View Full Version : Need Prayers for a Sick Puppy

01-12-2004, 09:13 AM
As I stated in this thread 'Babysitting for a coworker' (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=41378) , I was going to be watching my co-workers 8 year old daughter and their new one month old puppy, Flora, that they just adopted from the shelter, on Sunday.

Well Saturday afternoon I got a call. The puppy was very sick and the shelter feared it might be distemper. (Two other puppies from the litter are also sick). Rita and her family have taken Flora to three vets on Saturday and none of them seemed to be able to find out what was wrong. They said Flora is too young to be positively diagnosed as having distemper. It's possible they might just have Kennel Cough. Rita is not here at work today so I don't have an update, but please keep Flora in your thoughts. Rita said the family is just devestated.

01-12-2004, 09:19 AM
Do you know what the symptoms are? Kennel cough is pretty easy to check for. Hopefully that is all it is. Is there a reason they are thinking distemper?

It is similar to my Nakita's situation. She had an undiagnosed illness and the vets were almost sure she wouldn't make it, but she DID. So tell your friends to keep the faith and let them know that lots of prayers will be coming their way.

01-12-2004, 09:28 AM
Poor Flora!! And poor Rita too!! I hope they find out what is wrong soon. Flora and her new family will be in my thoughts.

01-12-2004, 09:45 AM
Flora and Rita are in my thoughts. :( :( Poor girl, I sure hope she gets well soon.

01-12-2004, 09:48 AM
Poor puppy baby.:( Flora and her family will be in my prayers.

01-12-2004, 09:57 AM
Originally posted by aly
Do you know what the symptoms are? Kennel cough is pretty easy to check for. Hopefully that is all it is. Is there a reason they are thinking distemper?
Aly, I thought of Nakita, when Rita called. I unfortunately haven't talked to Rita. She had called me and left me a message and when I called back, I got their answering machine. Haven't heard from them since.

The story as I understand it is this... the stray mom was found with her puppies under someones porch. People were just giving her scraps and finally someone contacted Animal Control. It was discovered that the mom had a very bad rash on her nipples and the puppies either couldn't get milk from their mom or she wasn't letting them eat because of the pain.

The mom was issolated until she was healed and the puppies were fostered.

Saturday (1/10) the puppies would be available for adoption and would be brought in by their foster parents at 8 a.m. The shelter opened at 9, Rita had told me they'd be there at 8:30 a.m.

From what I gather, they got the puppy home and then shortly after it began to cough and act sick. I'm not sure if they called the shelter or took the puppy right to a vet.

Around 4 or 5 p.m. Rita had called my cell and left me the voicemail saying that Flora was sick and that they thought it was distemper and that babysitting for Sunday was cancelled.

Another co-worker said they called Rita this weekend and that they could hear the puppy coughing in the background and that she sounded really sick. It was thru this other co-worker that I found out that they had taken the puppy to three different vets. She also said the shelter called Rita saying that two other puppies from the litter were sick and that they suspected distemper.

Wish I knew what all the symptoms are. :( :\ If Rita is in tomorrow I'll get an update. (Or I'll call her tonight)

All I know is Dave, Rita's husband will not take the puppy back to the shelter. They are doing everything they can to get Flora better.

01-12-2004, 10:06 AM
Oh how sad! :(

I'll certainly keep the pup in my prayers. I really hope she recovers.

01-12-2004, 03:00 PM
How heartbreaking, Kimmy:( Poor little Flora. She's so lucky to have such a committed forever family. All paws crossed and prayers being said for Flora and Rita.

01-12-2004, 03:14 PM
Sounds like Flora has found a wonderful and decicated forever family.
Pryaers on the way for everyone, I hope this little sweetie gets better soon.

01-12-2004, 04:04 PM
Kennel cough can look really bad in a puppy that young, so I'm still hoping that is all it is.

STRONG PRAYERS still coming for the sweet pup.

01-12-2004, 05:12 PM
I sure hope Flora and the other puppies will get well. They deserve a much better life and now they have their chance.

01-12-2004, 07:51 PM
I'm glad to hear they are doing everything they can for Flora.
I pray she gets better very soon.