some for Tasha too!!

01-15-2004, 10:59 AM
He had been himself all day and even while watching me make dinner. He was his normal excited self when David came home etc. So he had to have gotten that in his mouth while we were eating I think. At first I thought maybe he was just sleepy and wanted the quiet of his bed. Occasionally he goes and lays back there during the day but not usually in the evenings.

Silly boy. If he had done more to alert me rather than just moping in his bed I would have looked in his mouth sooner!

01-15-2004, 11:55 AM
I was SO afraid to open this thread!!!:( What a fright you gave your Mommy Tommy!!!:eek: My stoamch was sinking reading how unTommy like you were acting! A piece of plastic; what a silly goofer boy! Next time, take your precious paw and point to your mouth or make a fuss...your Mommy will help you:) All I can say is phew!!!!!! I'm so relieved you're ok, sweetheart! {{{HUGS}}}

01-15-2004, 01:25 PM
You know, I was thinking more about this again trying to puzzle why he didn't try to "tell" me something was wrong. I think I might have figured it out.

Tommy is always trying to pick things up he finds, appropriate or not. When he has something he shouldn't have, we say "Tommy no, drop it." He HATES having to give up what he has. He will slump down and give the saddest eyes you can imagine and slowllllly put it down. As soon as we pick it up, he's over it though and instantly happy again.

He can be really coy and sneaky sometimes when he has something he knows he shouldn't. Most often he takes it back to his bed and lays down with it. That should have given me a clue last night, that he was hanging back there, but usually what he has is visible! I oftentimes can tell when he has something just by the look on his face. It is a kind of mischievous "I don't have anything!" look. A couple of times he has had that "look" and I opened his mouth to find him holding a penny or twist tie. He didn't really have "the look" though last night. He just looked sad.

I'm guessing he didn't "tell" me then because he didn't want his prize taken away, but he was unhappy because it was stuck to his tongue!

Case closed? :D

01-16-2004, 12:12 AM
How scary!!!!
I am so glad that he is ok!!!
poor thing
Keegan is mouthy too. She is getting better as she gets older but it used to be anything that hit the floor was in her mouth before it bounced.
Course, any paper products STILL aren't safe!! :rolleyes:

01-16-2004, 08:33 AM
Oh I am so glad he's okay!!