View Full Version : How often do you bathe your dog/s?

12-08-2003, 09:03 PM
Just wondering, how often do you bathe your dog/s?

I try to give mine a bath about once a month, sometimes sooner depending if they need it. :p

12-08-2003, 09:07 PM
I bathe my dogs once a month as well. Some times sooner though. It depends on what I feel like when I get to work, LOL

12-08-2003, 09:10 PM
I try to give them one once a week, or once every other week.

12-08-2003, 09:14 PM
2-3 times a year. unless its absolutly needed. the little dogs will not get dirty, and acy like a puddle is the end of the world, but border collies are farm dogs, they are allowed to be dirty lol, there coats are designed to handle dirt, they get muddy it dries and and falls off and they look like they are shiney clean from a bath :p besides dogs have nateral oils in there coats and too many baths will destroy the protective oils, and give them a bad coat, 2-3 times a year is lots. ;)

12-08-2003, 09:17 PM
Originally posted by cali
besides dogs have nateral oils in there coats and too many baths will destroy the protective oils, and give them a bad coat, 2-3 times a year is lots. ;)

Yep, I know. :) That's why I'm careful how often I bathe Molly, since bathing her too much ruins that Collie coat.

12-08-2003, 09:20 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
I try to give them one once a week, or once every other week.

Yep, same here.

Chester has allergies and so he has a special shampoo and Millie just has bad B.O.:rolleyes:

Aneko goes to the groomer every three weeks.

12-08-2003, 09:21 PM
Simba & Nala's coats are beautiful -- Is that just for long-haired dogs?

I can't stand the thought of not giving a dog a bath atleast once a month. :eek:

Speaking of baths, my mom's co-worker called me today to "schedual" a grooming session for his dog with me. :p

12-08-2003, 09:23 PM
If it was my choice, my dogs would get bathed whenever I feel the need arises. But I'm not allowed. :( After I move out I will be able to bathe my new dog whenever I want. :)

besides dogs have nateral oils in there coats and too many baths will destroy the protective oils, and give them a bad coat, 2-3 times a year is lots.
I was watching that Hagen's pet show, and it said that a dog shouldn't need a bath more than twice a year, and if it does, then it should not exceed more than once a month because you could seriously dry out a dog's skin (unless used with oatmeal or anti-itch shampoo), making it itchy, or ruin a dog's fur, making it dry and unmanagable. :)

12-08-2003, 09:25 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
Simba & Nala's coats are beautiful -- Is that just for long-haired dogs?

Not sure on that one, I've never really owned any short haired breeds. :p

12-08-2003, 09:25 PM
I have no idea. When I pat Dusty's butt, and dust flies, it's time for a bath. :D

Teddy gets groomed at the groomers every 3 weeks and Dusty and Roxy go there about twice a year.

12-08-2003, 09:25 PM
My dogs must be odd then, because their coats are shiny, soft, and their skin isn't dry. :p

Everyone always comments on their fur and how nice it looks. :p

12-08-2003, 09:28 PM
Cincy gets baths the most often (every couple weeks) because she has allergies and startches scratching alot if she doesn't

Spot gets a bath about once a month cause that is about all the longer he can go without rolling something stinky.

Sadie only get s few baths a year. She is always so shiny and even when she gets dirty is wipes right off her. As luck would have it, she is themost willing to be bathed....

12-08-2003, 09:50 PM
Oh boy the great bathing debate. LOL
Honestly before I started working at a dog groomer's I thought that dogs didn't really need that many baths. I too had read that bathing strips a dog's coat of it's natural oils, and I too believe that Emily was clean just fromme brushing her.
However now that I know what it's like to have nice clean dogs I don't even know how I could have stood petting Emily. I can't stand to pet her or Clipse if she goes longer than a month without a bath. They just feel gross.
Dog shampoos are formulated for a dog's skin. They don't dry a dog's skin out, especially if followed with a good conditioner.
We (as humans) wash our hair way more than once a week and we're just fine. We also produce natural oils from our scalps.
At work we have a few dogs that come once a week for baths and their skin and coats look great. (They are all wheatens btw.)
Kfamr, I'm glad you bath Simba and Nala so frequently, their coats look great from you pics. I find that it's mostly people with short haired dogs that don't believe their dogs need baths. But to me short haired dogs (such as labs, dobes, boxers etc) seem to get oily quickly and oil attracts dirt. It gross it you feel you have to wash your hands after petting your dogs.
Sorry if this comes off too strongly.

12-08-2003, 09:51 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
My dogs must be odd then, because their coats are shiny, soft, and their skin isn't dry. :p

Everyone always comments on their fur and how nice it looks. :p

Mine too, KayAnn. Maybe it's different for the short haired breeds?

12-08-2003, 09:55 PM
Originally posted by Shelteez2

Dog shampoos are formulated for a dog's skin. They don't dry a dog's skin out, especially if followed with a good conditioner.
We (as humans) wash our hair way more than once a week and we're just fine. We also produce natural oils from our scalps.
The only shampoos I've used have made Timber's skin and fur really greasy lol. I think she's just weird. ;) I wash the shampoo out really well, and the hose is high-power...

Most dogs don't produce natural oils from their skin. The only breeds that can do that are labs, goldens, chessies, flat coats, tollers, and curly coats.

Samantha Puppy
12-08-2003, 09:57 PM
I've washed Samantha about 4 times in the 15 months I've had her. However, I just made her very first official grooming appointment for December 20th so she can look pretty for Christmas. :)

12-08-2003, 10:03 PM
Originally posted by wolfsoul
Most dogs don't produce natural oils from their skin. The only breeds that can do that are labs, goldens, chessies, flat coats, tollers, and curly coats.

Then how do you explain the constantly greasy dogs that I see at work. Yorkies, shih tzus and shih tzu crosses being the worst.

12-08-2003, 11:03 PM
The entire bathing debate boils down to this - matching the Ph of the shampoo with the Ph of the skin and hair. Humans and dogs do not have the same Ph. Therefore, you should never use human shampoo on a dog. Professional grooming shampoo is Ph formulated to match the canine Ph. You could wash a dog every week - or theoretically every day - with a properly Ph balanced shampoo and it would be fine. If you use human shampoo, baby shampoo, or cheap dog shampoo from Walmart or the grocery store ... you are stripping away the oils from your dogs coat faster than it can replenish them. Therefore, dry skin and coat. Done properly, you can bathe your dog as often as you want. I groom many, many dogs that come in every week, every two weeks, every three weeks for baths. Their coats are beautiful.

My dogs get baths whenever (a) they start to get stinky and (b) I feel ambitious enough to wash all ten of them. These things generally coincide about once a month. :)

ALL dogs have oil glands. ALL dogs produce natural oils in their skin. People have sweat glands that use water from their bodies to detoxify and control body heat; dogs and cats have oil glands that exude oil for the same purposes. Each primary (guard) hair of the coat has an associated oil gland. Many dogs grow more than one type of fibre in their coats, the softer, finer fibres are known as secondary (undercoat) fibres and may not have an associated oil gland. Demodex (mange) in a dog is caused by tiny, cigar-shaped, eight-legged mites that actually reside and feed in the hair follicle and oil glands of the skin.

12-08-2003, 11:09 PM
I bathe Keegan every 2-4 weeks. I just seem to know when its time, b/c her coat starts to feel funny. Kylie and Keegan just got baths today. When it is really hot out, I do bathe Keegan outside. Tho she doesn't like it at all, and I am not sure if it is more work INSIDE or OUTSIDE. But it saves on my bathroom drain.
I had my greyhound for 2 years and only bathed her twice. And I got all sorts of compliments on her coat and how soft she was.
A groomer explained it to me once that the reason why the little breeds like Yorkies get greasy is that their hair is a lot like ours, so it needs to be taken care of like our's. I don't know about the other breeds, that's just what she told me about yorkies.
Jordan, maybe, (only maybe) that the reason the soap left Timber greasy is if you bathed her outside maybe the cold water from the hose doesn't cut thru the natural grease and soap from her thick coat. I know that from pics, her fur is very very thick. Kinda like if your hair hadn't been washed for awhile and you tried to wash it with cold water. Not accusing you of anything. Just an idea. :eek: Maybe the next time, you can fill a bucket with warm water and rinse her with it as a final rinse. All tho I understand that it would be difficult without help, if she won't stand still. Maybe a friend could help. If you already do do this then I apologize, it was just a thought that ran thru my head! :eek:

12-08-2003, 11:47 PM
i have only bathed Tikeya once befor in her life, and that was when she rolled in a dead fish :rolleyes: lol. I didnt even wash her whole body only the smelly parts of her lol. baby gets bathed 1 every month to keep her coat nice, Oscar always gets dirty so he gets bathed more often :)

12-08-2003, 11:54 PM
My boys get one every month or so. Kai could easily go on for more than 2 months without looking like he needs a bath but I try to give it every month or so because after 3 months of not bathing him, the water is FILTHY. I don't worry too much about the oils though. After feeding them regular weekly eggs, I've noticed that their coat comes right back to shiny and healthy looking.

12-08-2003, 11:55 PM
I use to bathe Disney about every two to three weeks but then she began having severe skin allergies a few years ago and I started bathing her about every 6 weeks unless she gets really stinky.

Bless her heart, I must have bathed her over a dozen times when she was sprayed by the skunk back in Sept.

Miss Meow
12-09-2003, 02:20 AM
Our vet said to bathe the German Stink Hounds no more than once a month, but they get that doggy smell after about two weeks without one! :eek:

I rub a little olive oil through their coats after bath time and give them oily fish each week. I haven't tried eggs yet, must give it a go :)

12-09-2003, 06:56 AM
I've been bathing Duke once a week with some shampoo made for dry skin. But, he's still itching like crazy and I can't feed him the fish or anything similar all the time because of that pancreaitis that he had. If I don't bathe him often, he feels all dirty and is still itching. I've just started giving him Benadryl but it makes him so sleepy that I just give it to him at night. Anyone have any suggestions?

12-09-2003, 07:39 AM
I probably don't bathe mine often enough if the truth be known. :o

We do brush them frequently and I will say they get bathed a lot more in the summertime. I used to take Honey and Lilly to the Groomers maybe 2-3 times per year for a good bath and grooming, but with 4, my budget won't allow for that luxury anymore.

I woke up this morning wishing for a hot water connection outside so that I could bathe them before Christmas. I can't stand the thought of having to put them in the bathtub to do it! One day, I hope to have a "bathing station" outside that I can use year round. :) Then I'd probably try to bathe them at least every six weeks or so.

12-09-2003, 07:42 AM
Drake gets bathed once a month. He has gone without a bath once or twice for 2-3 months and he was fine. His coat was shiny and he never starts smelling unless he has rolled around in something stinky! He gets bathed in an oatmeal shampoo and then conditioner that I bought a groomers. I used to let him air dry but I have blow dried him the last 3 times. He gets brushed everyday (big shedder). His coat looks and feels great!

12-09-2003, 09:13 AM
I only bathe them when they need it.

In the summer time, I always give them a bath after we've been walking in the river!!!

12-09-2003, 09:59 AM
Originally posted by Shelteez2
Then how do you explain the constantly greasy dogs that I see at work. Yorkies, shih tzus and shih tzu crosses being the worst.
I don't know lol. But the retrievers are the only breeds that can produce natural oils from the skin.

12-09-2003, 10:26 AM
Piddle and Wiggles get bathed once a month at the groomers, and Jasper will probably get bathed once a month or once every 6 weeks

12-09-2003, 12:00 PM
Emma needs one!! Sully gets one about every month. He goes to Salty Dogs Grooming and boarding. (also gets boarded there) Emma isn't old enough to go there, so we wash her in the bath tub. :p

12-09-2003, 06:52 PM
Originally posted by dukedogsmom
I've been bathing Duke once a week with some shampoo made for dry skin. But, he's still itching like crazy and I can't feed him the fish or anything similar all the time because of that pancreaitis that he had. If I don't bathe him often, he feels all dirty and is still itching. I've just started giving him Benadryl but it makes him so sleepy that I just give it to him at night. Anyone have any suggestions?

Cincy is also a very itchy dog. We give her Benadryl at night (2 25mg tablets, vet said we could go up to 3, 2X a day). She also gets 3V vitamins and Biotin on her food (I don't know if you could give Duke either of those with his health). We also bathe her with an oatmeal andbaking soda dog shampoo. It all does help her, although the winters up here are so dry she itches now anyway. The only next step I can think of is allergy testing, and I'm not sure I want to put her through that :(

12-09-2003, 07:07 PM
For anyone with allergies, we've had great sucess with Relief shampoo. Here's a link to it from Petsmart: http://www.petsmart.com/products/product%5F38395.shtml (http://)

12-10-2003, 12:36 AM
Every book/website about siberian huskies say they need to be bathed every 6 months at the most...sure, they don't have a doggy odor and a relatively clean dogs...

However, I would go absolutely *INSANE* if I only bathed Nebo every 6 months!

I bath him approximately every 2 months. In between I also have little grooming sessions...I take him to work and blow out his coat and brush him/clip nails/clean ears/etc.

He never feels gross or smells, but there's a DRASTIC difference in his coat after a bath. He is just sooooooo soft and shiney. The last time he was bathed was the end of October. I'm planning on his next bath being Christmas Eve. I took him to work a couple of weeks ago to brush him/blow out his coat...I couldn't believe how dirty he was. After I used the dryer on him the whole wall as well as the end of the dryer and his head were just covered in dust!

2 months is pretty often for a siberian husky. I always bath him with Oatmeal shampoo and lots of conditioner...I let it sit on him to soak for about 10 minutes. He has a gorgeous coat and never has dandruff. It doesn't ever feel dry or greasy.

What's funny is everyone comments on how short/thin his coat is. Well, his parents didn't have extra short coats, actually quite thick. I think this is mainly because he is groomed often and lives inside. I don't know how many people have asked me if I shave him...lol

Anyway, I don't think it's a problem to bath a dog fairly often as long as you use high quality (dog) shampoo and keep a good eye on their coat. For a coat that feels dry I'd recommend
Espree Luxury Re-moisturizer (http://www.espree.com/petcare/treatment/luxremoist.html). It's the conditioner I use on Nebo, and I love the way it makes him feel. Just be warned, it takes forever to fully rinse out.

Oh, and Reggie gets a bath every 2 months or so also...whenever I feel like grooming him. I always shave him very short so it doesn't need to be done often (he's a brat when I take him). I usually bath him in between though because he has a tendency to get really stinky. Smokey doesn't get baths/groomed often because I don't dare take him to work (age, illness, etc.) and he's not easy *at all* to groom at home.

12-10-2003, 12:39 AM
tikeya has only ben bathed oce and she nver smels ofanything. if I were to bath her more, I would only bath her in the summer and when she rolled in somthing.

12-10-2003, 01:35 AM
I have to wonder if you don't think that Tikeya smells b/c you are around her so much. If she has only had one bath in her lifetime, then she probably has to have some kind of odor. When I was a kid our outside dog at LEAST got a bath once a year.
I only say this b/c I had someone suggest to me that maybe I don't smell a kitty litter box odor on my clothes is b/c I am around it so much. But I have asked several people and they told me I don't smell like cat pee, so that's good!!!:eek: Kinda like being around a smoker so much, and then when you aren't around them, it is such a difference.
Please don't accuse me of saying that Tikeya smells, b/c I am not doing that b/c I have no idea if she does or not as I have never seen her. Just trying to let you see the 'other side of the pic'.

12-10-2003, 10:08 AM
She's right, Tikeya doesn't smell at all. :) Huskies don't have a doggy odor. But that doesn't mean she can't get dirty. I know a husky down the road who doesn't smell at all, but when you're done petting her your hand is black! :eek:

12-10-2003, 10:11 AM
Amy, I've never seen another Husky like Nebo though, lol. He's the cleanest, most well groomed Husky I ever saw.
I like his coat short/thin -- I think it looks much better than long coats.

12-10-2003, 10:16 AM
Originally posted by wolf_Q

What's funny is everyone comments on how short/thin his coat is. Well, his parents didn't have extra short coats, actually quite thick. I think this is mainly because he is groomed often and lives inside. I don't know how many people have asked me if I shave him...lol

Timber's husky friend has even shorter fur! It's so thin, especially in the summer months. Her owner refers to her as a ugly mangy dog in the summer lol. :o It isn't very soft either. I worried about her health because it never seemed to be that way until after she had her puppies, but it's been almost a year.

12-10-2003, 06:33 PM
we bathe katie every month or sooner.

12-10-2003, 09:00 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
Amy, I've never seen another Husky like Nebo though, lol. He's the cleanest, most well groomed Husky I ever saw.
I like his coat short/thin -- I think it looks much better than long coats.

that was kinda insulting toward my sibe.. :(:( you dont think she looks good because she doesnt have a short coat like Nebo?? :(:(:(. i have asked many ppl if Tikeya smells, and noone thinks she does, and she has the softest hair!! i brush her 5 times a week and she still sheds, Amy is a dog groomer so she can take him to get groomed all the time, I cant because they treat dogs like crap at the groomers here.. Tikeya is a inside dog just like nebo.

12-10-2003, 09:04 PM
Originally posted by tikeyas_mom
that was kinda insulting toward my sibe.. :(:( you dont think she looks good because she doesnt have a short coat like Nebo?? :(:(:(. i have asked many ppl if Tikeya smells, and noone thinks she does, and she has the softest hair!! i brush her 5 times a week and she still sheds, Amy is a dog groomer so she can take him to get groomed all the time, I cant because they treat dogs like crap at the groomers here.. Tikeya is a inside dog just like nebo.

Ummm...I don't think Kay meant to be insulting? :confused: I believe she met Nebo in real life, which is why she says he is the most well groomed, beautiful, etc...husky she's seen.

12-10-2003, 09:05 PM
I never said that, now did I? :rolleyes:

12-10-2003, 09:10 PM
Originally posted by GoldenRetrLuver
Ummm...I don't think Kay meant to be insulting? :confused: I believe she met Nebo in real life, which is why she says he is the most well groomed, beautiful, etc...husky she's seen.

ok I thought she ment on pet talk.. :o:o.. i just took it the wrong way. sry

12-10-2003, 09:15 PM
Even if I hadn't met him, he'd be the most gorgeous Husky i've ever seen. Just look at him.

But, I never said anything that was insulting or against your dog.:rolleyes:

12-10-2003, 09:17 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
Even if I hadn't met him, he'd be the most gorgeous Husky i've ever seen. Just look at him.

But, I never said anything that was insulting or against your dog.:rolleyes:

ok.. well I think tikeya and anna, and roxey are pretty siberian huskies too, and Nebo is just as nice.

12-10-2003, 09:18 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
Even if I hadn't met him, he'd be the most gorgeous Husky i've ever seen. Just look at him.

But, I never said anything that was insulting or against your dog.:rolleyes:

i just took it that way ok. geeze i said sorry.

12-10-2003, 09:18 PM
BTW, since this is about bathing your dogs -- I just gave Sim & Nala their bath this week. I didn't give them one last week because it was *too cold*. Even today it got a little chilly so they're both wearing their sweaters that Amy sent us. :):D

12-10-2003, 09:20 PM
Originally posted by tikeyas_mom
ok.. well I think tikeya and anna, and roxey are pretty siberian huskies too, and Nebo is just as nice.

Ok, and I never said they weren't.

Roxey is def. another gorgeous Sibe that i've got the pleasure to meet. Anna as well, but I think I perfer the one with the shorter hair like Roxey and Nebo. I'm not sure why they even have shorter hair, but I like it. :)

12-10-2003, 09:22 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
Ok, and I never said they weren't.

Roxey is def. another gorgeous Sibe that i've got the pleasure to meet. Anna as well, but I think I perfer the one with the shorter hair like Roxey and Nebo. I'm not sure why they even have shorter hair, but I like it. :)
they are all beautiful dogs, to me. I like the fluffier huskies like anna and tikeya, but Nebo and roxey as soo beautiful too. I love all huskies I could never pick on over the other ;).

12-10-2003, 09:22 PM

Daisy and Molly had a bath yesterday. :) Now they're all nice and fluffy. :D

12-10-2003, 09:24 PM
Originally posted by tikeyas_mom
roxey is deaf?? i didnt know that!!! hum. Well she is still a beautiful dog :).

No lol "def" is an abbreviation for definatley. :p

12-10-2003, 09:24 PM
Originally posted by tikeyas_mom
roxey is deaf?? i didnt know that!!! hum. Well she is still a beautiful dog :).

Uhhhh.... I never said that either. Where the heck is this stuff coming from?:rolleyes: :confused: :confused:

12-10-2003, 09:26 PM
Originally posted by GoldenRetrLuver
No lol "def" is an abbreviation for definatley. :p

oo hahahaa i read that wrong.. I didnt mean to put words into your mouth kay, lol i read def, as deaf. lol

12-10-2003, 10:31 PM
Originally posted by wolfsoul
I don't know lol. But the retrievers are the only breeds that can produce natural oils from the skin.

That is absolutely not true, sorry. Did you read my post above? ALL dogs produce natural oil, all the time.

12-10-2003, 10:34 PM
Originally posted by Twisterdog
ALL dogs produce natural oil, all the time.
All dogs collect oil, not all dogs produce it.

Look here: http://home.att.net/~wdcusick/ChesapeakeBayRetriever.html

The fact that it naturally produces these oils (only one of six breeds that does)

12-10-2003, 11:09 PM
I probably give Leo a bath about 4X a year. I brush him at least 5 times a week. Everyone comments on how beautiful his coat is. I think the quality of his food, the fact that I brush him a great deal and the oatmeal shampoo (which is more expensive than the stuff I use BTW :)) all contribute to his beautiful coat. I have to admit that living in a cold climate area - I am a bit reluctant to bathe him that often. I am more concerned with him getting cold than drying out his coat.

Penny Lane has had about 4 baths since I adopted her last May. Three of which were in the first month because of the awful skunk smell that she came with. :o I don't brush her as often as I do Leo because she has shorter hair and she doesn't like it as much. Leo just melts when I brush him. Penny gets brushed about once a week.

I'm not really sure if my dogs have a doggie smell that I have become accustomed to. All of my friends have dogs as well and don't smell it any more than I do. :)

12-10-2003, 11:13 PM
Each follicle has an oil or sebaceous gland to keep skin and hair smooth and elastic. Dog breeds developed to work in water generally have a high oil content in their coat so that water runs of the guard hairs and does not penetrate to the skin.

Taken from Canine Fur (http://www.canismajor.com/dog/fur.html#Name)

12-10-2003, 11:24 PM
i wish i woudl have bathed tikeya more but my parents wouldent let me because she hates the water and my dad is affraid that she will get dry skin from getting wet

12-11-2003, 12:04 PM
Just b/c she doesn't smell doesn't mean she isn't dirty.
I understand you can't do anything without your parents permission. But if you use the proper shampoo/conditioner and not really hot water (which I know you wouldn't anyway -use too hot water- not accusing you of anything) she won't get dry skin. Especially if you use the oatmeal and baking shampoo or shampoo for dry skin.
But you have do what you have to do.
My sister has a lab/springer mix that she doesn't bathe near as often as I bathe Keegan, and so when you pet him the hair FLIES.
Keegan b/c I keep her brushed and bathed isn't like that. When I leave their house, I just want to take a bath b/c I have dirty dog hair allllllllllllll over me. And of course Scooby loves his Aunt Stac soooo he tries to be in my lap all the time.

12-11-2003, 12:09 PM
my parents think that if i dont dry all the water out fully from tikeyas undercoat she will get dry skin from the trapped water.

12-11-2003, 12:33 PM
Originally posted by tikeyas_mom
my parents think that if i dont dry all the water out fully from tikeyas undercoat she will get dry skin from the trapped water.

That is very very true, that is why you rinse rinse rinse and when in doubt rinse some more! It is probably easier for you to use the high pressure of an outside hose and just when you think its rinsed enough rinse some more. Then follow with a bucket of warm water. :)
No offense intended!

12-11-2003, 01:46 PM
They won't let you give the dog a bath? My parents would kill me if I didn't, or they'd do it themselves.

No offense intended!

Lol, that's really sad when you have to say that. :o

12-11-2003, 01:56 PM
Originally posted by shais_mom
That is very very true, that is why you rinse rinse rinse and when in doubt rinse some more! It is probably easier for you to use the high pressure of an outside hose and just when you think its rinsed enough rinse some more. Then follow with a bucket of warm water. :)
No offense intended!

how was that offencive:confused:.. whatever. My dad doesnt want tikeya to get dry skin from trapped water, we dont have a high pressure dryer, all we have it towels. it is really hard to get the soap into tikeyas under coat, it is very thick. and it is even harder to rince out. I cant and wont take her outside to high pressure sprey her with the hose because it is like freezing outside considering it is winter.

12-12-2003, 12:39 AM
I just added that at the end b/c I didn't want anything I said to be taken out of context, and you to be offended. I didn't mean to say anything offensive so I just wanted that to come across. Sometimes things I say get blown out of proportion and I didn't mean or want that to happen with this post. I didn't want you to think that I was accusing of you of not rinsing Tikeya etc.

12-12-2003, 12:44 AM
My dad doesnt want tikeya to get dry skin from trapped water, we dont have a high pressure dryer, all we have it towels. it is really hard to get the soap into tikeyas under coat, it is very thick. and it is even harder to rince out. I cant and wont take her outside to high pressure sprey her with the hose because it is like freezing outside considering it is winter.

Bathing a husky at home would be a very hard job...without the proper equipment it would be quite difficult to wash the coat out entirely and dry them. Plus getting her wet without brushing out the stuck areas of undercoat will just make it matt up.

I know you said you didn't like the groomers around you, but have you looked at *all* of them? It may be a good thing to consider...just to get some of that undercoat that's stuck in there brushed out and they would be able to really get in deep and wash her coat.

12-12-2003, 01:20 AM
Originally posted by wolfsoul
All dogs collect oil, not all dogs produce it.

Look here: http://home.att.net/~wdcusick/ChesapeakeBayRetriever.html

LOL ... no, all dogs produce oil. Honestly. They do. Every single dog in the world produces oil from oil glands in its skin. Really. Ask your vet.

Ever wondered how the new flea and tick products like Frontline and Advantage, etc. can work for months, and not be washed off? Fipronil, the active ingredient in all FRONTLINE Brand Products, is stored under your pet's skin in their oil glands. Because of this, FRONTLINE doesn't rinse off, even with repeated bathing. If only six breeds of dogs had oil glands, like you propose ... then Frontline and Advantage would only work on six breeds of sporting dogs, right? Not the case.

Ever wonder how a dog can have mange, and never be cured, despite every cream, powder, dip and spray known to man? Because the mites that cause mange live in the dog's oil glands. If only six breeds of dogs had oil glands, like you propose ... then only six breeds of sporting dogs could get mange, right? Not the case.




And this site ... "What to feed a Whatever" ... hmmmmmm. For one thing, this is a VERY biased and political website. Look at the homepage: http://home.att.net/~wdcusick/main.html. For another thing, he says almost exactly the same thing on EVERY breed's diet page. ANYone can say ANYthing on the internet, it doesn't make it a fact.

12-12-2003, 09:47 AM
Originally posted by wolf_Q
Bathing a husky at home would be a very hard job...without the proper equipment it would be quite difficult to wash the coat out entirely and dry them. Plus getting her wet without brushing out the stuck areas of undercoat will just make it matt up.

I know you said you didn't like the groomers around you, but have you looked at *all* of them? It may be a good thing to consider...just to get some of that undercoat that's stuck in there brushed out and they would be able to really get in deep and wash her coat.

we have been to every one of the groomers aournd me area for oscar and they are all mean :(:(.

12-12-2003, 09:48 AM
Originally posted by shais_mom
I just added that at the end b/c I didn't want anything I said to be taken out of context, and you to be offended. I didn't mean to say anything offensive so I just wanted that to come across. Sometimes things I say get blown out of proportion and I didn't mean or want that to happen with this post. I didn't want you to think that I was accusing of you of not rinsing Tikeya etc. dont worrie i didnt take it offensivly :)

12-12-2003, 10:25 AM

Mine all get baths at the same time, around every 2 months.
Kito never needs one--his fur always looks great, he doesn't have a doggy odor, and he's so prissy outside that he never gets dirty. The only things he likes to roll in are my clean towel after my bath, and my clothes and shoes.
Abbey should have more, probably once a month, but it's very hard--I would rather just do them all together. She gets that beagle smell sometimes, but her hair still looks good. I know she's ready when her hair isn't as soft as it is when I bathe her.
Riley never gets dirty or smells either, but he gets the same treatment.
Jada has had 2 baths since she's been with us--the first was to get that awful kennel smell off of her, and another with the rest of the crew. I even put her in my tub:eek: :eek:

12-12-2003, 12:16 PM
Originally posted by tikeyas_mom
dont worrie i didnt take it offensivly :)


12-12-2003, 10:15 PM
Originally posted by lovemyshiba
Kito never needs one--his fur always looks great, he doesn't have a doggy odor, and he's so prissy outside that he never gets dirty.

My Keito is exactly the same way!!! :eek:

12-13-2003, 01:04 AM
Originally posted by lovemyshiba:
Kito never needs one--his fur always looks great, he doesn't have a doggy odor, and he's so prissy outside that he never gets dirty.

Same as Tikeya :p except she rolls in fish when there is a dead one around lmao, which isnt often :p

12-16-2003, 08:37 PM
Wow - there are a lot of responses to this one!

I bathe my dogs about every 6 months. That just happens to be how often they start to stink. I figure if they don't stink, then they don't need a bath. But I brush Jake frequently (every 2 days or so). If I don't brush him he gets stinky a lot sooner.

I think I'd do it more often if they didn't play "crazy dog" after their baths. They run around like they're insane, rubbing on everything. So after I wash the dogs I have to wash the walls!

12-16-2003, 08:39 PM
Awww! I love when they play "Crazy Dog" after baths, so much fun!:D

12-16-2003, 08:46 PM
Originally posted by stacwase
I think I'd do it more often if they didn't play "crazy dog" after their baths. They run around like they're insane, rubbing on everything. So after I wash the dogs I have to wash the walls!

LOL! I have the queen of "crazy bath". ;)
Molly goes NUTS when I finish washing her and let her go. She'll make growling sounds, or even sound like she's being tortured. :rolleyes: She rubs against trees, bushes, grass, anything. :p

Daisy also chases her while she does this. :p

12-16-2003, 09:02 PM
lol, Katie is just like that. After I get her out of the tub she starts to roll on the floor, and she makes little grunty noises. Its too funny! And she runs around and round the coffee table. She is such a goof:p

My favorite picture of Katie in the bathtub!!
http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid85/p7d3ca36f80d884552f52a693e8a075cb/fac5c919.jpg :p