View Full Version : 6 years from tomorrow.(pics)

12-24-2003, 11:11 AM
Sometime in this month, December, back in 1997 an Angel was born. My Angel.
It wasn't until November of 1998 that he came into our lives.

He was the only dog laying down in his kennel, just chilling as all of the other dogs, even his cage-mate were jumping all around barking. His cage-mate was a spotty-dog, a mix of some sort. We asked if we could take him out of his kennel so we could interact with him a bit. He never pulled once on the leash and he stopped when we stopped.

We got all of his information in the front office, and as my dad was filling it all out, I started to think of names. I was only in 5th grade mind you, so The first name that came to mind was Rudolph, as the lady said his birthday was sometime near Christmas.

We took him to Pets Mart to get the things we needed for him. All throughout the store, he never pulled once, he walked right by my side as people "Awwwww'd" at him. After Pets Mart, we brought him home.

When we got home, I brought him inside to meet my mother. I ask my mom what we should name him, she said "Outside damnit". I let him loose to sniff the house as I went outside to get his things from the truck. I heard my mother screaming so I ran inside. He bit her the first day we got him. I cried and cried thinking they'd make me take him back. We worked with them, although I think my mother was more afraid of him than he was of her. Everytime she heard his tags jingle on his collar she'd walk the otherway. He bit her a second time in the same week.

You'd never know now, that they had problems with each other in the beginning. She always calls her "Tinky Boy" to come to sleep with her. You say "Momma's home" and his ears perk up.

The only trick Simba knew was 'sit'. Now he knows tons, I sometimes forget what he knows when showing his tricks to people. Sit, Stay, Come, Down, Sit Pretty, Crawl, "Bang Bang", Turn, Balace a treat, Hold a treat, Paw, Other paw, High Five, Speak, "I Love You", oh and many more... There's honestly too many things to list that he can accomplish.

Simba came to me when it was almost time to go to "Big Ole Middle School". He's been with our family through many things and he's been with me through my "teenage years". I hope to be with him through his teenage years as well.

Simba isn't the most friendly dog in the world. He's very protective over our house, our truck, and us. After he gets to know you he's fine.

He loves his 'photoshoots' and the 'dances' my mother and I have with him in the living room. He actually used to have a 'club outfit' that my mom and I would put on him when we danced.

I honestly do not know what I do without him, and I really don't want to think about it. He's everything to me, and I'd sell anything with fortune that belongs to my family and I to make sure he was in the best care like we give him.

Simba has had to put of with some silly puppies, Honey and Nala, as they grew up. They're still growing, much much bigger than he is, especially Nala.

Sometimes I just sit or lay infront of where he is and stare into his eyes. I can tell he's truely happy and grateful for what we've been able to give him. I could stare into his gorgeous eyes forever. We just lay there staring at eachother and every now and then he'll lift his head and give me a 'kiss'.

I'm in tears right now, i'm not sure why. He fills my heart so much and I just can not put it into the right words... I don't think a million words would be enough to describe my love for him and how wonderful he is. Him and Nala are what make my day, everyday, and what make me smile. Simba is my baby boy, and will always be my baby boy. He's who I go to when I need to cry. He's who I go to when I need to smile. As i've said before, he's my never-ending box of tissues.

I love to stick my face into his fur. Even if he hasn't gotten a bath in a week or so, he has a special smell, a Simba smell, a smell probably only I could understand. I wish I never had to leave his side for a minute. If only he was able to come with me wherever I go.

I couldn't think of a more perfect dog than him. Even people who have said they hated dogs he's won their love from.

He's surely won my love, and he'll never lose it.

Happy Birthday, to my love, my life, my very special heart, my Angel; Simba.

Simba & Hpney's first Album together. (http://www.imagestation.com/album/?id=4291373201)

Simba being nice with Orion, the kitty. (http://www.imagestation.com/album/?id=4290659007)

Simba's Valentines photos (http://www.imagestation.com/album/?id=4290692007)

"Nelly" (Nala) & Simba (First day we got Nala) (http://www.imagestation.com/album/?id=4290559175)

Simba & Charlie (http://www.imagestation.com/album/pictures.html?id=4289855593)

Duke, Simba, Honey, & Nala (http://www.imagestation.com/album/?id=4288890895)

629 Pictures of Simba (http://www.imagestation.com/album/?id=4290358559)

12-24-2003, 11:20 AM
Kay, that was gorgeous...you are both very lucky to have found one another. I couldn't think of two people more deserving. :)

Happy Birthday handsome Simba, and I wish you many more to come. :)

12-24-2003, 11:25 AM
KayAnn that was just beautiful. You have captured so beautifully what all of us see in our pets, although you have put it down so much more eloquently than I ever could. Simba is a dear doggie and I feel like I know him from your stories and all of your pictures. I hope you and Simba have many, many, many, many more happy years together. Oh, and I had to laugh about the change in your mom. Another one smitten by Simba! LOL! Too funny!

12-24-2003, 11:31 AM
Kay Ann, what a beautiful tribute to your best friend. My eyes misted up hearing how you feel about him. My bf Richard says you only have one dog like that in your whole life - his was his Blue dog. He talks about him the same way.

How wonderful that you were able to find that kind of friend and that your family had the patience to stick it out to find out just how wonderful he could be.

Hats off to you both - Have a wonderful Christmas! I know it will be tough, but give the big guy a hug for me! :D

12-24-2003, 11:42 AM
I knew Simba's special day was coming up. :)

You guys are both so lucky to have eachother and it's obvious you two are both very happy. I wish you both many more happy years together. Happy 6th Birthday Simba! I feel very lucky to have "met" you. :)

ps - I know what you mean about a certain smell. Mickey gives off such a comforting smell (usually) :D

12-24-2003, 12:01 PM
Oh Kay, That was so sweet, to let us look deep inside your heart, and see what a truly big heart you have. I think this should be a tribute to you too. I love that you took the sweet little dog that stayed behind, while all the others were barking, Simba sounds like the perfect dog. Has to be, to give somebody so much love as he has given you, and the love that you have given him, is just priceless.

I once met a puppy like that too, stayed at the back of the pen, while all the others rushed forward to get a pat. I immediately fell in love with her too. She finally came to me and licked my finger, and became such a wonderful pet. It was like she was sad, and thought nobody wanted her, and I was drawn to her as you was to Simba.

Kay I loved your beautiful story, the love you and Simba share is special and like no other. You and Simba are bonded together like two souls glued to each other. You can see the love that Simba has for you, by the way he loves being your partner in your Photography, and you are partners, even more than partners. Best friends!

Again Kay Thank you for the beautiful story, and letting us inside you beautiful heart.


12-24-2003, 12:26 PM
Kay, that was beautiful. Simba is so lucky to have found you. :)

Happy 6th Birthday Simba! :)

12-24-2003, 01:01 PM
Your story was from the heart, and so beautiful.
A very Happy Birthday Simba, who's stories/pictures have
enriched all of our lives.

12-24-2003, 01:09 PM
KayAnn- I probably don't know how much you love Simba, but I can tell that you love him with your whole heart and then some. I am so happy that you two found each other, it was meant to be. You are going through the tough times together. That whole thing was beautiful, and I have always admired Simba. Happy sixth birthday, you handsome boy. You took great pictures Kay, and he looks like an angel in every single one that you take.

12-24-2003, 01:13 PM
I just found this picture as I am looking at some of your albums.:)

Just had to share.

Can you tell that Sim and Nala are loved?:)

12-24-2003, 01:21 PM
Oh Kay, that was touching...Happy Birthday Simba!

12-24-2003, 01:39 PM
Thank you Kay, for sharing your beautiful story, so well written and descriptive, I could see pictures in my mind as you told it. To two of the most photogenic pups around, and their loving, adoring Mom, Have a wonderful holiday.

12-24-2003, 02:49 PM
I'm in tears right now. I'm glad Sim found such a wonderful and loving owner..Happy 6th Birthday you gorgeous boy!

12-24-2003, 02:57 PM
Happy Birthday Simba..:D

that was a beautiful story, very touching, i had tears in my eyes while I was reading it. I also loved all the pics!

12-24-2003, 03:22 PM
Happy Birthday Simba dog - life-changing dog of a lifetime!

12-24-2003, 03:40 PM
Happy Birthday, Simba! I had no idea yours was around this time. And I have nothing for you :( I'll have to take your mama shopping at Petsmart. And KayAnn, I know exactly how you feel. You sure had me teary eyed. Duke is my Simba. He's my one special dog in my lifetime. This was a very special tribute to your furry soulmate.

12-24-2003, 05:17 PM
Aww, Kay, your beautiful tribute to Simba had me in tears too. He really is such a special gorgeous boy.

Happy 6th Birthday Dear Simba!:)

12-24-2003, 05:20 PM
What a beautiful tribute to your precious angel. Thank you so much for sharing all those wonderful pictures. I love the one with the little lizard on Simba's nose!!:D

12-24-2003, 06:05 PM
What a beautiful tribute to Simba. He is an awesome dog andI'm glad I had the chance to meet him and Nala both.

Happy Birthday Simba :)

12-24-2003, 09:04 PM
Simba says thank you for the Happy Birthday wishes!:cool:

12-25-2003, 07:07 AM
I sang Happy Birthday to him atleast 5 times since I've been up. ( I woke up at around 8) :p :p

12-25-2003, 07:31 AM
Good morning Sweet Kay,
Sing Simba a Happy Birthday from me too. Hope you woke up to find everything you wanted for Christmas under your tree. Of course, I know having Simba there was a big enough present, funny how that kind of present just keeps on giving the whole year. You never run out of the love from this special gift that was given to you 6 years ago. The roots of that gift of love just keeps growing deeper and deeper into your heart.

Merry Christmas Kay and Simba!!! and the rest of the guys!
Give Simba a Birthday hug and kiss from me and tell him I said thanks for making a young girls dreams come true.


12-25-2003, 08:06 AM
Hehe, we haven't opened gifts yet. My dad had to drive an hour to go get my grandparents and bring them back here (grandpa can't drive because of eyesight, grandma never learned)

Simba got a bit of my bacon, eggs, and raisen toast from my breakfast with his morning kibble. As well as some broken up milkbones and a broken up "Dogwhich". Not got some as well. Right now he's outside laying in the sun. I took lots of pictures already and i'm going to take more later, but right now I have to get ready for when my grandparents get here :)

12-25-2003, 05:31 PM
You'll have to sing again, for me!!!!

What a beautiful tribute you wrote for your angel--it had me in tears too--Kito is my heart doggie.
I hope Simba has had a wonderful day, as I'm sure he has!!!

Happy Birthday sweet Simba!!!
I have never met you, but I love you!!!

12-26-2003, 07:40 AM
Happy Birthday Simba!!

Buddy turned two yesterday (X-Mas Day)

I'm sure fun was had by all!!!!!

12-26-2003, 09:01 AM
Wow I am all watery eyed right now! What a beautiful story.
Happy Birthday! I hope you have a great Day!

12-27-2003, 06:57 AM
Thanks everyone! :) Simba gives you all kisses and tail wags.

12-27-2003, 08:54 AM
KayAnn, what a great tribute for Simba. He is a special pup indeed. Thanks for sharing with us!

Robin :)

12-27-2003, 09:37 PM
Thanks. :)

12-28-2003, 05:12 AM
Oh KayAnne and Simba!!!!!
Sorry I am a Bit late....
But let me say...That was such a Touching,Heartfelt Tribute that you wrote for Your Sweet Simba!!!!!
Not a Dry Eye in the House!!!!!!!
We All know how much you Love your Pups!!!!

But Please allow me to Wish Sweet Simba a Belated


Please Give him an Extra Hug & Treat
From his Other Florida Pet Talk Friends!!!

01-04-2004, 07:41 PM
Happy, Happy Birthday, sweet, sweet Simba!!! You're the best! I love you, Simba! Kay, you are so lucky you found eachother! Happy Belated Birthday, Simba.:)

Dixie Belle
01-04-2004, 08:03 PM
I'm late, but better late than never:


01-05-2004, 12:04 AM
Sorry I'm so late, Pumpkin, long boring story, computer problems, but your lovely, touching tribute to Simba was the first thing I read tonight.

Kay, you deserve mounds of kudos for all the awesome training you've done! Simba is one amazing boy with an amazing owner!

I felt every word you wrote and know exactly how you feel. Don't get me wrong...I love Logan...but there's not a day that goes by that I don't think of Cody. I can still cry at a drop of a hat. His personality was a lot like Simba's too. Maybe that's why I love Simba so much too!

I loved the photo of Simba in drag! How did you get a wig and clogs on him? So funny! My friend's hubby wore the same thing for Halloween but Simba looked better!!! :D :D ;)

Happy Birthday, sweet love! And many many many many more years of happiness, health, and fun!

01-05-2004, 09:50 AM
That was beautiful beyond words Kay. :)

Happy Birthday to adorable Simba! I feel lucky to have been able to meet him (and you and Nala!) :D

01-06-2004, 12:14 AM

You put into words some of what I feel towards my darling Captain and sweetheart Ruby .....

Happy Birthday SimBoy!