View Full Version : Eating the tree...

12-07-2003, 10:12 PM
You'd think I'd know this, but I forget. Is it bad for them to eat the tree? Physically?

I'm not letting them do it, but Olivia just threw up two, inch long branches and we didn't see her near the tree. The tree is fresh and the "needles" are soft, not pointy. Its a nobel fir.

She just threw up again, no branches/needles this time and seems all better now. Think she's OK??

12-07-2003, 11:34 PM
I wish I had an answer, but I went out to look on the sites that list toxic and non toxic. I could not find pine or fir.:eek:

If Olivia does not throw up anymore, I would say let it pass for tonight and then call the vet in the morning.

I am just full of help.:eek::)

Ok, I completely forgot that you work at a vet.:o

12-07-2003, 11:50 PM
Kelly, she should be okay but I'd keep an eye on her just to make sure. Maybe you can ask your boss about it since he's a vet. This is another reason why I don't put up Christmas trees anymore.