View Full Version : Lily and the christmas cookies...

12-14-2003, 05:37 AM
No, it's not that she ate them, it's even worse!

I have made some butter cookies for christmas and I had them in a bowl on a small table in the kitchen. Luckily, thanks to meowmie's greed when it comes to sweet things, there was only about a dozen left, because LILY THREW DOWN A LITTLE FLOWER POT from the microwave and the flower soil fell into the bowl with the cookies! Needless to say, they have been totally ruined. Also, the entire kitchen was in a terrible mess!

So on Friday, meowmie has spent half the day baking new cookies and cleaning the entire place. And now I'm very careful with the places I chose to store my christmas cookies. :)


12-14-2003, 06:53 AM
Dear Luna and Lily,
if your meowmie takes enough of real butter for these cookies then they should be yummy. I recommend you lick the surface of all of them. That's the best part of it. Your meowmie will be very grateful because I am sure you heard her saying " Oh I am eating too much of these cookies";) :p


12-14-2003, 07:05 AM
Lily, were you bored again? Silly little girl, ruining the rest of your mom's cookies.

Kirsten, you live and learn - and now you have fresh cookies, and a clean kitchen. :D

I haven't even started on mine. :rolleyes:

12-14-2003, 08:01 AM
Oh nawtee Lily-Girl, if you would have ever tasted those gorgeous Christmas Butter Cookies, you would never ever spoil them again with soil...
Nellie has once tasted one (and if I'd be mean I'd say, you can still see those cookie calories on her hips...heeheehee) and ever since we have to keep them away in boxes when she's around...

They are sooooo yummy and the butter makes them not only irresistible for humans, but also for cats...

12-14-2003, 08:08 AM
Yes, butter and vanilla, which makes them extra yummy... :)

To the Germans here: Have you ever used this new Dr. Oetker Vanille-Zucker with real vanilla? It's expensive but it's definitely worth its money! :)


12-14-2003, 09:04 AM
It's not new! It's the best:)

12-14-2003, 09:08 AM
It's not new? I never saw it before I saw the commercial. But it's great! :)


12-14-2003, 09:31 AM
I do hope the Dr.Oetker people will never find out what Lily has done to the cookies with "their Vanille Zucker"...maybe Lily thinks that there's still some improvement needed?!
:D :D :D
They would definetly not use Lily as their spokescat in commercials...;)

12-14-2003, 10:09 AM
OY VEY! Naw-tee Lilly! What cat's won;t do for a little attention.:rolleyes:

12-14-2003, 10:14 AM
Nawtee Lily! Yum, wouldn't that just taste good-- cookies and dirt.;)

12-14-2003, 10:55 AM
LOL! This reminds me of that Xmas joke someone posted a few days ago about the cost of Xmas thanks to the cats. I think the first one was about the cat falling into the cookie batter.

Oh, Lily! She's just trying to help and to learn how to cook. Naw-tee kitty .... dirt doesn't belong in cookies, but I guess you were just experimenting and trying to "enhance" your meowmie's cooking techniques, right? :D

12-14-2003, 11:08 AM
LOL! You silly Lily!! :D :D http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

Steffi N
12-14-2003, 06:49 PM
Silly Lily Girl :D Kirsten, I'm sure your cookies are absolutely delicious. :)

12-14-2003, 09:23 PM
Silly Lily, maybe you thought the dirt was cocoa?:D

12-14-2003, 11:36 PM
Silly Girl, se just wanted to make sure that you did not eat too many.:eek:

We keep all of our baking in tupperware, and actions like Lily's is the reason.:)

12-15-2003, 08:04 AM
Dr. Oetker. That name rings a bell! I think my mom used it when I was a child. :) I use vanilla beans and scrape it out, then mix with sugar. Yummy! I've only just bought a Bourbon vanilla bean today - using it for vanilla cookies or Ris a la mande. :D

Here's some info: http://www.vanilla.com/html/facts-extracts.html

and one more .....


12-15-2003, 08:25 AM
Lily say "Oops, did I do that?" hehehe