View Full Version : The Weird Things Dogs Do!

12-11-2003, 10:10 AM
Last night while watching TV My Boxer Max Desided that My Hanging House plant was a intruder. He barked at this plant for about a hour on and off. Maybe he saw a spirit up there!

What unusawal things do all of your pets do????

Ragen D

12-11-2003, 10:11 AM
Opps sorry about the picture as a .gif here it is as a .jpg

12-11-2003, 10:48 AM
That is such a cute picture! They look so sweet.:)

I sometimes think that dogs can feel the presents of spirts. I don't want to believe my dog barks at nothing.LOL!

Dogs are very mysterious creatures.

12-11-2003, 01:13 PM
My Swiss Mountain Dog barks at anything unusual. This breed is known for it. They even showed a clip on Animal Planet on Breed All About it about where the owners placed a garbage can in the middle of their yard, and it was not usually there, so the Swissie barked and barked at it, like it was an intruder!

My Dale does the same thing. He once barked at my dust pan and brush in the hallway, b/c it was not usually there, and he was making it known to me! hehe!

He barks at empty milk cartons that have blown out of my recycling container in the my back yard...he will just stand there and bark at it!!

He is a funny doggie and i get ALOT of laughs from him!!

Your pups are sooo cute :)