View Full Version : My last week or so

Toby's my baby
01-01-2004, 10:33 AM
I just thought I would tell you guys some stuff. First of all welcome the new addition to the family a Betta Fish.

A few days ago cp was running around and got caught in a horse bridle, I couldnt get her out and she was "screaming" and my mom came running in and helped me get her out.

On monday we went to my grandmas house and we went to get some of our friends "dogs" to walk and I got a collie named Reba well anyway she has bad hind legs (that I didnt now about) well she kept laying down on the ground, I thought it was just because it was slippery so I would help her up and we would keep going well we walked about 3 miles from her house and she layed down and would not get up, so sara and I had to carry her back to my grandmas house and I put her on a sled and brought her back to her house. She is ok now, but will not be going on long walks for a while.

01-01-2004, 11:34 AM
Congrats on the Betta fish.
Did you take Reba to the vet?

01-01-2004, 01:50 PM
Congratulations on the new addition.

You should talk to your grandma about bringing Reba to the vet, you can probably get some medication for it.