View Full Version : ignorance in declawing

12-15-2003, 11:45 AM
I talked to my boyfriend's boss on their Christmas party and she totally ruined it for me. She was selling me leather furniture and I said , we can't have leather coz we have cats. I could not believe what I heard from her. She said , have them declawed. She used to have 2 cats that were both declawed. I tried to tell her that declawing is like amputation and that it is a painful surgery. But she insisted that it is not painful, she said the vet only takes off the claws(top part) and it does not hurt. I almost fainted when I heard her say that. Now, I'm not very well versed with the procedure since I am scared of reading about it, but I know that it is a very painful surgery. I even told my boyfriend about it. He said he tried to inform her about it but since she had 2 cats declawed, she probably thought she knows better. I felt like crying when I talked to her. I know she loved her cats. Both passed away of feline leukemia. They lived long and happy lives. I am just furious as to where the heck did she get her information. My only consolation is that she now is a dog person. I know she is good with her pets, it just hurts me to think that her vet misled her and now there is no way of telling her otherwise.