View Full Version : Leaving for Toronto tomorrow....

12-11-2003, 10:59 AM
for 'The Gathering of the Fellowship' (http://www.tolkiengathering.com/)!! :D It's a Lord of the Ring's convention.

Originally Andy, Jess, and I were going to see all three movies on Wednesday, but we're helping with a panel on Wednesday morning, so we're gonna catch FOTR on Monday and TTT and ROTK on Wednesday.

I'm so psyched! Craig Parker (who played Haldir) will be there as well as some other guests.

On Tuesday, they are having a Masqurade Ball and Banquet. I'm just going to wear one of my Rennaisance dresses and some elf ears Jess is making me.

She's going as Arwen.

Doesn't she look great? :D

She also makes a great Ringwraith..


or an Orc.

Scott of Kropserkel.com (http://www.kropserkel.com/) made the armor and helmet. It's his panel we'll be helping with. Jess is doing an demonstration on how to make elf ears.

Can you tell I'm geeked? lol!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
12-11-2003, 11:20 AM
I knew you were into the Star Wars thing, but I didn't know about this too! :D Sounds like you'll have a great time. Enjoy and be sure and bring lots of pics back! :D

12-11-2003, 02:54 PM
Pretty much anything where we can dress up in costumes, we're fans of. LOL!

Blue Dog
12-11-2003, 03:14 PM
Have fun in Toronto The Good...

You don't suppose that any of you are planning on crossing the border with all those costumes now do you?

Sure want to know how that is going to work out.

Whatever you do, have fun at the Tolkein love-in...

12-12-2003, 08:25 AM
Originally posted by Blue Dog
You don't suppose that any of you are planning on crossing the border with all those costumes now do you?

Sure want to know how that is going to work out.

But of course I plan to cross the border with my costumes. I just pack them up and away I go. LOL!

Besides, all those costumes in the pictures are made by a guy that lives in Toronto. So no worries there. :D