View Full Version : Bentley & Boo's Story

K & L
01-15-2004, 09:44 AM
Bentley & Boo
Bentley & Boo were born feral in a nearby park. We discovered Bentley and his sister Boo when they both crawled hungrily out of a wood pile during one of our feedings. They appeared to be about 3 weeks old. They were either abandoned or something tragic happened to their mother, since we never saw one around them. Their teeth were barely in and they had trouble chewing the hard food we supply, so the following evening we softnened their food with water. We continued this process until they were old enough to chew the hard food. We watched them grow, but I did not want to take them home since we were a family of 14 cats already.

As time went on Bentley started running up to me at feeding time. It wasn't long before he let me touch him, although his sister would not go anywhere near us. It was becoming apparent that Bentley was getting very attached to me. One evening Bentley let me pick him up and he started purring. That was all it took. The following evening we brought our traps in hopes of their capture. It wasn't much of a surprise that I was able to pick Bentley up and put him in the carrier, but Boo had to be trapped.

Bentley is extremely attached to me, as I am to him. Boo is beginning to love our affection, but is quite the little spitfire!

01-15-2004, 02:21 PM
Leave it to a female.......:rolleyes:

What is it about a PURR that hooks us every time???

01-15-2004, 02:52 PM
That is so sweet. I pick my kitties up, love them, just to hear them purr....

01-15-2004, 09:02 PM
Oh, what a wonderful story! Yep, those purrs will get me every time!!!:rolleyes: :)

01-16-2004, 02:45 AM
Glad you took them both in.

Re purring, I took Pichu two night ago on my pillow - he's too heavy for my legs - and he purred and purred like a tractor for about 40 minutes. Now, I couldn't fall asleep because of this :D. I asked him to stop several times, but he wouldn't :p . Finally, we both fell asleep.

01-16-2004, 03:02 AM
Little Bentley knew how to take care for himself and his sister:)

Vio: Siegmar says that Tigris' purring at his ear (Tigris sleeps on his pillow) is the best sleeping pill for him:)

01-16-2004, 03:29 AM
Barbara, when he purrs gently, I fall asleep in seconds, but the other night, he was REALLY loud :D