View Full Version : Funny Zipper story

12-17-2003, 11:56 AM
This morning, as usual, we fed Honey, Lilly and Zipper outdoors, and let Murphy have hers indoors. Murphy's bowl sits on a stool to make it easier for her to reach. Our waterbowl (for dogs and cats) sits right next to it. Well, apparently the food bowl tipped a bit this morning and there was food in the water bowl. After the other three were let back inside, I heard this "glub, glub, glub" sound, as if a kid were learning to blow bubbles under water. It was Zipper, diving for dog food in the water bowl!! His whole nose was covered with water!!!! :D :D :D

It was the funniest sound I have ever heard!!!! :)

12-17-2003, 12:07 PM
LOL! Funny zipper! Dogs are such funny creatures!:D

12-17-2003, 12:13 PM
There is just something about wet dog food that makes them want to go diving, or something like bobing for apples. LOL. How funny bobing for dog food!:D

12-17-2003, 12:27 PM
Exactly, Trayi, he was "bobbing" for dog food!!! It was the funniest thing I have ever heard/seen!! :) That boy has brought so much joy into our lives!!! :)

12-17-2003, 12:34 PM
Bobbing for kibble!:D:D:D

12-17-2003, 04:40 PM
How funny! Cute Zipper!

Reminds me of back in the summer, I put baby carrots in Malone's swimming pool, and he went diving for carrots ;) Blub blub blub :D

12-17-2003, 04:46 PM
How cute :D

I think I may have posted these before, but here is a shot from this summer of my boy "bobbing for his apple" lol.



*sigh* makes me miss summer...

12-17-2003, 04:53 PM
Zipper, you are a silly boy!

What would we do without our furkids to keep us amused?!?!

Robin :)

12-17-2003, 08:17 PM
HOW CUTE!! :D Silly Zipper. ;)

Daisy does that too! Over the summer I put baby carrots in her little swimming pool, and she would NOT stop until she got them all! :) And, whenever she gets a drink of water, she sticks her whole face in. :D

Must be something with those goldens....;)

12-18-2003, 12:08 PM
That is so cute Logan!!
I can just hear it glub, glub, glub!!!
I'm happy to read that Zipper has brought your family so much joy!!!

On an unrelated note, yesterday I was driving to work and I saw a woman walking her dog, and the dog looked exactly like your Murphy!!!!