View Full Version : Deja....

Sara luvs her Tinky
01-12-2004, 07:15 AM

You silly little hamster..

CONGRATULATIONS for being POTD!.. You are so very cute... and remind me of a scoop of vanilla icecream.. I hope you have a fun time celebrating your special day.. Hope you get lots of extra yummy treats!!:D

01-12-2004, 12:41 PM
How adorable you are! Well, maybe not QUITE so adorable in the middle of the night when you keep your human awake with BANG BANG BANG! I'm sure you are quickly forgiven though! Who could resist that face? Congratulations, sweetie, on being our special Pet of the Day today!:D

01-12-2004, 01:18 PM
Hi there sweet Deja! What a precious, spunky, spirited little girl you are! Sounds like you sure do keep your human on her toes. What a scamp!:D But who could resist you anything? You're absolutely adorable!!! I'll bet that wheel of yours is going to get a BIG workout tonight... you must be so proud and excited to be honored as our most precious Pet of the Day! Congratulations to you cutie hammie Deja! I hope you're treated to lots of extra treats today!:)

sasha the cat
01-12-2004, 07:49 PM
Mew, Hi sweet little fuzz ball, Déja. You are one cutiepie! And such a smart furkid too, trying to "escape" from your cage.

Me-eow, I'm surprised your fur~ent hasn't caught on:

When Déja climbs up the water bottle, lifts the screen cover with her cute nose -- then lets it fall -- it means: "Let me, Déja, Queen of the Palace out of this cage!"

Oh, well, I guess our humans aren't as bright we think :D :D :D

You, however, are one smart and very, very cute POTD!